Random stuff…

Her gun is definitely bigger than mine… This is the face of the new Soldier, Sailor, Airman (in this case), and Marine; who is having to clean up our messes… Damn Gephart and Kennedy and that ilk for not allowing … Continue reading

Humor- A little too close to the truth?

For those who don’t know much about history…… here is a Elsie (condensed) version. Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the … Continue reading

New Blog :-)

Go check out Larry Correia’s new Blog…Larry is well known over at THR and for his company Fuzzy Bunny Guns. This should be an interesting blog if you’re into shooting, B movies and/or Monster movies…Welcome Larry! … Continue reading

Dark of night musings…

Yawn… It’s 0230, I’m wide awake and bored to tears… Finished the last of the book I was reading on the airplane, so here I sit, staring at a blank computer screen. This is not good… Sigh…Went out on the … Continue reading

The Banister of life…

As You Slide Down the Banister of Life, Remember:1. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written an impressive new book. It’s called “Ministers Do More Than Lay People.”2. Transvestite: A Guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.3. Difference … Continue reading

Can I get a translator over here???

Blogger Buzz ブログ(英語)をご覧いただきますとBlogger チームからの最新情報をご確認いただけます This is what pops up when you try to log into your blog from Japan… sigh…ON a brighter note, went to dinner with friends last night over in Hayama, had one of the best Italian meals … Continue reading

Another GOOD read…

A new blogger who I’m going to follow with a LOT of interest is Expert Witness he has one hellva background 🙂 Go check him out! … Continue reading

9/11- Time to move on???

Reading the newspapers this morning and listening to the news has just flat pissed me off…I lost two good friends in the Pentagon, Retired Captain Jack Punches and Captain Larry Getzfred. I served with and crossed paths with both these … Continue reading

Why do we even bother with debates?

In my tiny little mind, I cannot figure out what at least half of the questions asked in the “debate” tonight were supposed to be about, they didn’t have a damn thing to do with being a President- I think … Continue reading

Just Peachy!: As A Parent:

Just Peachy!: As A Parent: You have to go read Babs comments on bringing up children! Kudos to the Lady for a dead on set of comments. Too bad more people don’t believe the same way! Honesty in raising children … Continue reading