Aviation Art…


John Shaw was inspired by the work of artists such as William S. Phillips, R.G. Smith and Robert Taylor, he volunteered to create artwork promoting various WWII aviation events in the area.
When a local Military Museum located at a former WWII Primary Trainer base near Fresno, CA planned to host the legendary Doolittle Tokyo Raiders in 1994, John volunteered to create what was to become his first major WWII aviation painting to honor them and raise funds for the museum. The result was The Hornet’s Nest, which was met with warm acclaim by not only the Raiders themselves, but also the aviation art world.  Following this print release, the enjoyment and success of working with these legendary vets served as motivation to begin publishing more military and aviation scenes to help preserve history…thus was born Liberty Studios, link HERE.


Hillary once again conflates terrorism and gun ownership…

“But I’m looking at violence broadly,” Clinton added. “It’s also why I’ve advocated gun-safety reform, like comprehensive background checks, closing the gun-show loophole, closing the online loophole — because, you know, it’s not only terrorists we need to be worried about.

Read the entire article HERE, at the Washington Examiner.

And yet ‘another’ failure of the background check to stop a criminal from getting a gun…

New York bombing suspect Ahmad Rahami passed a background check to acquire the handgun he used to shoot two police officers as they closed in on him September 19.

The gun–a Glock 9mm–was acquired from a retailer in Salem, Virginia, in July.

Full article HERE, from Breitbart.

But Everymom, etc. keep calling for MORE background checks…


The MSM apparently thinks IT should be kowtowed to like the NYT, HERE… Really???

A number of the talking heads are incensed, yes, incensed that Charlotte PD refuses to release the videos of the shooting in Charlotte. Some are even accusing CPD of ‘hiding things’ by not releasing the videos, saying the ‘people have a right to know’…

Who the hell died and made them God?

Just because you have a 24 hour news cycle, doesn’t mean people have to violate the law just to curry YOUR favor. So what if the family released a video that has some ‘suspicious’ language on it (the “Don’t you do it” comment repeated more than once).

To the NYT and others… Screw you. You aren’t the kings of the world. There are policies and procedures that have to be followed. Your ‘right’ to the video doesn’t trump the rights of others to a fair investigation and not compromising the jury pool…

Now where did I put the GOOD BP meds…

Random thoughts…

After three days of watching the rioting going on in Charlotte, I’m saddened, frustrated and really sick of the TV talking heads…  BLUF, if the perp had obeyed the police commands, he’d be alive today. Period. End of subject.

But nobody is willing to step up and say that publically, other than those nasty right wingers…

The pandering to the ‘family’ and their story line (probably false) did nothing to reduce the rioting, if nothing else, it actually accelerated it. The soft pedaling it as a ‘peaceful’ protest pretty much went out the window the first night with the looting of vehicles and stores (big screen TVs and Ipads), and then the looting of a CVS and damage to a number of businesses including at least one Hyatt hotel.

The Chief of Police has not released any video of the crime, sighting ongoing investigation, but apparently did show the family the video sometime yesterday. The MSM is calling for the Chief to be prosecuted for NOT releasing the video to them… Really???

There is also still footage showing a gun lying on the ground in proximity to the body.


But the family claims it’s a book… Funniest looking book ‘I’ have ever seen.

The other frustration is the apologists getting up there and blaming the police for ALL the deaths of blacks, but when any of them are asked, and it was interesting to note that most of them were, they couldn’t name a SINGLE black shot in Chicago, Baltimore, Philly, Atlanta, or NYC. So ethnocentric foot stomping and finger pointing is all good for the left.

When asked by one commentator yesterday if he thought the police woke up every day wanting to kill someone, the talking head himmed and hawed before finally saying no, but in the next breath said it’s the ‘rogue’ police departments like Chicago and Baltimore that are to blame. When confronted with the fact that the police chiefs were black, many of the city council were black, and they were democratic strongholds, he STILL blamed the police rather than saying people were responsible for their own actions.

