
You weren’t scared of air travel before…

The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website. 

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which claims “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.”

Full article, HERE from NY Post.

You should be now… Positions apparently under consideration include ‘oversight and execution of critical safety functions’…

No, just F’ing NO!

This, IMHO, will get folks killed through pure negligence just to put checks in the hiring box…

And that’s going to add DAYS to any trips I take because I’ll be driving.


If… — 16 Comments

  1. And we note that the Jan 2 Haneda Airport crash seems to have been partly caused by ATC in the tower not noticing that the coastguard plan hadn’t stopped where it it should have. If ATC had noticed the error they probably could have told the JAL plane to abort.

    Now obviously ATC wasn’t the only failure but I recall reading somewhere that near misses at US airports have increased a lot recently and one assumes that a number of those near misses became near misses and not worse because ATC noticed and gave a relevant warning. Having less that stellar ATCs means that there’s a greater likelihood of this kind of screwup.

    Mind you I also recall reading somewhere that the FAA has been struggling to hire/retain ATCs. So is it better to have excellent ATCs doing mandatory overtime and burning out or less than perfect ones that only do a regular working week?

  2. I had a friend who applied for an ATC position in the aftermath of the APCO strike in 1981. He said on their first day the instructors play about an hours’ worth of audio from crashes. He told me nearly a third of the class quit right then. He said the one that stayed with him was a private pilot with his family on board. He told me hearing the family trying to say the Lord’s Prayer in the background was awful.

  3. If they want “little people” (what ever is the most correct term) to fly planes, the pedal extensions will have to be certified assemblies.

  4. I quit traveling by plane a few years ago and now with this from the FAA makes me glad I did. I want to go somewhere it will be by car. To me this is just another way to reduce the population. More crashes and deaths help the WEF and WHO reach their goal of lower numbers for the human population.

  5. I do not plan to fly unless I am forced to and even then I would have to really be forced. I live 10 miles from our city’s airport and at various times I see planes in the air above me and with the lack of quality pilots I worry that there will be a crash. The Biden Admin is working to destroy the country and one way is to install unqualified people into positions that need only qualified people like pilots, ATCs, Doctors, and others.

  6. I honestly don’t get why so many on the right are having fits over this. I agree that “diversity” should be the least important criteria for hiring, but this kind of thing has been going on for a long time.

    The FAA is a bureaucracy. I have no doubt that there are scores of “Sub-assistant to the undersecretary of assistant director of alphabetizing personnel records” positions that people with…um…lower capabilities…could fill.

    The truncated quote about critical safety positions is taken completely out of context…a common trick of the left, but I’d think we on the right are better than that.

    The full quote is:

    “The FAA employs tens of thousands of people for a wide range of positions, from administrative roles to oversight and execution of critical safety functions. Like many large employers, the agency proactively seeks qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position,”

    In my humble opinion, the part about “all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position” is the important part, not the part everyone keeps quoting out of context.

    Can we trust the FAA to be rigorous in ensuring the people holding the positions in critical safety functions are fully qualified?

    Perhaps not, but if that’s the case, what difference does it make whether they openly state their DEI agenda or not. Either they’re rigorous about it or they’re not. If they’re not rigorous about ensuring the qualifications of those critical employees, that’s the problem that we should be screeching about.

  7. Cutting down on travel is one of the things you must do to control a people. Electrical Cars. Covid. Mileage Tax. High gas prices. High insurance prices.
    All of these things are designed to keep us from traveling and making it easier to control us and rule us.
    This is just one more thing.

  8. I would be more concerned about the DEI hiring of pilots. I read something just the other day from a recently retired pilot. He stated that the airlines have a practice of pairing the DEI pilots with experienced pilots in the cockpit. However, with so many of the experienced pilots beginning to retire, the airlines are having a hard time scheduling experienced pilots in every cockpit.

  9. Greeters at the FAA headquarters building? “Welcome to the FAA” seems like it should be an easy task.

  10. Tourette’s? What goes through the mind comes out through the mouth… an air traffic controller with Tourette’s syndrome, or customer service, HR… Priceless!

  11. Mental impairment covers a very wide range.

    Engineering is one element that can be critical to safety.

    In general principle, I would tend to argue that there are specific cases of mental impairment where an engineer can still competently deliver on the needs of the task.

    But, more specifically, am I confident that the current management culture of the federal Deep State will not implement this in a toxic and destructive fashion? No, I am not confident of that.

  12. Ripped from the headlines: FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities

    In the name of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) I may be going to work at the airport real soon. Providing I can pass the mandatory optional security background check, which isn’t likely.


    I’m mad as a hatter, and I’m intellectually challenged – just ask any of my high school teachers (a few of which are still on the sunny side of the lawn) and they’ll tell you all about it. Here’s a quote from my last HS reunion:

    “Jack? He’s dumber than a box of rocks. Bat-shit crazy, too. I heard he’s locked up somewhere.” – Anon.

    I’m thinking bar back at the airport lounge.

  13. All- Interesting comments, and yes, Sailor Curt, I did pull that directly! Friend of mine is a VERY senior controller who is NOT happy with the direction the FAA, and specifically tower operations is going. He is retiring this year for that reason.

  14. Us old farts have known for some time this feces will have to reach a point of collapse before we can fix it.
    The great part of becoming an “old fart”?
    We generally do not have to be anywhere that requires rapid transit.