For now, the Reconciliation Monument at Arlington National Cemetery still stands!
A federal judge temporarily halted the removal of a Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday after a group called Defend Arlington filed a lawsuit.
The memorial’s removal was planned for this week. A court hearing is now scheduled for Wednesday, and the injunction will expire at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 20. While work had begun on removing the monument, the temporary restraining order issued Monday by U.S. District Judge Rossie Alston allows the memorial to remain in place for now.
Full article HERE from the Washington Examiner.
This is what the area looks like.
This is one I’ve never understood the desire to remove. It is, according to what I was told years ago, a tribute to returning home, reconciliation, and peace in the US, NOT a memorial purely to the Confederacy.
Your thoughts???
It,despite the claims, has nothing to do with whether the monument honors the Confederacy or not. I don’t think the mob will be satisified until all historical monuments are destroyed. They’ll find something to criticize about every monument until every monument is destroyed.
They will stop when it comes to negro statues and monuments.
I’m not so sure. I expect Dr. King to get scrubbed. Can’t honor someone who believed people should be judged on the content of their character not the color of their skin.
IIRC, they’ve already destroyed a statue of Frederick Douglass (escaped slave and abolitionist leader).
It, despite the claims, has nothing to do with whether the monument honors the Confederacy or not. I don’t think the mob will be satisified until all historical monuments are destroyed. They’ll find something to criticize about every monument until every monument is destroyed.
I certainly have thoughts. None of them are printable. The monument — and the others like it — should have stayed, whether in Richmond or in the National Cathedral or wherever.
I don’t know who is on that committee that recommended removing the memorial, but they need to be horse whipped, tarred, feathered, tied to a rail, and dumped into a sewer ditch. On second thought, that’s too light of a punishment. Keel hauling is better. Just make sure the boat they’re dragged under has a years accumulation of barnacles. Then, do the same for all the feckless politicians, bureaucrats, and military officers that stood by and let this happen.
The people doing this do not want you to have a home, cannot be reconciled to your thinking differently than they demand and promise to end peace by any means.
You need to destroy the memorials to the past to get people to forget history. You need them to forget history so they forget who they are. You need to them to forget who they are so you can make them into what you them to be.
Most of history has been Kings and Slaves. The left want to be the kings.
Anything honoring anyone who is “White” or the “Confederacy” must be wiped from the History Books.
It’s part of the Black movement. Someone, sometime in the past did something to a black person (real or perceived) and threfore must be Erased.
I think it is now less about black, white, Hispanic, Asian or whatever than it is about all against all and “We Will Rule Them.”
Removing the ideas that former enemies can be friends, and that one can respect an honest foe, are both part of that.
Constitutions, laws, fair and just courts, are all aspects of peace consensus, between persons who may have quite serious disputes, but can still negotiate a non-violent means of resolving or addressing disputes.
Communists hate these aspects of peace, because they result in not being allowed to carry out harming others in ways they desire.
Their ambition is to turn all topsy turvy, so that they personally can be the tyrant that imposes their will on others.
As you say.
Also, they will fail.
These “people” only care about removing history and not the affect on the American citizen. They are into dumbing down the American citizen and only have a person the follows what “they” say in media of the day.
This is why our education system is so bad. Me and my wife had to tutor our sons through middle and HS in the 90s and early 2000s to teach them properly. We sent them to Trade School when the each graduated HS as we realized they would not get a proper education in college. They each make well over 6 figures.
“We have always been at war with Eastasia.”
With all the movement, and destruction of any Southern Civil War memorials, recon they will want to tear down Lee’s home in Arlington? The ridiculous movement is not consistent.
Oversimplified, the Prog totalitarians hate the Southerners for resisting Federal power, and hate those who, seperately from the Southerners, adhere to the concepts of individual rights and limited central government power.
They believe, with reason,that if they can eliminate the knowledge of history, that they can use the redefined past to control the present.
One of their errors is that their knowledge of the causes of the first Civil War is wrong.
The hostility which based the Civil War was about slavery, differing economic systems, and States rights to control their economies versus Federal government control. These issues were being worked out, not easily or well, but moving forward. The parties to the Civil War, as a War, were the industrial Northern States, the export / resource based Southern States, and the Federal government, which at that time, was entirely dependent for money on tariffs, import / export duties, and excise taxes, as on whisky.
Neither the Northern nor Southern States needed a war to accommodate the difference in their economies, or the issue of slavery between them.
The Federal government absolutely needed the tariff income from the South to survive. Secession would have had little effect on the Northern States, but would have wrecked the Federal government. This is why War was necessary.
Now, the Federal government is primarily focused on money and finance, with those close to it plundering the treasury as fast as they can, while there is still some money there. The roles of the States are now between the producers and the dependent classes, who supply votes to the government. Federal power requires extraction of value from the producers without allowing them any actual power or control.
I think this tension will be the match that lights off the next round of war.
