Be careful what you ask for…

You just ‘might’ get it… paperless Nuff said… 🙂 … Continue reading

First body over the wall…

Well, the putsch has started, the first body just got thrown over the wall to appease the proles… Obama said Lew asked for the resignation and Miller agreed, after being on the job since November 2012. “Americans have a right … Continue reading

Good Ol’ boys…

It appears some folks were/are less than happy with Duck Dynasty about both the use of guns on the show, and references to God during the show (like prayers at meals)… Phil Robertson laid it on the line… Good … Continue reading

Security, we hardly knew ye…

Loose lips: Candid camera club alerts N. Korea of USS Nimitz’s arrival It wasn’t a tapped phone, a hacked computer or a double agent that tipped off North Korea that the U.S. Navy’s biggest and baddest aircraft carrier was steaming … Continue reading

In honor of Mother’s Day…

The Next Survivor Series…      Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 3 kids each for six weeks.      Each kid will play two sports and either take music or dance classes. There is no fast food.      Each … Continue reading

Payoff on the tease…

Remember this??? Well, HERE are the good pics, courtesy of JayG!  And those guns really were beautiful! Thanks Jay! … Continue reading


Getting up at 0330 is just unnatural if you’re not going fishing or hunting… Now sitting at the airport trying to pry both eyes open and get ready for another day/another airplane… At least I beat the ‘rush’ through security! … Continue reading


0600, it’s already 83 degrees, with 77% humidity… Pardon me while I just melt over here in the corner… Sooo… Is this ‘cover’ or ‘concealment’??? Y’all have a good evening! … Continue reading

And more media… NRA Convention

Looks like the coverage just got a little more international… Just met a crew from the BBC, who are apparently getting a LOT of questions/requests from their bosses about the show. Also, NTV from Japan is here, should be this … Continue reading