Tootsie Rolls…

An odd little story from the Marine Corps history…

Chosin Reservoir Korea, December 1950…

It’s ALWAYS about communications… And the ‘fog of war’…

h/t JP


Tootsie Rolls… — 8 Comments

  1. Isn’t it something that the Pogies in the back can screw up and actually do something that turned out to be right? Now I will enjoy a Tootsie Roll even more.

  2. Yep, every once in awhile, the rear echelon folks get something right … even if it’s for the wrong reason. 🙂

  3. LL- Me neither! Although I ‘still’ don’t care for them…

    CP- Good point!

    Rev- LOL, yep!!!

  4. Very few outside of the Corps understand the significance of the Chosin.

    “They don’t make em like they used to.”

  5. Brighid- True!!! OH so true!!!

    Anti- Yep, and having met a couple of those folks, truer words were never said…

    Fuzzy- Understood!