If there is no history to look at to see what didn’t work the last time, the Progs think that they can make the insane rational, in the way they keep thinking that Communism could actually work someday.
a) The peace between the states was contingent on the constitution, and the Democrats fucked up and lsot to a man with 40% of vote. They thought they had a small d democrat case for ignoring that, but did not have a small r republican case under the wording of the Constitution. A non-negotiated exit resulted in a default state of war, and they had nothing but wishful thinking when it came to establishing peace after an exit. If the Democrats had instead taken the L, and waited things out, they probably could have neutered Lincoln in congress, and peacefully retained some of their desires.
b) The prog totalitarians are the southern Democrats. Pelosi was a key figure in this mess, and was the daughter of the Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland. She very likely would have grown up admiring various Democrat politicians of Virginia. ‘The parties switched places’ was always a politically expedient crock of shit, that ignored matter of fifty states with state parties, and the key personalities within them. Politicians who are unethical murderous liars like communist totalitarianism because of license, and also liked explicitly white supremacist terrorism because of that same license. There are just too many politicians in State Democrat parties who were absolutely fine with the Segregationists, and are now absolutely fine with the Communists.
c) Southern politicians thieving is a much more proximate cause of southern poverty than Reconstruction. The same way that Johnson’s Great Society is a more proximate cause of black poverty than some arsons carried out forty years prior to Johnson. I still believe that those arsons were bad, which is why I have a problem with the communists carrying out similar as part of getting Biden into office.
d) The backers of the Democrats are probably mainly fraud and foreign communists. There are too many coincidences, and too little obvious pushback. It is quite likely, looking back to the nineties from now, that Presidental elections have been fraud for a while. If you look at post Reconstruction, there were obviously a lot of Confederate veterans salty over what were arguably their own fuck ups, and they are plausible Democrat voters. But, the fraud and terrorism to suppress all Republican votes raises election integrity questions. There are reasonable questions about whether the Democrats ever cleaned up their behavior, which make the possibility that no Democrat in the 20th century ever fairly won the Presidency. Forex, JFK’s margin of victory could be only Southern states where Nixon could have had EVs stolen from him by fraud or by terrorist suppression of black and scalawag voters.
e) The Kennedy Johnson matter is pretty suspicious, and perhaps when the Democrats set up part of their current scheme for frauding Republicans out, and maybe also fully went over to the communists.
f) Year zero revisionist history is actually a very common strategy by regimes. Massage the historical record, and try to make people prefer the present,a nd afraid of alternatives. The fundamental practical problem is that destroying information always costs, and that bringing in officials who take that shortcut once will be constantly taking that shortcut, and hence certain to screw up everything. Modern efforts are maybe even stupider, because US academic culture has diverged from the mainstream culture.
g) ‘we was robbed’ and ‘totally in the right and standing up for freedom’ were maybe a certain amount of revisionist history by the Southern Democrat Politicians. If Lincoln was simply just that evil, and a mastermind plotter, one can avoid the issue of whether the entire grand strategy of the CSA was a colossal fuck up by idiots, who stole their authority, and who would have had their choices reversed if they did not get people committed with an attack on a Federal installation.
h) Next civil war, if it at all happens soon, will probably not be ‘tensions’ or what you describe, which sounds like a communist theory of revolution. Current regime is collapsing, because it counted on communist revolution showing up, and has nothing in mind for what to do next but maintaining the regime. The deliberate acts of destruction that it has carried out undermine and weaken the regime as well. As it collapses in slow motion, more and more people understand that key regime figures are monsters who perhaps should be put to death. There are basically two scenarios. 1. Regime collapse has little energy, and there is little violence, folks are tried, sentenced and put to death without being effective in fighting back. 2. Regime figures manage to escalate to a more significant level of violence on the way out. The problem with the plausibility of the second scenario is that they have been desperately trying to escalate the level of violence for at least fifteen years, and Americans have mostly been quietly choosing to do nothing just yet. Key things is i) change will happen where regime is weak, not where it is ‘strong’ and ‘oppressive’, different timing/opportunity. (Change to resist has been ongoing from the beginning, because left are crazies who overestimate formal official power.) ii) change could easily not be a war with combat.
As mentioned by John in Indy the South was getting taxed on their imports and exports and then seeing the majority of that tax spent in the North. This was very much a war of economics, or if you prefer the South did not like getting robbed by the North under the guise of Federal taxes.
The South’s wartime strategy was to try and demoralize the North. They knew they could not match them in stand up fighting, but had to stick and run until the North gave up in frustration. Not a great strategy, but when you are so much smaller it is what you got (Not an innovation either)
Just as the cause of the Civil war has been recast, so to has the minimization of the importance of Christianity to Western Civ. Any system will work with moral people and all will fail without. I think our system of meritocratic capitalistic republic provides the most checks and balances, but they have been undone. Our country was founded on great ideals which our founding fathers KNEW would always be under attack. Teaching our history and the history of man is a necessity to understand those ideals and just how important they are. Christianity is necessary to understand how no man is perfect but that we can become better not through passing laws but through pursuing our faith.
