Interesting take…

Sam Jacobs at has one of the better reviews of the goings on of the ‘elites’… Worth the read.

The Great Reset is upon us…or at least the powers that be are trying to bring it out. What was once a fringe “conspiracy theory” is now on display plain as day for everyone to see. The economic, political, academic, and media elites around the world are leveraging the chaos, confusion, and restrictions on liberty from the COVID-19 lockdowns and using them to radically alter society around the world.

What will this change look like? The global elites want to create a society of renters who own nothing, while also pushing a social agenda that would be unpopular with the unwashed masses and difficult to implement in a society with a broad, ownership-based middle class.

Full article, HERE from

When you look at the bribes/coercion/threats surrounding the vaccine that are currently being put out by various states, organizations, and NGOs, in addition to ‘vaccine passports’ in places like NYC, it gets more interesting.

And if you want to see where it ‘might’ go, look at the enforcement actions taking place in Australia! The military has been activated to ‘enforce’ the WuFlu lock down in Sydney, HERE.

Is that going to come here? I hope not…

Your thoughts?


Interesting take… — 24 Comments

  1. The gloves are off, their false front has been dropped, they aren’t even TRYING to hide their agenda and actions anymore. And STILL at least HALF of Americans don’t GET IT! And every day that goes by means the odds they succeed and destroy America in their quest to
    eradicate billions of people and impose their notion of “perfection” on the planet gets better and better.

  2. The words said here about the Australian Military are bullshit. I did 21 years in the RAAF,1970-1971, and two years in the Army, and what is being portrayed here concerning the Australian Defence Forces, is a misrepresentation, and a total, 100% LIE!. At no time, EVER, in the history of the ADF, since it’s inception way back in 1901, have Australian Military personnel EVER, I repeat, EVER(!!),taken up or raised arms against any Australian Citizen. What they are doing now is providing rescue and relief, using trucks, and other vehicles, to deliver supplies to needy and disadvantaged people. Providing relief and rescue to those who need it. None of them, absolutely NONE of them are armed, except with a smile and helping hands. Damn the Press!.

    • Not a word was said about being armed. Idiot.

      “Australia has deployed hundreds of soldiers to Sydney to help enforce a Covid lockdown.

      A Delta outbreak which began in June has produced nearly 3,000 infections and led to nine deaths.

      Australian Defence Force soldiers will undergo training on the weekend before beginning unarmed patrols on Monday.”

      • Nine deaths out of 3000 infections seems like an awful tiny fatality rate to justify lock downs, damage to the economy and all the psychological damage look downs do to people. I bet there have been more suicides than co vid deaths!

  3. If what is happening in Australia comes to the USA then guerilla warfare will shortly follow. Remember there are many veterans from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other wars that will not tolerate the crushing of freedom the Aussies have.

    • John, did you read what I said?. The Press,and Main Stream Media, are completely LYING about what they say is happening in Australia. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING being said by the Press, about Australia, is true, it’s all a pack of lies!. Dude, i served 21 years in the Australian military, and I swear to you, NEVER, NOT ONE, Australian Defence Force member would EVER take up arms, nor EVER, and I fucking mean, EVER(!! cLEAR!.
      ), fire on any Australian Citizen, EVER!.

      • The anti-communist patriots of 1991 are not the socialist millennials of 2021. I got out of the US Army just 15 years ago, and it’s nothing like what it was then.

        Everything has changed.

  4. From the BBC article:

    “A Delta outbreak which began in June has produced nearly 3,000 infections and led to nine deaths.”

    Emphasis mine.

    Stuart, I understand your frustration, but are you there on the ground seeing what is happening? Were you in Melbourne or are you now in Sydney? I have seen multiple videos of police harassing and arresting people for not wearing masks. Yesterday I listened to a recording of police handcuffing an old man with a medical exemption and then refusing to allow his companion to give him his medications as he lay on the ground having a seizure. You can shout all you want about what the Australian military would or would not do, but if you are not there as an eye-witness I suggest that your view might be overly optimistic.

    • From the BBC article….., Yeah right. The Main Stream Media, is the major problem. You listened to recording of police handcuffing an old man with a medical exemption,……I’ll not waste my time responding to that, there are too many ‘agencies’ portraying so called events like this to their own benefit. I’m done here, I ain’t wasting my time on this crap
      any further.

    • I’ve been is Sydney. The mask wearing requirements are in place in many areas, unfortunately, too many people are ignoring the rules, so if someone is ‘harassed’ for not wearing a mask, for whatever reason, they deserve what they get. It only takes one criminally irresponsible fool to spread this, and that is exactly what has happened too many times. My view is realistic, not swayed by agenda driven MSM reports or Social Media idiocy. I will not be commenting further on this subject, you believe what you believe, I know what I know. Goodbye.

  5. Dr Death, aka Fauci, has a $6.500,000 NIAID budget (slush fund) to buy whatever “scientific” study that supports the narrative.

    Here in CO where most mask mandates are ignored I still see about one out of ten people wearing them. If they want, it is still a ‘free’ country, isn’t it?

