Free tickets???

To where? Oakland, Portland, San Diego, LA, or???

San Francisco Mayor London Breed is having city workers and police who are conducting sweeps to get the homeless out of their tent encampments offer bus tickets out of town instead of a shelter bed.

It’s just the latest signal from Breed that times have changed in San Francisco and a real attempt is being made to address the crisis of homelessness.

Full article, HERE from PJ Media.

Of note, LA is basically blowing Newsome et al off, as they don’t have any way to move ALL of the homeless they’ve got down there, and more coming in the fall/winter as the homeless move south from Seattle and Portland.

As we’ve discussed before, there is a ‘cycle’ to the homeless on the left coast moving south to north as the weather warms, then back south as the weather gets cold.

This has been going on at least 20 years, if not longer, because the state governments don’t want to ‘upset’ the LWLs that donate money to the various Dem organizations.

Personally, I think this is going to be swept under the rug as quickly as possible, and nothing ‘concrete’ will actually be done to upset the homeless ‘applecart’.

It will be ‘business as usual’ on the left coast.


Free tickets??? — 3 Comments

  1. That North-South migration shows up in Florida, too. Lots come down here for the winter. Often on the dime of Yankee taxpayers who shell out bus, train and plane fair (one way, of course) so the liberal Yankee cities can reduce the homeless shelter costs during winter.

    It’s been that way since the 80’s.

    It requires the taxpayers to vote sensible people into office to stop this garbage. Which isn’t happening in Yankee-land, nor along the West Coast. Too many big powerful leftist cities control all those places.

  2. Unless things have changed in the last few years, another location for a large homeless population is Minneapolis and St Paul. And those people winter in shelters or freeze to death outside in some cases (often after passing out from drug use). Another liberal state whose ‘compassion’ has had unintended consequences.