
When ideology confronts reality…

The San Diego County Human Relations Commission has come face-to-face with the inherent contradictions of the leftist worldview, and it isn’t pretty. Ordinarily a placid platform for leftist platitudes and a sleepy mechanism for virtue-signaling, the Commission is now in an uproar and may not even survive. Three commissioners have resigned, and there is talk of junking the whole thing and starting over. This is the sort of thing that happens when leftism meets reality.

Honestly, this just kicks over the gigglebox…
I’m busy trying to write, so go read the folks on the sidebar! And have a good weekend!!!


Oopsie… — 10 Comments

  1. You have a great weekend too Mr. Curtis. Hope you and your muse are coordinating ‘brain waves’ … :^)

  2. The left never has been particularly well disposed towards the Jews, especially the orthodox Jews. They try to hide their anti-semitism, to keep the money flowing from useful idiots. Unfortunately, for them, they embraced Muslims as a racial minority. Muslims that have no problem articulating the anti-semitism imbedded in their faith, or their anti-LGBTQ attitudes.

    Sadly the Human Relations Commission will reconstitute with different personal and this will all be swept under the rug.

  3. I realize that the Koran is not exactly a fun read, but it is well worth reading at least through Sura 15 to see what the core teachings of Islam are, in their own words. There are translations that include the major Hadith (commentaries) as well.

    • The thing with the Koran is that all the early peace-love-be cool stuff is superceded by all the hate-kill-war-be totally uncool stuff later on.

      Things like “It’s okay and required to lie to non-muslims and to even muslims in order to further the goals of Islam.”

  4. Christianity is a heresy of Judaism, and Islam is a heresy of Christianity.

    Claiming Jesus as prophet, and rejecting Jesus as divine pretty clearly demonstrates this.

    If Jesus is not divine, then he is clearly a Jew who was in theological error.

    The Samaritans were a people who practiced a religion that had some common sources with Judaism, but diverged in some key ways. God told the Jews to refuse to allow the Samaritans to participate in the rebuilding of the temple.

    The Edomites were in practice lineage tied to a man who sold his birthright as a follower of God. God told the Jews that God would obtain his own revenge on Edomites.

    God did at times explicitly instruct the Jews to kill worshippers of Baal.

    If Khaliq Raufi finds that Muslims are closer to worshippers of Baal than they are to Edomites or Samaritans, that interpretation is his own doing.

    I find Khaliq Raufi’s conclusions about what is taught in synagogues a bit questionable.

    I would expect that Synagogues that so instructed Jews would also instruct Jews to apply the same principles to Christians. There is no evidence of any significant amount of instruction in Synagogues to treat Christians as God once instructed the Jews to treat the Canaanites.

    Rabbinical teachings are by all accounts a little bit intricate, dense, and very rational. It would be unsurprising for a man outside of that sort of philosophical background to do a cursory investigation, then conclude whatever he wants to, and consider the matter closed.

    Khaliq Raufi is seeing in himself an apostate Jew, and cannot forgive himself for that.

    • IIRC, Islam says apostasy is unforgivable and results in immediate execution.

  5. Ag- The link works… sigh

    jrg- Going to try!

    NRW- It IS Kommiefornia…

    TXRed/Beans- Very true, and it is NOT an easy read.

    Bob- Well said, thanks!

  6. It IS kinda funny when reality smacks liberals in the face.