Interesting admission…

From Hamas even…

Speaking during a television interview over the weekend, Hamas official Abu Marzouk explained that endless miles of tunnels the terrorist organization built in the Gaza Strip are for fighters to hide, reload and escape retaliatory attacks from the Israeli Defense Forces. When pressed on why bomb shelters have never been built for civilians, Marzouk said that’s the job of the United Nations. 

Full article and some interesting X feeds HERE.

And it is interesting to note that nobody is talking about the Palestinian Americans trapped in Gaza by Hamas… HERE.

Sadly, NONE of this is going to end well, but I do believe Israel is trying their best to limit civilian/collateral damage and deaths. But Hamas is once again hiding behind the civilians…

War is ugly, period. People have died and will continue to die until this ends. Israel is making hard decisions, as Hamas have over 200 hostages, including over 10 Americans. Are they in the tunnels? Probably… Do we know? Hell no…

And Iran’s puppets are upping their game, attacking both Israel and US bases in various mid-east locations. Sadly, WE have not responded with anything other than a very tepid response. I just wonder when we are going to see ‘action’ here from one of their cells, and where/what will be attacked. I’m pretty sure it will be a civilian target, as they won’t try a defended base or confront troops directly.

Your thoughts???


Interesting admission… — 35 Comments

  1. The buffoons in washington led by a weak senile and grossly incompetent old man are leading us to yet another war. Their thoughts are naught but how much money they can get back to their own pockets from the billions wasted and none about what is best for the USA and her people.
    Every day we slide closer and closer to international conflict. Saber rattling by nuclear armed fanatical regimes gets louder each day.
    No-one in power seems to want to stop the descent into war.
    Meanwhile, our “borders” are admitting hundreds, nay thousands of military aged males from the same regimes that are driving the above conflict.
    Our politicians response is to disarm the American people.
    My God help us.

  2. Hamas is an army of cowards. Afraid to confront the IDF directly so they hide in tunnels like sewer rats. They tunnel under civilians structures like hospitals and schools. Hamas are the worst kind of vermin and may God use the IDF to eliminate them from the surface of the Earth and forever entomb them in the sewer tunnels they have built for themselves.

    • They do it because it works.
      It works because CNN is the enemy of civilization.
      Propaganda is soft but effective power.

      Ever notice that Russia and China don’t care what CNN has to say about their actions? They believe in hard power.

  3. That’s Gaza (and the “Palestinians” in a nutshell:
    They do what they want, actually improving their lives and their country is, o course, someone else’s problem.

    They’ve squandered the billions of aid given to them, and they live in squalor.

    • They have not squandered the aid money. They used it to buy weapons and dig tunnels.

      Keeping the people in miserable squalor is all part of the program to maintain power and hatred of the Israelis who provide them with food, water and shelter, because CNN and their public schools tell them to.

      Just exactly like the ferals here in the USA, who hate the Americans who provide them with food, water and shelter, because CNN and the public schools tell them to.

  4. They love body counts and will pass on more important targets to get it.
    Stay away from populated areas and crowds – always good advice!

  5. How many bomb shelters in these USA for non-government, non-esential, people.
    Yeah, I know, too large a population.
    I wonder how many countries have bomb shelters for regular folks.

    • Russia does.
      Last I heard, they have enough capacity to handle 90% of their population.They are the only nuclear power that could potentially survive a major nuke fest. That SHOULD give the other powers something to consider. I wonder if any of them do? Sort of the ultimate FAFO situation, since none of them would have a functional nation/society afterwards. Our military/politicians figured that M.A.D. would be the ultimate limiter on a war, and they didn’t want to “waste” money on a real bomb shelter/stores system. In the meantime, Russia decided that it would be prudent to build the infrastructure needed to survive an “unsurvivable” war. It appears that doing this could change the outcome from “totally bad” to potentially “acceptable”, if some idiot like Brandon decides a war would be a good thing. Ego or idiocy, you can end up with the same mess.

  6. Palestine is run by Hamas. The Hamas leaders tend to live outside of Palestine in Arab and western countries off the monies that western countries provide them and safe from any conflict. The Hamas fighters are trained by Iran to attack Israel and keep the Palestinian civilians under control. The Palestinian civilians are taught from early age to hate and kill Israelis and to believe in Hamas as leaders.

    Israel provides Palestine with food, water, and energy and stopped it until Biden forced them to restart it after the October attacks. Biden and his Admin really does not care about Israel, but are trying to use them for tying funding of Ukraine with Israel funding. Israel should be free to root out Hamas from all of Palestine and wipe out the tunnels. I expect this to go on until Biden and his Admin try to force Israel to stop.

  7. I am not sure what it means to be a Palestinian “civilian.” Yes I know what we think it means, i.e. non-combatants, innocent women and children, etc. We are constantly admonished by Islamists, and leftists, to follow the rules of “civilized” warfare and limit collateral damage to non-combatants and non-military targets. However when the enemy not only actively violates those rules, but uses their own people as human shields, and even shoots their own civilian population as they try to flee the danger area, and builds military targets under hospitals, just what are the Israelis (or the U.S.) supposed to do. The Gaza residents voted for these monsters, so just who is innocent? Yeah, I know I’m probably going to hell.

    • There is no such thing as an “innocent” Arab Muslim over the age of 8. I’ve talked to them about this, and they agreed with me.