Understanding the lives of the great men in our history and how they lived for their ideals is why the left is so intent on divorcing us from our heroes and why they don’t want us to believe in reconciliation and forgiveness. We would graduate from sheep to men.
My thoughts are that all of the people involved in this need to be stood up against a wall.
My thoughts also involve folks with machine guns doing you can guess what.
These people are evil. Nothing less.
The left wing fanatics are trying to erase ALL of the history of our great country! They must be stopped. Future generations of our citizens must learn ALL of the history of these United States,the good and the ugly. We are not a perfect country but we, and those in the future, must learn from our history NOT to make the same mistakes of the past. Return to the advice of our founders and God as this will revive what America was founded on.
This is communists who hate peace.
A number of the symbols they are trying to erase represent peace.
I am a Lincolnist-Shermanist. I think that they were mostly correct, and the relative good guys.
I am not a fan of the CSA, or of their Segregationist friends after the war.
The people who were trying to keep the war going, or restart it, were a bit more effective than the pop history openly demonstrates. If any of a number of former officials had been openly pushing hard for more war, the ongoing conflict could have been quite a bit worse, and more energetic.
We had bleeding Kansas in the run up to the war.
As much peace as we had after was kind of a miracle.
Lee etc., deserves some credit for his dedication to peace after to the war.
That some peace was bought by ignoring abuses of blacks and scalawags is regrettable.
But, the over all peace, from not pursuing the south to complete, utter, total and permanent destruction, was maybe a worthy accomplishment.
Lots of the modern ‘scholarship’ on this does seem to involve malicious lies, deliberate oversight, and a failure to see the whole in anywhere near reasonable proportion.
It would perhaps be as fitting to remove the JFK monument from Arlington.
The communists do not even have the integrity of the Confederates.
The confederate fighting man really was brave and valorous in comparison.
The confederates are owed their due mead of accurate description, and that accurate description is objectively praising the confederates, relative to an accurate description of the communists.
“But, the over all peace, from not pursuing the south to complete, utter, total and permanent destruction, was maybe a worthy accomplishment.”
I’m not sure you could see a difference between that thought and the reality at the end of it.
Lincoln did so much damage to the South in his attempt to keep all the states together that it is somewhat mind boggling. We didn’t do as much damage to Germany by the end of ww2 as we did to our own country then. The South never recovered from the war, and has been limping ever since. Because of Lincoln, the market for their cotton was lost, and never recovered. Britain, desperate for a supplier, set up Egypt as a replacement cotton producer as a result of that war.
The war ended because the South was starving. They were not capable of continuing the fight, or considering restarting it.
Has anyone bothered to add up the number of wars the US has started by utilizing a “Ft Sumter” attack?
What nobody is saying out loud is that Congress in the 40’s-50’s voted in a law that made all Confederate memorials and cemeteries national memorials and cemeteries, equivalent to those of the Union.
Because of peace.
This is what Lincoln, who, yes, was a federal tyrant of sorts, wanted for after the War. That whole ‘worst enemy best friend’ thing.
And who screwed that up? Democrats. Democrats with guns. As always. Find an assassin or act of terror it’s a Democrat or Leftist with a weapon. One of the things that, coincidentally, nobody is saying out loud also.
If there were a majority of adults with functioning brains in government, or Trump with even his screwed-up cabinet from the first 4 years (foisted on him by his republican ‘friends’)(okay, with Trump without his screwed-up cabinet and the open coup against him by the federal bureaucracy) this stuff would have stopped.
But no.
We have a similar dynamic here (Aus).
It’s not about making peace. It’s about promoting conflict and disunity as a road to power.
It’s about casting one group is innocent victims and the other as evil oppressors, even when no-one alive today has been oppressed or done any oppressing.
I’m being told that “reconciliation” requires accepting that I am not a legitimate citizen of a legitimate country, and that my land is (not “was”) “stolen”.
You don’t build peace on a foundation of lies and prejudice. PeterW
All- Thanks for your thoughts, and I really can’t disagree with anyone. Peter, I’m sorry to hear AUS is going the same way. I knew you had ‘problems’ based on friends out in Perth.
I think the reason all of these monuments are being taken down isn’t so much about slavery vs free, or North vs South…I believe it is more about NOT honoring the military, either North or South. Because the military in these yahoos eyes are the oppressors, they are the ones who need to be demonized and destroyed so that the progressive mindset can be pushed onto all of us. Those monuments honor the men who fought and died for this country. Can’t have that!! At least not in their world view.
All evidence that a State in the Union do not give up their authority to leave said Union must be removed.
The last vestige that the States are sovereign and the principals in the compact is also under attack – the Electoral College is next.
Nod to TRX
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”I
That they’d tear that statue down makes my stomach churn.
What devil war mongers.