No surprise…

Commiefornia strikes again…

California is awash in incomplete and misleading publicly-collected data, and experts say it’s letting policymakers and politicians get away with running the state into the ground.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao touted in recent months a massive decrease in crime, but it was later revealed that Oakland published misleading non-violent crime data by comparing incomplete 2024 figures with complete figures from previous years, giving the false impression of improving crime to policymakers and the public. The crime statistics in Oakland are indicative of a larger issue in the whole state, which has routinely used misleading and incomplete data to hide the magnitude of serious issues like homelessness, the COVID-19 pandemic and crime that have ultimately harmed average citizens, according to experts who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Full article, HERE from Daily Caller.

As is typical for them, there is NO accountability for anything that happens. It’s always ‘sumdood’, or ‘I didn’t know’, or some other BS…

Which is why my daughters are paying over $6/gal for gas, power is sketchy (but buy more EVs), companies are leaving as quickly as they can, (X et al), some in the middle of the night even.

And the drain is impacting their tax collection, insurance companies are quitting doing business there (too expensive), and law enforcement has their hands tied by .gov and the cities…


Can we just give it back to Mexico, build a wall, and be done with it???


No surprise… — 18 Comments

  1. Jim; Whassa Matta you? California is a socialist utopia. Equality and inclusion for all. Those leaving callifornia, have no Idea just how wonderful a state they are leaving. This state of wonderfulness is easily proven by all the folks streaming over the border to join the joy! Free everything for everyone.

  2. How about we let the northern and Eastern Counties secede from California proper, then let Mexico have everything from Santa Barbara/Ventura/LA on down (maybe partition San Berdoo and let them have the southwestern piece). We keep the water from the Colorado and from east of the Sierras. In very short order, that area will be returning to desert. Solves a lot of problems.

    • The northern counties should keep their water and stop sending it down the aqueducts. the Colorado river water is going to be a resource that’s used by upstream states like Arizona and Nevada. Planning for the long term, California should have built desalination plants decades ago.

      • San Francisco I think we want to keep. Arguably the best harbor Atlantic or Pacific. Cleanup will be epic- see Schlicter’s Kelly Turnbull novels

  3. two states each with completely different demographics instead of one, which will counterbalance themselves politically, and leave SoCal as an object lesson to the area.

    • two PLUS different demographics.

      Object lesson, perhaps like Bosnia Ethnic cleansing lessons?

      Socialist Utopia indeed.

      Equal in poverty, Equal in death.

  4. Live out in the country in Kalifornia? Yeah, things tend catch fire out there. Good luck getting homeowner’s insurance.

    Let the Chinese invade. The stampede across the border back into Mexico will be epic.

  5. Kali is just too spectacular a location to get rid of.
    The obvious solution is to get rid of the parasites infesting
    the state. That would solve a LOT of problems.

  6. Too many California residents leaving are bringing their attitudes and smugness with them. We need to build another border wall. Let them stay where they are until they are properly vetted.

    We need more DrJim an SLW; far fewer Aspen trust fund snots. No Kali transplant should be allowed to run for any elected office for ten years.

  7. All- Thanks! Interesting thoughts… Yes, we’d lose some good ports, but since we don’t control them anyway, not THAT big a loss.

  8. You’ll have to wait until my brother moves out. He plans to be firmly ensconced in Ohio by November.

  9. Regarding the ports of San Fran and Los Angeles, we could do the Guantanamo Bay solution, keep the naval bases and wall off the rest. And do the same to Sacramento, wall it off.

    Then use one of the other possible solutions to ending Imperial Japan and just starve those places into submission. Might work, after all, that’s what they want to do to us…

    In reality, only something short of a meteor or big earthquake hitting the state houses while the city leaders of San Fran and LA are attending another ‘bend over the subjects of Cali’ session and wiping most all of the politicians in CA out (there are a few good ones, I think, maybe) could possibly start fixing California.

  10. The problems with California could be solved by throwing a few dozen officials out on their cans, not prosecuting those defending their property, and making it extremely uncomfortable to be in the United States illegally. Those few things would allow the other problems to be corrected without any big changes.

  11. Anybody dumb enough to live there deserves it. It’s not like nobody knows it’s run by Commies.

  12. Revoke California Statehood and make it a Federal Territory. Subject all California laws to the US Constitution, as is now required by law, but is ignored by California DemonRats.
    Evict all illegals and their brats and start over.

  13. I live in Sacramento – the state capitol – in the 1960s. Afternoon “brownouts” were normal, and occasional complete power outages.

    [at least that part of] California has had electricity problems for at least half a century, and the state doesn’t seem to have managed to get ahead of the problem.