Peter put up a good post HERE, on what to do if you’re caught up in a situation like Charlotte.

I can’t help but wonder what would happen if this was tried in a place where people were fed up and were armed…

This is from the LA riots…

None of these Koreans were ever prosecuted, to the best of my knowledge. There were Koreans who defended their stores with AR-15s and shotguns, their stores weren’t looted or burned.

What if one or more people with suppressed .22 rifles and good scopes were up 2-3 floors with a good view of the rioting and started taking out the leaders. One wonders how quickly those ‘professional protesters’ nee rioters would decide they needed to be somewhere else?

That couldn’t be blamed on the cops, and I doubt they’d ever manage to find the shooters, if they even realized it was happening. And before you say a .22 wouldn’t work, think about what the Israelis have done over the years with .22s

I find it interesting that this has blown up like it has, taking ALL the MSM away from Hillary… Strange…

Sigh- Kicking the soapbox back in the corner now…

YMMV, Do not try this at home, INAL, etc…


Some old school Chevy ads… 1962, the sporty version!



I’m trying to find the Ford and Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth versions too…

Posted in TBT

What if…

Hillary Clinton said the Supreme Court “is wrong on the Second Amendment.” (Forbes Article) She was referencing the landmark decision District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the court ruled that law-abiding Americans have a right to keep a firearm in their home for self-defense.  If Hillary Clinton is elected president, she will nominate Supreme Court justices who would rule against the basic right to keep a gun in the home.

Clinton also said that a nationwide gun ban and confiscation scheme similar to that in Australia is “worth looking at.” (The Hill.com)

Are YOU willing to take that chance that she “didn’t really mean it that way”???

h/t NRA Media

And the beat goes on…

I predicted when Heller was won back in 2008, it would be 10 years before CCW would be actually legal in DC, and they’d never accept reciprocity…

I was partially wrong…

It’s been two years since a federal court struck down the District’s ban on carrying handguns in public, allowing gun owners to apply for concealed carry permits for the first time.

But strict requirements adopted by city lawmakers have made it difficult to obtain the permits, with only 89 approved.

But 374 have been denied… So a total of .0007% of the population has applied…

Read the article HERE, at Washington Times.

Now it’s going to the DC Federal Court of Appeals, but I don’t hold much hope, since I think BO appointed two of the three justices that will hear the case…

659,000 give or take a few population, plus roughly 500,000 commuters that work in DC on any given day are unarmed… And a good percentage of those commuters from Virginia have CCW permits.

Lanier, the police chief used every dodge in the book to try to keep from issuing ANY permits, including the hoary old “Protection for the VIPs” and that having CCW people walking around would be a threat to everybody from the Pres to Lanier herself… Funny that nothing was said about all the illegal guns already in DC! Now she’s going to be the head of security for the NFL… Article HERE.

I am SO glad I’m out of that area…

And back in the part of the country where there is some sense of reality…


And even 2 lane country roads have a reasonable speed limit… (actually 5 MPH faster than Oklahoma’s Interstate)…LOL

A little humor…

Tired of the political mud slinging???

Iam… A little Rodney Dangerfield from back in the day…

He’d never be allowed to get away with this today, nor would Don Rickles, or Jackie Mason…

But they all made a ‘living’ so to speak by making fun of themselves… Just enjoy it for what it is!!! 🙂

