
This is almost as stupid as the Chick-Fil-A crap from a few years ago…

Usually, when you think about a burger war, McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s come to mind. Not in this case. McDonald’s found itself under fire for providing free meals to Israeli soldiers

What’s interesting is that there are other McDonald’s restaurants that have voiced their support of Gaza and the Palestinians, yet the voice you hear above all others is that of the left. It really isn’t that surprising. It’s just another example of the paradoxical projecting of that group.

Liberals want everyone to believe that they are for equality and justice. In reality, they are only for those ideals when you are in agreement with them. Liberals want you to believe that they are peace seekers, yet what group burns, loots, and destroys? In this case, one McDonald’s restaurant located in Lebanon has already been destroyed in “retaliation” for this distribution of food, and right on cue, the radicals on the left are calling for a boycott of the chain worldwide.

Full article, HERE.

Franchisees can do as they please, if corporate doesn’t object. And I haven’t heard anything about Micky D’s corporate turning them off…

And yes, the ‘other’ franchisees have the ‘right’ to put out their own statements.


Unbelievable… — 11 Comments

  1. There is no such thing as “Palestinian land”. Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons, thanks to Obama.

    Well, he did it again, Joe Biden who never does anything right, has really Screwed up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran’s proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Millions of dollars to the Palestinians.

    In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Good Ole Senile Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly totally United with Israel. But this time, we are also at war against our “own” dumb-ass President.
    And as usual the “Trump Obsessed” Leftists just can’t avoid deflecting the TOPIC from Biden’s idiocy, to “Trump” . The fact is, while Trump was president, there generally was peace. Now, Hundreds of Israelis are DEAD, 31 Americans are DEAD, and many of both Israelis, and Americans are being held hostage by these ANIMALS. .
    So, do you support if and when Iran’s Nuclear Bombs start exploding in US cities ? Possibly as soon as 3 months from now!
    America ALWAYS believe in “Peace through strength”. The threat of being annihilated is the only thing these ANIMALS understand. So, don’t be so naive.
    So please Liberal’s, Progressive’s, Democrat’s, Wake Up, and Get a Brain.

  2. Franchisees often do things that don’t strictly meet corporate standards. After the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, a nearby Chik-Fil-A opened and fed survivors and first responders free for as long as they were on scene, even though it was Sunday. I heard corporate later gave them an “atta boy” for their initiative.

  3. It’s all about the Narrative….and who speaks (and repeats it) their version loudest and longest.

    “There is no Truth in Pravda”.

  4. You should be watching the Canadian Gov’t Liberal and NDP Parties comments with less than supportive comments about Israel.

  5. Funny (odd, not haha) how the Left tries to call others Nazis and/or Fascists and then whinges when they don’t all march in lockgoosestep with the Left.

  6. Back in my grandparents’ day, the US knew how to properly deal with socialist antisemites and their supporters. Witness Dresden, Berlin, etc.

  7. In the case of Taco Bell, patrons are encouraged to “make a run for the border.” I wonder how that would play?