
I ‘really’ don’t understand this one, but…

It IS Michigan…

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) issued an executive order Wednesday that reorganizes the Michigan Department of Education and forms a new agency dedicated entirely to “lifelong learning.”

The newly established Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential will work with the Michigan Department of Education and state Board of Education and is charged with facilitating access to various programs, including child care, after-school programming, and “affordable education” for adults.

Full article, HERE from the Washington Examiner.

I guess she’s planning on expanding the bureaucracy to ‘lessen’ the impact of the failed MDoE policies, and kowtowing to the teachers union???

I don’t have a clue on this one…

I’m on the road today, so I won’t be on the net until much later today.


What… — 14 Comments

  1. Nobody around here has mentioned it that I have heard.
    “The new department will be led by a (corrupt, crony) Cabinet-level director who will be appointed by the governor and will be comprised of three offices (full of more leftist activists): the Office of Early Childhood Education, the Office of Higher Education, and the Office of Education Partnerships.”

    There. I fixed it.

    • Well, that’s pretty much a given.

      Like the Secret Service story today closing out the case regarding the White House Cocaine. It’s pretty much a given that the coke was Hunter’s.

      But it is always nice to say the unsayable just to peeve off the leftist morons.

  2. I’m already engaged in lifelong learning and have been for a number of years.

  3. Where will the funding come from? rhetorical question, moar taxes.

    • 10 to 20 years from now, those who did not learn from the past to avoid repeating its mistakes in the present will be asking these questions:

      Why are all the roads in such bad shape?
      Why are we constantly under boil orders for our water?
      Why is crime so high?
      Why aren’t our police doing anything about it?
      Why don’t we have enough police?
      Why won’t the government DO something to fix all of this?

      And they’ll keep repeating that last question, pleading and demanding that some layer of government “care” and “do something”, never realizing that Reagan was right when he confirmed that government wasn’t the solution, government was the problem. https://tinyurl.com/mryeatv9

      And so it goes.

  4. Ever play three card Monte? How about the shell game?

    This is a variant which adds funding while at the same time disbursing responsibility. So, we need more money (higher taxes) but it isn’t our fault that Tyrone can’t read (blame shifting).

  5. All- Good points, and three card Monte is an apt description of what will happen to the money!

  6. This is interesting. Smart Gretchen. Education = Gibbs.

    Yes, yes, math is important.

  7. Life long learning is kinda incompatible with managing it from a central bureaucracy.

    Early learning is questionable with central management, but you can kinda justify it by narrowing it down to a small amount of stuff that adults genuinely need. Then they ruin it by letting the instruction time expand to fill the available time that they have seized, and then further ruin it by wasting that time.

    Life long runs into the certainty that everyone has different needs, and there is little that is true, has a genuinely frequent need, and that a bureaucracy would be effective at distributing. It’s a bureaucracy that would turf war agaisnt things like ag extension, then do a bad job at every task usurped. Specific adult education needs kinda already have specialized programs or private groups catering exactly to those needs.

    I think these effers have lost, and are ambitiously ghost dancing to stave off the end.

  8. They ask you to pay close attention to the candidate’s positions on the issues that matter most to you and match your values and priorities to the candidates platforms.
    Does Biden even have any “Values”, I don’t think so. hey ask you They ask you to assess the candidate’s track record and integrity, evaluating the candidate’s past actions and looking for consistency in their stance on important issues. Does Biden even have any “Integrity? Again, I don’t think so.
    So, it is my personal observation that the Progressive Communist Democrats, especially the Communist-in-chief Barack Obama and Obama’s sock-puppet, the Corrupt Senile Joe Biden, have nearly succeeded in destroying our nation, its military, its economy, and its culture from within. We have gone over the abyss and are clinging to hope, waiting for a rescue from this Nightmare we have suffered with for the past 2 ½ years , and God only know what is to come in his remaining term.
    This may be our last chance to GET RID OD THIS HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE and to preserve our Nation from more of this