
Although  still in early development stage a sign of  things to come Mosquito drone Is this  a mosquito? No. It’s an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by  the US Government (can we say DARPA)… It can  … Continue reading

Oh well…

Goth type refused to be counseled by me since I’m a “man” and she wants to be counseled by the female office manager. She claimed “I” wouldn’t understand her issues…

Why Me???

Why do “I” get stuck doing the counseling??? I’m the grumpy old fart, well ONE of the grumpy old farts in the office… The counselee??? Meh… Goth female receptionist… This is NOT going to end well! Grumble…


Pot meet kettle… Last week, the Council approved a measure that would require Walmart and other large retailers doing business in the District to pay a “living wage” of $12.50 per hour. But… uh oh. Hypocrisy alert. District government pays less than … Continue reading

Zero Tolerance in the Navy…

Former Secretary Lehman (also ex A-6 BN), hits all the key points… The bottom line??? Those old attributes of naval leaders ­ willingness to take intelligent calculated risk, self-confidence, even a certain swagger ­ that are invaluable in wartime are … Continue reading

Quotes from the week…

Finally back home and CONNECTIVITY…. sigh… Week of meetings- Random quotes and ‘overheard’ statements… “I wonder where my hatchet is?” after an hour of circling a question and then a decision to ‘table’ the question… “It’s $300 every six months. Yeah, … Continue reading

They did it, er… IT did it…

X-47B first arrested landing on USS GHW BUSH… Lots more work to do, including “Blue Water” ops, e.g. really crappy weather, etc… But good for them! An now a blast from the past… Well, actually two…  This is the full … Continue reading

Things to think about…

Since I can’t leave well enough alone today… 1- I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. 2- There are two kinds of pedestrians . . . The quick … Continue reading


Truly a crap connection at the hotel, can’t even do work email, much less blog or comment. If y’all don’t see anything for a day or two, its that I just can’t connect… Posted from my iPhone.

Another tragedy…

Just got this one… I just hope we didn’t have any military folks aboard… KTVU.com SFO —  A plane crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport Saturday morning after its tail came off while it was touching down on … Continue reading