Aviation Art…


In the pre-dawn of September 1st 1939, units of Hitler’s Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht were poised to smash across Poland’s borders to begin WWII. At sunrise, formations of German bombers were over Krakow and attacked the Polish airbase of Rakowice. Meanwhile, several miles to the west on a secret airfield at Balice, 121 Fighter Eskadra (Squadron) of Army Krakow’s 2 Dyon (Air Regiment) was alerted to the attack by the noise of explosions and flaming horizon. Leaping from his bed and pulling on his flight clothes, 28 year-old veteran flyer, 2nd Lt. Wladek Gnys ran with his CO, Capt. Mieczyslaw Medwecki, to their gull-winged PZLP.11c fighters. As they took off to make an interception of the German attackers, the pair was surprised by fire from passing Ju-87 Stukas of I./StG2, and Medwecki was downed. In attempting to evade, Gnys went into a stall, but regained control just above the ground. Climbing once again, he managed to put two bursts into the engine of another Stuka, which turned away trailing a plume of smoke. Later, at 5000 feet, Gnys spotted two Do-17E bombers of III/KG77 just above the rising early-morning fog. Putting his small fighter into a near-vertical dive, Gnys banked steeply toward the Dornier on the right and fired his four 7.7mm machine guns, silencing the rear gunner and hitting the port engine. He then climbed and banked to the left, away from his smoking victim, to pursue the second German. Attacking from the second bomber’s port side, Gnys dove and fired, getting hits on the cockpit. Realizing that the two mortally wounded Dorniers were on a collision course, he continued his dive below and away from them. Returning to base, the victorious pilot did not see the two crashed bombers smoldering in a farmyard near the village of Zurada… the first victories over the Luftwaffe in World War II! Gnys later fought with the French Air Force in the Battle of France, the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain, and ended his combat career as the squadron leader of the 317F Squadron , RAF.



So there you are, drinking your first PSL (ahem, that’s Pumpkin Spice Latte) of the season.

But wait. 

What I’m about to tell you could rock your Starbucks-loving world: The coffee drink that makes you feel like you’re eating liquid pumpkin pie is in fact a SSL. Yes, that is a Squash Spice Latte. Because that pumpkin pie you grew up eating—the pie from which the aforementioned drink derives its name, owing to the spices commonly included in said pie—was most likely made not from pumpkin, but from squash.

Libby’s Pure Pumpkin—the quintessential American canned pumpkin brand—is responsible for 85% of canned pumpkin sold in the world. When we think of a pumpkin, we usually imagine either the rotund, bright orange specimen that we buy up at Halloween to carve into a jack-o-lantern—which, while edible, isn’t good for cooking—or its smaller, tastier cousin, the sugar pumpkin. But instead of those pumpkin varieties, Libby’s grows a proprietary strain of tan-skinned Dickinson squash. 

And although Libby’s does refer to its fruit as “pumpkin,” in appearance, taste, and texture (not to mention species) it more closely resembles squash. In fact, its closest high-profile relative is butternut squash.

Because the FDA finds that drawing a hard-line designation between pumpkins and “golden-fleshed” winter squash is murky, it’s perfectly legal for Libby’s and other canned pumpkin brands to label their products as such. In addition, companies are allowed to combine different plant varieties into one purée to achieve a desired flavor and consistency—especially beneficial if one type doesn’t grow as well from one year to the next. 

And because many of these companies do offer a product that is denser, sweeter, and more flavorful than the more commonly available pumpkin would be, can we really begrudge them the semantics?

If it does bother you to think that your pumpkin pie might be filled with squash, you could always make your own purée by slicing a sugar pumpkin in half, discarding the seeds and pulp, and then roasting it, cut-side down, at 375ºF until it’s tender throughout, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours (test by sticking a paring knife into the side—when there is no resistance, it’s ready). Once it’s cool enough to handle, scoop the flesh from the peel and purée in a food processor or blender until totally smooth. 

Finally, depending on the water content of the fruit, you may or may not have to scrape the purée into a cheesecloth-lined strainer and let it strain for a few hours.

Or, you could just pop open a can and accept the fact that if it was good enough for grandma, it’s good enough for you.

So, you’ll never look at a pumpkin (squash) pie or that pumpkin (squash) whatever drink the same again…LOL

And yes, I know I’m going to hell for upsetting all those applecarts (but at least they aren’t squash)… 🙂