A comparison…

In a news conference, Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting Quarterback for the Green Bay Packers football team next season.

Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be the starting QB because she had spent 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers – even though she has actually never played football at any level from grade school up, never ran the offense of any team, nor ever played the game.

During this period of time, she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, the nickel package, man-to-man coverage, so she is now completely comfortable with all the other terminology involving the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans shows 50% of those polled supported the move.

Does this sound idiotic and unbelievable … or familiar to you?

Hillary Clinton  makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be the President of the United States and 50% of Democrats polled agree.

She has never run a city, county, or state during her “career” as being Bill Clinton’s wife. When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the White House.   My immediate thought was, “So does the pastry chef, and the person who picks up dog shit from the White House Lawn”

When it comes to running the State Department, her biggest achievement was getting a US Ambassador and 3 other Americans killed, by pretending terrorism had been defeated…..Her words still echo…“what difference does it make”

Take away-  At least Deanna Favre is pretty!

Nuff said…


A comparison… — 23 Comments

  1. Electing someone President just because she has a vagina makes no more sense than electing someone President just because he has a penis.

  2. I protest, as Sec of State she reset our country’s relationship with Russia, ushering in an era of peace and tranquility between the Tsar Putin and his neighbors and the spread of tolerance with his political opponents.

    Or maybe not.

  3. Excellent!

    Based on this rationale, she’s also qualified because she is lacking male genitalia!
    (Of course, I’m not volunteering to check her credentials)


  4. Given how Boehner and the establishment GOP are rolling over and playing dead, at this point I have to say if hillary does get elected, what difference does it make?

    Speaking of hillary, there’s an image going around the Interweb that shows a picture of her with the caption “Nov. 8, 2016 – That awkward moment when millions of racists suddenly become sexist as well.”

  5. If the choice is between Hillary Clinton for president and Deanna Favre, I’ll vote for Deanna.

  6. Hey, she has other qualifications! Remember, she is a disbarred attorney. When she left the White House, she was caught burglarizing the People’s stuff. She was a State Senator who like Barry Soetero, spent most of her time running for President. And as SecState, logged more miles and talk time than anyone on record. Accomplishments? Well, never mind. We are all about style, not substance.

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    I can see people electing Hillery because now it is a women’s turn to be president…first we elected the first black man…now we have to elect a women in the interest of diversity. Then it will be the turn of a Hispanic person, then a person that represents the LBGT group. Now if the democrats can find a female half black, half Hispanic, lesbian cripple in a wheelchair, utopia will be here. Or am I being politically incorrect…again?

  8. We haven’t had a Jew as president yet. What about Netanyahu? If we’re looking for new categories of people to be commander-in-chief, he’d be toward the top of the list…and the birth certificate can be forged. We know that the MSM will accept that.

  9. Deanna would be thousands of times better as quarterback that Hillary ever would be as President.

  10. Remember when she showed up at a meeting at the United Nations with a hair clip perched on top of her head? Egads! If you want to run for president and be taken seriously, don’t wear your hair like I do when I’m cleaning my oven.

  11. Hillary and her sisterhood of the traveling pants will unfortuantly get the sympathy vote from the fembots of this country. But, the dems don’t want her to run, they really want Liz Warren..but I don’t think she will do it.

  12. What LL said EXCEPT that anti-Semitism is so rife but so carefully concealed right now that Bibi WOULDN’T get a pass. Because diversity doesn’t include Jews in Israel right now any more than it did in 1938.

  13. While I believe PM Netanyahu would do a fine job as POTUS, I don’t believe he would qualify. Sadly, he was not born in the USA.

  14. JUGM- Oh yeah, no question they will ignore ALL the reality checks…

    PH- another good point.

    Johnny- No problem…

  15. The present executive chef at the White House has TEN YEARS there!

    Plus a minority woman!