Fair Winds and Following Seas for a shipmate

I just found out a few minutes ago that my “Sea Daddy” from my early P-3 Orion days died almost two years ago. This reminds me of Matt’s post a couple of days ago over on Better and Better, how … Continue reading

Ah… The joys of travel reimbursement…

Better known as why I hate beancounters… As y’all know, I do a bit of travel for the government, which means I get to routinely submit paperwork, receipts, etc. to try to get the money back I spend doing my … Continue reading

I’m a little lemming….

Okay, since everyone ELSE is jumping on this bandwagon… This Is My Life, Rated Life: 6.7 Mind: 7.1 Body: 6.1 Spirit: 7.1 Friends/Family: 4.7 Love: 0 Finance: 8.8 Take the Rate My Life Quiz Yep, pretty much good, other than … Continue reading

HUD View from the COCKPIT during a Space Shuttle Landing

Sigh… This is as close as most of us will ever get… The thing to keep in mind is there is NO GO AROUND! It’s one shot and one shot only. Enjoy! … Continue reading

Go check this Blog!

Go check out Skywritings This lady has her act together!!! Between her, Female Firefighter/Paramedic and BabsRN I’m learning a LOT of stuff I wish I had known 30+ years ago when I could have applied some of it… sigh… Day … Continue reading

My semi-blind date from hell…

Last night was one of those periodic get togethers with a friend and his wife. We decided to go to the local Italian place for an early (quiet) dinner. Bob and I were meeting his wife and one of her … Continue reading

We are… (insert acronym here)

It’s really interesting to read various Web Logs (blogs) and see the assumptions the writers make that everyone knows exactly what the author means… Also, the creation of words and acronyms to make things easier… yeah, right… Just a random … Continue reading

I’m not saying these rooms are small, but…

Here are a couple of views of my Japanese hotel room down in Yokosuka, JA. Now I’ m not saying they are small, they are %^&* TINY. In the top photo, I’m standing against the wall by the bathroom door … Continue reading

Firearms Refresher Course

“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”~ Thomas Jefferson ~ (This is why Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer and Hillary Clinton want gun control so badly! ) 1. An armed man is … Continue reading

On the Road again…

Just a quick blog- It’s really interesting signing into the blog from here… Most of the character sets come up in Japanese language (Kanji), with a few things coming up in English… You either have to visualize the boxes with … Continue reading