The Caliber Wars…

The caliber wars… L-R 9mm, .40, .45 Hollow Points My perspective, for what that is worth.  This was what we did on INDEPENDENCE Day… And this is in response to a couple of emails and for my grandson. I own … Continue reading

Sadly, link cleaning…

I really hated to do it, but I’ve been cleaning up the blog links, as it seems some good folks have just flat quit posting.  Hate to do it, but it was time to clean house. Added Erin P (Lurking … Continue reading

Self sufficiency sometimes needs a little help…

From Brigid… Home on the Range: Being Self Sufficient Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Ever Need Help – … Continue reading

Is it just me???

Or are a lot of bloggers that are dropping off/reducing their blogging severely in the last month or so??? I’m wondering if folks are just getting tired of all the BS out there between politics, scandals, and now the NSA revelations… … Continue reading

The Grey Man, Part 2…

By popular demand (e.g. yelling screaming and a bunch of emails)… Part 2… At 5pm all the competitors gathered in the clubhouse to hear the course of fire layout for the competition tomorrow.  Since most of the teams had shot … Continue reading

I’m too old for this…

This ‘day’ started at 1500 on Wednesday… Airport one IAD, this is 20 minutes before boarding… Five hours later, arrive in LAX.  Two and a half hour layover… Airport two, half hour before boarding… TWO airplanes since the flight last … Continue reading

On the road again…

Willie’s playing that damn song again… Beers’ in the fridge, dog food’s in the pantry… Maid comes in on Wednesday, don’t mess the place up, cause she’ll cuss you up one side and down the other… Light blogging and commenting … Continue reading

Executive actions…

Well, it appears there are things going on ‘behind teh curtain’ so to speak… From the Washington Times… The White House on Tuesday is touting a progress report on President Obama’s pledge to combat gun violence, in the wake of … Continue reading

News of the weird…

Well, BO did it again… Two defendants in military sexual assault cases cannot be punitively discharged, if found guilty, because of “unlawful command influence” derived from comments made by President Barack Obama, a judge ruled in a Hawaii military court … Continue reading


This one popped in over the mil-email transom… In the last three weeks Chicago has had 25 shot 6 killed, 44 shot 10 killed and this last weekend apparently 37 were shot and 6 killed.. Where is the media outcry??? … Continue reading