Water rights…

California has been fighting this battle for over 100 years, since 1851 apparently…

That’s how long they’ve known there was a shortage of water…

Apparently prior to 1914, some of the ‘discussions’ ended up with people dead from gun shots wounds…

So if you live in Kali, and had ‘rights’ to water before 1914, you’ve got ‘Senior Rights’…

Which means the Kali water resources board has to tread carefully before they cut your water off.  However, if you’re a ‘newcomer’, not so much…

Notices have been sent to 114 senior rights holders, telling them to stop diverting water and to stop releasing previously stored water. Those who violate the order face fines up to $1,000 a day and $2,500 per acre-foot.

This apparently also will cause the town of Mountain Home to lose their water. From CBS Sacramento HERE.

BUT, if you’re the Delta Smelt, and on the endangered species list, and have a good lawyer, YOU can get all the water (millions of acre feet), to keep your 3 inch butt alive… (HERE)

And some people don’t care how much they water the yards, especially in the Bay Area and LA areas. I didn’t realize it (mainly because ‘I’ would never be able to afford it), but some folks apparently are/were spending $400 on a water bill every month. Link HERE.

Meanwhile, farmers, you know, those folks that actually GROW things, are trying to figure out a way to stave off bankruptcy and layoffs… Link HERE.

It’s not like Kali hasn’t known this was coming, it’s happened before. But the lack of big picture planning just amazes me. And the slipshod, political, crony BS that seems to play out in Sacramento just… Sigh…

Meanwhile it appears Kali’s response is to blame the OTHER states for not giving Kali all the water they want. This website on Momo Lake and the links are pretty interesting, and show how long ago they started diverting water to feed LA’s insatiable appetite for water… Link is HERE.

There is a harsh reality out there today, and Kali and the other western states need to realize that unrestricted growth and stupid pet tricks like the Delta Smelt are literally costing us our food bowl and who knows how many tens of thousands of jobs.

I wonder how many Delta Smelt it would take to make a meal???


Water rights… — 23 Comments

  1. The moonbattery of California’s handling of it’s water supplies is staggering.
    When little fish usurp the needs of millions of people, cause shortages of primary foodstuffs and cause huge layoffs along with higher food prices, there is something vastly awry. Yet Californians continue to elect the fools that force that behavior down their throats. (some would say up another orifice)
    The political correctness and stupidity is simply – – – – well, moonbattering. 🙂

  2. The best thing about Kali is… they are on the far left side of the country. As for the Delta Smelt, round up a passel of them and put them in some of those nice aquariums (Atlanta and Chattanooga have a couple of nice ones).

  3. I grew up in Kali in the ’50’s – ’60’s, when it was slightly more sane. Way back then when I was a snotty nosed adolescent/teenager I said they should build desalination plants along the coastline, but what did I know? I was just a “dumb surfer kid”. I lived in El Segundo, which is right on the beach next to LAX, so I could see the common sense in using local resources.
    I left the peoples republic in ’78 and haven’t looked back. That place is stupid gone to seed. You can’t fix stupid.

  4. In the West, whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting. And people will fight,and have,fought over water rights. As former Sen. Wattenburg from Walden, CO said, “It wasn’t until I got elected that I learned goddamndenverwaterboard isn’t one word”.

    • It has been thus so long I’m not sure that it hasn’t been bred into us at this point.

    • It has been thus for so long… I’m not sure it hasn’t been bred into us at this point.

  5. As an Arizonan I’m keenly aware of water rights, and how California both wastes and steals water. The Colorado river has been a bone of contention since the ’20’s, as California has always taken more than their legal share. They were very unhappy with the CAP, as before that Arizona wasn’t taking the full amount and so California grabbed it. They were even more unhappy when we put a lot of that then surplus water underground, recharging our ground water reserves and saving up for drought years.

    A big worry for us here is that we’ll see even more California ‘refugees’ moving in and doing their best to make Arizona government like they had in California.

  6. I suggested that the leftist politicians who are running Kali into the ground should be fed nothing but smelt until they choke on it. Then we’d see if they still think it’s worth protecting.

    I’m told I was too harsh. But after seeing current conditions there, I don’t think so.

  7. The cesspit of Sacramento is so full of competing and cross-jurisdictional agencies, if we just cut of THEIR water (and oxygen) the State could begin to breathe again.

  8. Desalination plants make a lot of sense. Too much sense, apparently. I’ve grown cynical enough to believe this mismanagement of water is intentional. This is an intentional crisis to increase food prices.

  9. Read that there were a number of projects either planned or started to both build new impoundments and enlarge existing ones; both were stopped by the same people saying “Screw the farms and people, save the smelt!”

    At some point this is going to seriously affect the clowns in San Francisco and other places behind this; then it’ll get interesting.

  10. Kali is a man-made disaster. That much desert wasn’t meant to support that many people, so they divert water.

    Here in Louisiana, we’ve got all the rivers running wide open, all the dams open, doing everything we can to send water out to sea. Kali, not so much. They need every drop that runs through the state.

  11. Hey old NFO;

    Until the idiots in charge are held accountable for the dumb stuff they do..nothing will change…as long as the Peoples republic of Kali are immune to the ramifications of their actions..there will be no change…The center of power is the major cities and they care more for their pet causes than where their water comes from. As long as they can turn on their tap and get water, they ain’t gonna change. I remember a scene in the movie “Dune”….Water is life

  12. Bob- Good point! BUT they are about to get their comeuppance… Pretty soon there won’t BE any water. They HAD the chance to build desal plants, but didn’t want to ‘spoil’ their views… And now it’s too late!

  13. There’s this old hippie looking guy who lives about 2 blocks away in my neighborhood.

    He drives a Prius

    He has solar panels all over his roof

    His Prius had Obama stickers on it, and now it has Hillary stickers.

    And he has the greenest lawn around!

    He waters it daily (I’ve seen him), and I’m sure he treats it as another living, breathing creature.

    I just wonder what’s going to happen when they clobber him with massive fines for all the water he uses…..

    • He’s probably one of those idiots with a “Save Hetch Hetchy” sticker. I honestly WISH they WOULD tear down hetch hetchy. They can drink DUST.

  14. drjim- Almost worth dropping a dime on his ass, isn’t it??? 🙂

    leaper- Probably!!! And SFO would go bat nuts if that happened! 🙂