DC area shoot!!!

Murph is doing the DC area shoot again this weekend over in WVA.  If you can make plans to join him!!! Final reminder: Blogshoot this week-end. All welcome.   In 2011, there was THIS ONE. 2012 saw a larger one, with … Continue reading

The Perfect Home for Liberals…

Never thought about it this way before…. Their own “Gated community”! Works for me… … Continue reading


Just for reference… ·         EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THE DEFINITION OF “HUBRIS”! George Bush George W. Bush speech after capture of Saddam Hussein: The success of yesterday’s mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq … Continue reading

Kilted to Kick Cancer…

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m late… Story of my life, a day late and a dollar short… yada, yada… Since I’m out of pocket for basically the next six weeks, I’ll put up and link, but as far as offering … Continue reading

Another YGTBSM!!!

From the WAPO fishwrap… This is the ‘money’ quote… I don’t believe that all sexual conduct between underage students and teachers should necessarily be classified as rape, and I believe that absent extenuating circumstances, consensual sexual activity between teachers and … Continue reading


Gotta love it when the antis get overwhelmed by the 2A folks… http://www.10tv.com/content/sections/video/index.html?ooid=1iNmcxZTqnoBS4tQLdQi17owVVSSYeS5&cmpid=share And while I’m at it, this is a little more ‘civilized’ than what I was going to post the other day, but it just truly gets me … Continue reading

Heh, I think I pissed them off…

Note to self- Go find some good hackers and get a DDOS going against these turds… … Continue reading

Guest post follow-up…

Update from Wandering Neurons- We made it to Nashville successfully, but tired. Today was visitation and the funeral. First event was very nice meeting Dad’s old friends, coworkers, and new friends. The funeral was very well done, very touching. Taps … Continue reading

Sometimes you just gotta laugh…

Well, the ( )pammers ( )pamed the ( )pammer post… I’ve no doubt they’re using keyword searches now… That was this morning and they went after the two posts ( )pammers and ( )ammit… So I went hunting, and all … Continue reading

Book Review- Emily Gets Her Gun…

Emily Miller is a senior at the Washington Times, and wrote a series for the paper on her attempts (and finally success) to purchase a gun in DC.  Now that series has been expanded and turned into a book. Extensively … Continue reading