One Senator…

Is holding the Pentagon and SECDEF hostage…

Or so the MSM reports…

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) is standing firm in blocking hundreds of Biden administration nominees as the Democrats refuse to drop illegal military abortion funding. He noted that he works for his constituents and American taxpayers, rather than his own Party leadership — or, for that matter, the Biden administration.

Ironically, even though it’s Democrats who are holding up their own nominations by refusing to drop Pentagon abortion funding, Tuberville is the one who has come under fire from both Democrats and Republicans. In May, thousands of active duty military and veterans signed a letter supporting Tuberville and opposing the Pentagon’s illegal attempt to subsidize abortions. 

The troops said that woke administration policies, not Tuberville, were impacting “military readiness,” which is 100% true. The military is not about to fall into an unparalleled catastrophe because of Tuberville, and even if it were, it would be the fault of the Democrats, who are sticking to their illegal abortion funding at the expense of all else. 

Full article, HERE.

I have to give kudos to Tuberville for standing up to the pressure from all sides, and standing for what he and his constituents believe. That the MSM and others are blaming him for Gen Smith’s heart attack is, IMHO, beyond the pale!

This whole situation boils down to Austin et al at Defense Department kowtowing to the Dems/left/progs over abortion, including giving basket leave and paying for military to go to a different state to get an abortion if desired. DOD is refusing to remove that provision, and Tuberville is saying as long as it is in the bill, he will not approve the ‘blanket’ approval of promotions.

Now the Dem Senators are trying another end run around Senate procedures to ‘beat’ him…

Wouldn’t it just simpler to take the whole abortion/leave thing off the table and just get back to business? Or am I being simplistic???



One Senator… — 18 Comments

  1. As I understand it, all Tuberbille is doing is refusing unanimous consent to the promotions, forcing the Democrats to use regular order. And Schumer is not proceeding with them in regular order to beat Tuberbille and the Republicans with a political stick “for holding the Pentagon hostage.”

    If I’m wrong, someone please tell me.

    • re ‘blanket’ approval of promotions. You are right. Congress is to examine each candidate to see if he is capable of command and give critics chance to block officers for just cause.

      • Which is exactly why Tuberville is so against blanket unanimous consent, because the Dems have stacked the deck with so many loser jokers.

  2. “Babykiller” Austin and his buddies now in the hot seat. Good.

    Chuckles can proceed by regular order or get the Dredd Scott and “Schumer’s List” memes used on him.

    Let’s not think about what happens to the JTR if someone opens open them for revision, to permit this abomination. It’s not about preparedness or military order.

  3. What the Dems want is for Austen and the DOD to okay the murder of the unborn. Who do you think is behind the pro-Hamas protests around the country? The far-left democrats that praise the slaughter of living and unborn babies. The democrat party and now the DOD and our Pentagon is run by sick individuals with the same mindset as Hamas. No respect for the life of anybody from the unborn to the sick, and the elderly.

  4. 1. Was the Commandant Vaxxed?
    2. Dems are holding up the process of getting him a replacement assistant.
    3. Good on Tommy. Y14ou only take flak if you are over the target.
    4. Damn the Rinos to Hell.
    5. Ditto the Dems.

  5. My understanding is that he isn’t even asking for gem to stop it – he just wants a vote on the record about it instead of them doing it “off the books”.

    • IIRC, his position is that DoD funding for abortions violates the law banning federal funding of abortions, and until DoD stops funding it or the law is repealed, he will continue to block. Imagine that: a senator insisting the government follow the law!

  6. Personal opinion: Political generals/admirals don’t need another star. If the Colonel/Captain can do the job, let him, or her, do the job without having the star. If they’re good at it, then you can consider letting them have that star later. *shrug* It should be about the mission first. Otherwise, why are they in uniform?

  7. All- Thanks for the comments! TOS, you are correct. Mike V, you are also correct. There IS an SOP for individual approvals that is not being done, thanks to Schumer.

  8. The criminals in power would happily burn it all down to get what they want.

  9. Blanket approval for promotion up to O-5 is fine, as there are just too many in our modern military for the Senate to vet each one. There might be some names on the promotion lists that get pulled for further examination or non-promote.

    For O-6 there needs to be some analysis of the lists as it is a smaller group.

    For O-7 and up, pass them one at a time, at least out of committee.

    I made O-5 in the Reserves.

  10. The abortion thing might be male flag officers with a rape habit wanting to keep that concealed?

    I mean, when I see university officials in a red state grand stand about University abortion policy, I have come to presume that it means that senior leadership also includes males who are screwing female undergraduates.

    Perhaps I am excessively uncharitable.

    Anyway, if the policy is motivated by flag officer rape habits, it would be appropriate to ask promotable officers if they rape their subordinates.

    Downstream of resolving certain other political questions, we probably are going to need to investigate whether Democrats in the legislature have engaged in a decades long conspiracy to send people with existing rape, drug, etc., habits to the service academies, and to see that some of them are promoted. Combination of legislative collusion on other matters, and of reading between the lines of Fat Leonard.

    • On that note, back in the 90’s I remember hearing that a bunch of the Ivy League and other elite universities were welcoming ROTC programs back onto campus after giving them the boot during the 70’s. At the time I thought it was a good thing, getting folks from the elite involved in something more reality-centered, like the military. In more recent years I’ve wondered if it was just intended to insert into the officer corps more brain-washed socialists.