  8. We won’t ‘see’ any action here, because the government and the press will censor it, or ‘redefine’ it. Because anything else would hurt the democrats and the Xiden administration.
    We’ve seen them take terrorist attacks before in this country and claim they were something else when Clinton and Obama were president.
    This will be more of the same.

  9. It’s been a long time since I have been on a military reservation. Do they still use rentals for security? If so, a mil base is not that much different than a big mall. It’s been a long time since Ft. Hood and Major Akbar. I figure that lesson has been lost to time…

  10. Find tunnel. Have a “gas leak” (methane, no oderant) into such. Let nature take its course.

    • The ONLY reason NOT to do that is the fear that the hostage are in the tunnels and NOT already harmed beyond the kidnapping.

      • Forbidden. The 1925 Geneva convention on the use of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases in a time of war.

        • Does not apply to unlawful combatants, which terrorists expressly are.

  11. My thought is recreating the Dresden raid against all the centers of socialist anti-semitism would make the world a better place.

  12. I find myself thinking Gaza = Mordor. Am I wrong? Don’t think so.

  13. – Ground penetrating radar.
    – Mediterranean Sea as a water source.
    – High Capacity water pumps.
    – Explosives to open an entry point into the tunnels at a “high point” in their network.
    – Observe where the water starts flooding out.
    – GBU-38 or GBU-54 JDAMs used to collapse the water’s exit points.
    – Keep pumping.

    • Now watch my suggestion also fall afoul of the 1925 Geneva Convention I mentioned to Orvan under the “and of all
      analogous liquids, materials or devices” clause.

  14. We can forgive [the Arabs] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [the Arabs] when they love their children more than they hate us…
    Golda Meir

    There will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel.
    Golda Meir

    There is no such thing as a Palestinian people… It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist.
    Golda Meir

  15. Israel should simply flood every tunnel tey find with seawater. Problem solved…at least for now.

  16. Not fighting when we should, is as great an error as fighting when we shouldn’t.

    Like it or not, the world is full of nasty people who will use violence whenever violence gets them what they want. Many people on this blog will advocate and practice for self-defence and the defence of those people, principles and property that they value. Done right, war is the same thing on a national scale. Yeah, it can be done wrong, just like “self defence” can be done wrong….. but that is no reason to not do it, do it quickly and do it hard, when the time comes.

    There is no excuse for walking around with your eyes shut in the hope that your unreadiness or unwillingness will deter evil people.

    HAMAS and their allies are the NAZIS of our time. Isolationism is an attempt to hide from that uncomfortable truth.

  17. Not methane. That gas is lighter than air. Propane or Butane is heavier than air, and explosive at concentrations between 5% and about 40% in air.
    Some of the Fuel Aie Explosive bunker-buster bombs used in Gulf I might also be useful.
    There are no moderate Islamics.
    There are only Islamics, apostates, and enemies.

  18. So, what are y’all saying is that Hamas was right? There are no innocents?
    The right to exist is contingent on being able to defend the territory you occupy, right?
    Let’s admit it, since 1948, Israel has been continually bringing in Jews, foreigners to Palestine for generations, and continually pushing Palestinians off their lands.
    I have concluded that Israel, the delusion, the idol, to befall the Church.
    Yes, under the sun, Israel has a right to exist, as much as the Kingdom of Hawaii. Cannot change the past after a certain point.
    But condoning war crimes in reaction to another war crime is wrong.

  19. I saw the Hamas tunnel thing. What, do they really think Israel doesn’t have the explosive power and will to take that warren out? I guess they’re gambling on a lack of resolve, foolish wager.

    In the meanwhile, our beloved dementocracy gets deeper and deeper into war, just like they said 455 would do but didn’t.

    Weird, eh?

  20. One that I read some time ago:

    If Hamas wanted peace, there would be no war,
    If Israel wanted war, there would be no hamas.

    Israel’s Prime Minister (?),said to hamas after they yelled foe cease fire was Die or Surrender.

    Israel just hung the “Open for Business” sign.
    Iran better reign in there proxies or it will escalate.

  21. Thermobarics should work well in a tunnel system.

    The talking heads on TV completely refuse to acknowledge the religion angle on this conflict. You can’t defeat idealogues with conventional warfare. You either have to convert them or terrify them that even if they die for their god they still won’t reach paradise. Remove the reward –> Remove the threat.

  22. All- Good points. Israel, IMHO, has bent over backward to ‘give’ the Palestinians a place, but Hamas has used that place as a base to attack Israel. Now, they have overstepped, and it’s time to

  23. There are no “good guys” here, and I don’t buy in to the narrative of “Our greatest ally”.

    Let them fight. Preferably, let THEM nuke each other. Nothing of value would be lost.

    • The question you need to be asking is what would Israel’s response be when Iran slips a nuke into one of their cities? Would they just turn Iran into a glass parking lot, or would a huge percentage of the world’s Islamics go with them? They are estimated to be #4 in nations with nukes. They have ICBMs with a range of 8k miles. Anyone else you think they might be pissed at? I expect things to get real sporty when Iran gets their hands on a nuke. How much restraint do you think they have, or should have?

  24. “Israel, IMHO, has bent over backward”
    I suppose that living in a reservation or in a prison is better than being genocided.
    Gaza was an open air prison.
    Call Palistineans indians.
    It is what happens with uncontrolled, open, borders.