  6. It has been mentioned in the Canadian parliament to have it mostly implemented by 2030 – if the current party remains in power. If Bill C-36 makes it eventually through the Senate that is the end of free speech with a government appointed Digital Safety Commissioner and a government appointed panel. They will have control of some aspects of the criminal code, outside of the existing legal system, and the power to to administer penalties up to and including incarceration and – this is not BS – for offenses you have not yet committed but may in the future. (meanwhile ISIS returnees to this country are being turned loose to live among the population with compensation for alleged civil rights violation – the one that killed your serviceman got $10+CDN million from Trudeau – google it). Most Canadians have not caught on to Bill C-36 and it is getting little airtime in the media but a copy can be obtained from one’s member of Parliament.

  7. All- Thanks for the comments. Stuart- Thanks for the clarification! That is sure as hell NOT the way it’s being presented…grrr…

  8. What annoys me about the Great Reset is that the elites and our overseers are actually using that term overtly, rather than hiding it.

    When your enemy is so blatant about their plans that they are actually talking about it in the open, you know either they’re idiots or things have gotten to or past ‘End Times.’

    I wonder if this is how the non-national socialists in Germany felt in 1934 watching the national socialists consolidate power?

  9. The goal is not the Great Reset.
    That is the tool to obtain the goal.
    “Benign” Enslavement of the population.
    You will own nothing and you will like it.

  10. It’s hard to know what’s true, based on what is reported by the professional media. And actual boots-on-the-ground reports tend to get lost in the overwhelming volume of data traffic being generated.
    However, I have a friend who pastors a small church in Bogo City, Cebu, Philippines. I speak with him every Saturday. Last week, he told me his government was planning a lock-down because the delta variant had appeared; a two-week lockdown was implemented yesterday. Today, he told me four families in his congregation had contracted delta this week.
    I’m not denying that somebody is using this to further their own agenda, but real people are suffering. If you want to help, I can get you his contact info.

  11. I despise, detest, and TOTALLY distrust the “media”. As I keep saying, I don’t KNOW if the media is/are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat party, or if it’s the other way round, but it’s OBVIOUS that they are in CAHOOTS…and sleep in the same beds. Cynical? Moi? You betcha!

  12. I just returned from Sydney, and no, the ADF are not out in force, in fact, noone seems to be. I walked from the QVB to Circular Quay, took the ferry to Manly and back, and took the tram and walked to Hyde park. This was after flying in from Brisbane and other places in Queensland. The ADF folks I was in contact with, from 1st MP Bn and plenty of others, were all bitching about being thrown under the bus for the NSW lockdown.
    Sydney was mostly empty, most folks staying home. No cops present anywhere in any kind of obvious way. I saw 1 MP, in Woolies, getting snacks for his night shift at the Navy base. There were transport security folks at some of the tram stops and the train station at Circular Quay, just rent a cops from somewhere. There were random folks out walking, some without masks, and noone gave a shit. I ate takeaway from a middle east restaurant that was doing a fair amount of walk up and delivery. All non essential businesses were completely shuttered, as expected. Check the Service New South Wales website for details on what is expected. NSW is using a check in app, similar to Queensland (check in QLD) that most folks seem to pretend to comply with. Noone gave me any hassle anywhere for not checking in.
    Brisbane airport was open and about half the shops were open. Plenty of people flying in Queensland.
    Sorry for the ramble, still getting over the lag.
    Yes, I have pictures and other proof. No, it is not a door to door assault on the Australians.

    • Gromit- Thanks for the boots on the ground report. MUCH more accurate than the media (again)… sigh

  13. Beans- Good point…

    Ed- That’s a possibility too, but I don’t think it will be ‘benign’!

    Pat- It’s definitely real, but the question is what IS it… Influenza, WuFlu, Delta, or what? Seems the ‘testing’ can’t determine it. Also the most impacted are blacks and hispanics, because they don’t trust the government, NOT because of Trump.

    Sam- That it is, and you’re not being cynical, just truthful!

    • I’m not BEING cynical, but I’m surely GETTING close to it.

  14. What I’m hearing from Pixy Misa about the level of lockdown he is seeing in Australia makes me think that the Australian government hasn’t been able to implement the big martial law crackdown that media is apparently alleging.

    Canada’s government is serious about going full bore fascist. They’ve been quietly putting a lot of evil in place. Parts of Canada get seriously cold, that means that survival makes a necessity of a certain independence of mind and willingness to get things done on your own. The impression I have is that the Canadian government has designed their tyranny for the big cities in the warmest part of the countries, and I’m not sure it is a winning hand for them.

    Okay, I will decline to argue that the UK and New Zealand may well be free countries again someday.

    I will argue that Canada, Australia, and the USA are all really big, and that the politicians trying to pull stuff may easily be both overconfident and stupid.

    Okay, I’m basically not talking to anyone in RL that isn’t a close relative, but I’m pretty sure Dan is wildly overestimating the number of people who “don’t get it”. Okay, I heard the building head at work talking to a visitor in a public area, and they seemed to think that the normal political process, and normal congressional business would continue in the next few years. They might have been assuming a Republican victory in 2022, I’m not sure. a) I’m not exactly talking about my true suspicions to everyone, or in public. b) My larger organization selects for leadership that is either crooked, stupid, or willing to shut up about stupidity in public.

    I don’t really know anything right now.

    I am a not a financial advisor, I have no training in intelligence, I actually am crazy, and my information on Canada and Australia mostly comes from guys who like anime and often say they like Republicans. (Pixy Misa is pretty seriously unimpressed with the Republican senate infrastructure proposal.)