Long overdue…

Back in the fall of 2020, after the New York Post published a bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell,” the Biden campaign worked behind the scenes to dispute it. The campaign eventually recruited 51 former intelligence officials to sign on to the letter suggesting that the laptop was Russian disinformation. The letter was published three days before Biden debated Trump, which allowed him to dismiss the story during the debate. 

“Look, there are 50 former National Intelligence folks who said that what this, he’s accusing me of is a Russian plan,” Biden said in the debate. “They have said that this has all the characteristics — four —  five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him, his, and his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”

But it was way worse than that. The letter was used by Big Tech as cover for social media platforms to censor speech about the laptop. The letter stands out as the most significant example of genuine election interference in our nation’s history.

Full article, HERE. From PJ Media

They should have lost their clearances a LONG time ago… Along with a lot of other people (like generals, admirals, senators, congressmen, etc.)

If you’re a peon, you get a maximum of 2 years to reactivate your clearance if you change jobs, but those above get to keep theirs forever!

The old some pigs are more equal than others holds true in this case for sure…

There is no realistic reason for those clearances to be extended, as most of those folks are no longer involved in anything where they ‘need’ clearances, and if they are, the company they are working for should be carrying the clearance.

That would be one more thing I’d add to the ‘housecleaning’ list, if I were in charge!!!


Long overdue… — 14 Comments

  1. Amen. I went through the whole rectal exam twice for a DOE ‘Q’ (top secret) clearance because it was after the “grace” period before I needed one again.

    • Yeah , didn’t that MM2 (nuke/sub type) get gigged hard for taking a pic of a control panel couple of years ago ?

      • There was more to that story that wasn’t published.

  2. “Please debrief me…let me go….”, as the old song goes. Yeah , these guys should not be cleared for life . Former this and former that , “anonymous former officials ” quoted as sources , too much of this bs going on . Even with a clearance , how would they have access to actually review intelligence assessments of the laptop , not in their purview , and anyone discussing/ leaking to them should ask themselves , “do they have a need to know” . I used to throw balled up dish towels at the tv at Gen. Jack Keane when he was on tv when he would speculate/opine/pontificate on intelligence issues , him being years and years out of the loop.

    Why did Hunter drop off his laptop full , of all kinds of incriminating shit at a repair shop , drug addled fugue?

    Hillary got off on her private server usage as negligence , after having to had many many many security briefings on handling classified shit probably going back to even her days as Arkansas Governer’s wife, certainly as a First Lady, Senator, and Sec of State .

    Rotten people (the 51) never wanting to retire , just hang it up and kick back. Must be the rush of power , or the need to feel significant.

  3. 2 years was good enough for me. a true patriot. I’d advocate once vacated of qualifying position, that it includes any and ALL “perks”.

  4. I should’ve made clear- I meant for these “career”, public/private geezers

  5. At my retirement a few years ago I had to sign over 50 separate debriefing forms before I exited. I was seriously grateful to not be under those security constraints any more.

  6. If Trump doesn’t go biblical on all the evil douchebags who conspired to harm him then this election was a waste of time and money. There can go no coexistence with leftists and it’s high time we accepted that fact and start acting accordingly.

  7. If Trump doesn’t go biblical on all the evil douchebags who conspired to harm him then this election was a waste of time and money. There can go no coexistence with leftists and it’s high time we accepted that fact and start acting accordingly.

  8. Had a TS/SCI and the odd “code name” clearances. How did I get the Code Name clearances? My name is Smith. But not THAT Smith Yup, was issued THREE such clearances and once I asked “Why?” were they remove from my ID badge and record? Of course not! I was scheduled for briefings and “read-ins” for each.
    “Top Men.”

  9. For nearly a year and a half I’ve been escorted into and out of my building. Had TS/SCI and “other stuff” for long time. Left that world for GENSER Secret, then came back to the spooky world a year later. Except that the contract was foobar’d and they didn’t grab the TS/SCI, only then”other stuff”. When they finally fixed the contract, my SCI had expired and I’d hit five years for reinvestigation. So I’m still sort-of persona non grata when I comes to getting into the building. Once inside, it’s ok. But till that SCI comes through, it’s miserable getting to and leaving work.
    Why others get away with no particular need for continued clearance is beyond me. Once you leave a position, you should have been formally debriefed and permanently forget anything you’d worked on. That’s how I was taught…

    • to WN,

      I’m sad to say, your point reinforces what many have called me-

      a dinosaur.
      our time has come and gone. my children and very soon their children’s generation
      ( the yoof of the present/future) know best.

      I am becoming ever more of a hermit.
