A lie has been around the world twice before the truth gets its pants on…
The Washington Post’s fact checks have by and large been tools of partisan politics. We saw this most notoriously in Oct. 2020, when the Post undercut reports that Hunter Biden arranged what looked to all the world like an influence-peddling meeting between one of his foreign business clients and The Big Guy, that is, his father, who was vice president at the time.
The fact that the Post’s “fact checks” are largely designed to intimidate, confuse, and undermine foes of the left’s agenda makes it all the more striking that on Wednesday, the Post’s fact-checking spotlight was shining on none other than Nancy Pelosi, who must have been all the more indignant that it wasn’t PJ Media or Fox catching her lying, but one of the left’s principal propaganda organs.
Full article, HERE from PJ Media.
The WAPOs ‘header’ says Democracy Dies in Darkness.
After 8 years of fact checks against conservatives while the left’s lies go through with no comments at all, to actually SEE the WAPO fact check Pelosi and give her four pinocchios is amazing!
I can’t help but wonder if there is a swing back toward the middle or an attempt to stop the loss of subscribers (over 200000 at last count), and an attempt to remain relevant in today’s current climate.
The left’s policy of America Last, Open borders, and excessive spending may now actually get some coverage, but is this too little, too late???
Your thoughts?
Like the Russians reading Pravda, I start out with the belief that the MSM is lying to me, and I therefore have to get the truth by assuming the opposite of the narrative. Or more pithily, “I don’t believe it’s true until it’s been Officially Denied.” The laptop being a case-in-point example.
In this case, I think the Swamp felt that Pelosi had left the plantation/went out of their control, so they picked a blatant lie to “fact check” her over, where normally they would have either ignored it or supported her. The more interesting question is what else she did to engender this response.
She is bearing some of the blame for the loss, since she was a, if not the, key figure in forcing Biden to give up his campaign.
One can almost hear the alert, “PULL UP! PULL UP! PULL UP!”
I really think the Dem politicians and MSM believed their own lies , they were so far out of touch this election cycle , and the loss of some of their old reliable “believe anything base” , is causing a “come to Jesus ” moment. Shit just got so outlandish and the economy and immigration etc is so bad , there was no more “fake it till you make it” . They done screwed the pooch . It’s like the whole bunch of them are coming down off some bad acid trip. They reached peak retard Man , they got college kids playing with fuckin Legos and having milk and cookies hour. LOL….ah shit , wow here we all go ,…. where to ? Beats the F outta Me , I’m just a rider on this rock hurtling through space. Kind of a bright spot is the great awakening (not wokening) is happening worldwide , this whole “misinformation” charade is being revealed for the true censorship tool that it is , thought suppression and mind fuckery won’t be allowed .
And where the hell is Biden’s white house physician ? Nah Joe was fine , we all saw how f’d up he was going back quite a ways . They ought to put that asshole (the doctor not Biden) on TV , or better yet pull his license and put him on the stand . Lyin sack of shit put the whole country in peril .
All- Thanks and no disagreement here!
Meanwhile, I see that San Fran Nan has filed for re-election in 2026.
It’s Jeff Bezos’ money that’s propping up the Washington Post. When they were on the verge of officially endorsing Kamala Harris, Bezos stepped in and told them they weren’t going to do that, and that they were to hire more conservative voices, and produce articles aimed at a conservative audience.
Sure he wants to push a liberal agenda, but he’s also bleeding tens of millions to do it, so he wants to get the subscriber numbers up so it’s not quite so much all on him.
Problem is, the mask has come off. Conservatives have seen the Washington Post for the bunch of partisan hacks that they are. We have other sources for our information, and we have people we trust. We neither need, nor want what WaPo is producing now, or what they’ll produce in future, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, NYT can put as many “conservative” voices as they want, but everyone knows what the slant will be.
I won’t, and I doubt any conservative will make them anything but a tertiary news source at best.
They may even lose eyes because the Left can’t handle anything but echo chamber.
Ever notice how a lot of old people get religion as they see the end nearing? We are seeing the same phenomenon how with leftists and many of their media whores. They see the writing on the wall and are trying to fool the people they have spent years attacking into believing they aren’t the evil wastes of skin that they really are. Don’t fall for it.
The WaPo’s latest subscription sale? $1 a week. And overpriced at that.
The WP has been a risible, fraudulent, malfeasant purveyer of lying Democrat agitprop for a very, very CIA long time.