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H.Y. Gregor has the first in a new series out, The Vechnoye Saga Book 1Reka’s Grasp 

As always, click on the cover for the Amazon link!

The blurb-

The devil lies in still waters.

Grad school applications are Nikita Baird’s biggest problem—until a friend dies in her arms after a sinister accident. Rusalka and Baba Yaga were just fairy tales—until they aren’t. Soon Niki can’t deny the truth. Something inhuman lurks in the river.

Worse, her own roommate just might be the killer.

Ryan Fortner, Crypto Division, works alone since his partner died on their last case together. Now he needs Niki’s help, even if he doesn’t want it. Together they plunge into a realm of shrouded histories, dredging up more than just folklore.

Niki and Ryan must navigate the currents of myth, tragedy, and redemption to stop the drownings—before the river’s grasp can’t be broken.

This is going to be an interesting series!!!

Next is Pam Uphoff with the 12th in her Chronicles of Fall series- Bad Cop

The blurb-

“There was a shield piercing Impression on the bullet. Karl had a shield up, too, and it wouldn’t have stopped that bullet.” A faint snort. “I think he’s a little indignant that the ‘Bad Cop’ saved him.”
Police Captain Lord Daniil Ambrose Vinogradov grinned. “As opposed to the Good Cop? I’m afraid that when it comes to double teaming on a suspect, the role of Bad Cop does come rather easily to me. And Nix is a damn good cop.”
“Ah. I thought you two disliked each other?”
“We’re rivals for the next promotion, and, well, I am more aggressively ambitious and less well mannered. Or to be less polite, a ladder-climbing asshole.”

As the attack on the 300, the Government Council, leaves the Three part Alliance without leadership, a runaway teenager leads a police detective deep into trouble, and romance.

And last but certainly not least, Holly Chism with the fourth in her Liquid Diet Chronicles- Meals on Wheels

The blurb-

Not by the (nonexistent) hair on her chinny-chin-chin…

Meg Turner, vampire, accountant, ruler of her own small territory. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Not if you ask her, it doesn’t. Because the world’s going mad, the idiot mortals in charge are forcibly shutting down the economy without the understanding that it won’t start up again as easy as it’s going down, nor that it’s creating a nasty blood shortage for hospitals, much less vampires.

Even better, the head of her line is invading her dreams again, and teaching her history of all things. And teaching her about the laws, and why they’re there. It’s not just to avoid being noticed by humans capable of staking, beheading, and burning vampires during daylight hours—a vampire that breaks fundamental laws turns into something worse than a vampire.

And she’s got a bunch of those knocking at her border, wanting to come in. Worse yet, they’re sending their day-help into her territory to kidnap their meals, and they keep mistaking her for prey. And leaving their discarded empties in her territory to make it look like she’s draining humans without concern for the laws.

This really isn’t looking good, and it’s really not safe for her still-living friends and family.

I was proud to be a beta reader for this one!

And a couple of pics of a local hot rod…

70 Nova, with a LOT of work done, and a cagey owner about what power it has… But it’s HEALTHY!


Book promo… — 4 Comments

  1. “How many horsepower ‘ye got?”
    A sly grin and “Enough,” was the answer when I asked a gent with a car that sounded rather different from stock.

    I’d guess at least a third again the ponies the beast started with, given the frame mods that even I could spot. They were subtle, but I was pretty familiar with the original.

    • BT;DT
      I could NOT quiet that thing down. Custom Hooker Headers. 2+ inch primary pipes into 4.5 inch collectors to 2.5 inch pipes into 2.5 inch in+out turbo Corvair mufflers. Part of the problem was the Hooker engine mounts were fairly stiff, which transferred the idle lumpiness straight into the frame, so the car bobbed back and forth sideways. That movement, married to the engine grumble, scared away EVERYONE on the street, and at the weekend street racing scene. The motor mounts were necessary, since the BBC didn’t have the mount location on the front of the block like the small blocks did. ’57 Chevy ragtop. Shifting 2nd would yank the wheels off the pavement.

      Engine was built for what appeared to be the 3rd quickest “street legal” car in the south Philly area in the late 60’s. In other words, driven to the racing area. Lots were trucked to the festivities, such as Pro Stock, and other classes. There were several other monster motor ’57’s that showed up there. Ultimately, I decided it wasn’t worth the effort I had put into it.

  2. Wife’s all-time favorite car was a ’67 Chev-II 4 door sedan – absolutely bone-stock looking down to the original factory two-tone paint. ‘Cept some previously owner had stuffed the drive train from a ’69 Chev-Impala SS in it with a Hurst “His/Her” shifter. She had more fun running away from tailgaters. . .

  3. All- Thanks for the comments, and I’d ‘guess’ he’s probably pushing at least 400hp out of a crate motor, as the back tires were ‘large’ and it had a 4 speed, along with gauges in the center console.