Hamas is still at it in Gaza…probably with UNRWA cooperation…
The United Nations is finally admitting that aid being driven into the Gaza Strip is being looted, a fact we’ve known for a year. And yet, officials still won’t admit which “armed people” are doing the stealing.
We know who is looting the trucks. It’s Iranian backed Hamas and many of its members work for UNWRA. The terrorist group steals the aid, meant for Palestinian civilians, and then makes them pay for it. Hamas is also murdering civilians who try to access the aid.
Full article, HERE from Town Hall with numerous X links.
97 of 109 trucks of humanitarian aid were looted by armed ‘civilians’, yet the UN blames Israel, but won’t allow Israel to actually escort the trucks. In what bizzaro world does this make ANY sense?
Much less having been going on the ENTIRE time there has been humanitarian aid moving into Gaza? What is the UN really doing over there?
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly on 8 December 1949 and became operational on 1 May 1950. It is one of the largest United Nations programs, and we all know it is throughly infiltrated by Hamas, and has been since Hamas was formed. So they get up and pander to the world about how ‘bad’ things are, while, IMHO, they actively support the theft and Hamas activity.
It will be interesting to see what happens with Trump takes over. I believe there will be a significant shift to the level of support for Israel, and I also believe there will be a hard look taken at both the UN and UNRWA. I would not be surprised to see the UN kicked out of the US (long overdue in my opinion). Put them in some third world country that needs support, like Botswana, and stop paying all their bills!!!
The people in Gaza deserve better! Grrr…
Hey Old NFO,
I have always said, “Let the UN move to Haiti, they Love the 3rd world, let them experience it first hand.” And yes, we need to seriously check our funding for that corrupt organization.
The same thing happened in Somalia. Warlords stole the food and controlled the population by starvation. Same in Haiti.
If the tactics work, why change them? The UN panties maybe in a bunch but they won’t do anything about it.
The UN was created to bring peace, no more war! What a joke! There has not been and will not be any peace until the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Get the USA out of this Satanic organization and out of the USA! Stop wasting the American taxpayers money!
The US needs to leave the UN and kick it out of New York. It’s nothing but a front for commies and dictators to stump for their agendas and a source of money for them to loot. It’s a pointless, useless waste of time money and energy.
As for the Gazans….to hell with them. 99% of those who aren’t part of Hamas support Hamas. Let them starve. There are NO peaceful muslims. The radical ones want to kill all non muslims. The “moderate” ones want the radical ones to kill all non muslims.
Always remember that in between attacking infidels the Sunni and Shia will happily kill each other as apostates. The only ‘peace’ in Islam is the peace of the grave.
All- I see y’all think much the same as I do. Rick- Good point!
Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
There’s nothing wrong with Gaza that a tactical nuke wouldn’t fix.
More casualties => More aid and more political support.
Can nobody see which way the incentives are working there?
“but won’t allow Israel to actually escort the trucks”.
Then Israel needs to tell the UN to kick rocks, start escorting the trucks, and shooting looters.
And still we hear from earnest 80-IQ midwits, even on the right, cheering on Hamas, because their two favorite football teams are the KKK, and whoever hates the “Jooooooooos!”