Now THIS is good…

This is a great commercial, and these folks DO know how to drive on ice!!! Now I gotta admit, I’d love to see the out-takes… 🙂 h/t JP … Continue reading

Another LEO doing good…

You’d think you would see this in the media, right??? A police officer’s heroic rescue of a German Shepherd injured in a car accident has gone viral after he went the extra mile to find the runaway dog. Officer Nick … Continue reading

Another slap in the face…

The crap getting pulled in DC just continues to amaze me… Having eaten in the Warriors Cafe, it is the ONLY facility at Walter Reed/Bethesda that is actually accessible to them. To close it on the weekends and restrict the … Continue reading


This one just boggles the mind… On SO many levels… PRINCE GEORGE, Va. — Prince George County authorities are offering community service to more than 160 people accused of trespassing in a park to play a late-night game. Police charged … Continue reading

Gotta love those Army Pilots…

I think that SWA Captain could have taken a lesson or two from this guy… That “Bou” pilot had his act together!!! h/t JP … Continue reading

Squeaky Update…

Sadly not so good news… Squeaky’s post is HERE.  and Erin’s post is HERE. If you can spare a few bucks, it would be appreciated… … Continue reading

Meh 3…

Woo hoo… Slept in till 0500… Now off to another day of meetings where minutes will be taken, hours wasted and absolutely zip point s!!t will be accomplished… sigh… Y’all have a nice quiet evening!  And re the Grey Man, … Continue reading


Why do “I” have to get behind the one damn woman with kids that can’t find her damn passport… Gah!!! Posted from my iPhone

Isn’t ‘this’ special…

Just heard on the radio, now that DC has legal pot sales, there is a push to decriminalize pot holdings of 1 oz or less in DC. The mayor and city council are apparently ‘investigating’ how to go about it. … Continue reading


7/29 Non-PC post- 100 spam on here, 20 spam on my email 7/30 USSS Columbia post- 4 spam on here, 0 spam on my email 7/31 Karma/Skeletons posts-  140 something spam on here, 28 spam on my email 8/1 Beer Keg post- … Continue reading