Back in battery…

Home from P-Con, fun was had, saw a lot of friends, hopefully made a few, and did a bunch of panels.

Bravo Zulu to the organizers for putting on a nice little con for the first time!

Made the obligatory visit to the Krasnovian Embassy too!

My only complaint is one that I make after every con… Too little time to actually sit and chat with folks! Dang it! As usual, I’m brain fried from actually having to ‘think’ from two days… LOL

Thanks to those that bought copies of my books, and hopefully they will leave a review or two!!!


Back in battery… — 8 Comments

    • I would wager my share of the latest Nigerian 419 offer that the big guy did indeed get his 10%.

  1. I need to go to one of those Cons one day just to see what all the fuss is about. Now, to pick the right one.

  2. Had to look up Krasnovian. actually an unteresting read.

  3. Gregg- LOL, yeah, and a running joke in the MHI group!

    D.A- Great to see you as always!