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Finally!!! It is alive! Tom Barnett benefit anthology is out on Kindle- Tales of the Oil Patch

As always, click on the cover for the Amazon link!

The blurb-

And Raconteur Press has two new anthologies out- Moggies back in Space

The blurb-

Cats go where they want. Moggies even more so. When humans go to space, obviously cats will come along to make sure their staff are doing what they’re supposed to.

Join these 10 authors as they explore what cats can do in space.

PinUp Noir 2

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And last but not least, Cedar has the third installment of her The Groundskeeper novellas up- The Ghoul
The blurb-
Chloe Brandt got more than she bargained for when she took on the groundskeeper and caretaker position at the old cemetery of Belleview. Chloe is still learning just what her job duties at the big cemetery are, and how far they will take her. Just what mysteries are her responsibility? When the ghoul asks for help, she’s willing to try…
Buy our books, feed us starving authors!!! And please leave honest reviews! They help propagate the books across Amazon and other mediums.


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  1. RE Moggies: We have a work cat. It is glaringly obvious who the real boss is; silly me for thinking I have a say in, well, anything.

  2. I look forward to the Oil Patch stories.
    As an aside regarding oil patches, I recommend the Kevin Sorbo movie that was just in theaters, Miracle in East Texas, based on a true story and you may be surprised at the end to find out who the true story was about.

  3. Have you interviewed Cedar on your YouTube Channel? I’d like to see that.

    • Cedar is a regular if off screen participant in the Tues/Thurs episodes and one of the Three Moms Of The Apocalypse on Wednesday nights..