Vito vs. Halloween…

And the score is Vito one, decorations nothing… Or, you could call it decoration by Vito… … Continue reading

I’d call this persistence…

This gent never gave up on his goal… Over the years, Wuerker learned to fly, joined the Civil Air Patrol and even built his own helicopter. That just fed his childhood urge to fly a World War II torpedo bomber. … Continue reading

Shutdown Day 7…

Zip nada out of the congresscritters other than finger pointing… BUT there will be a rally on the Mall- Guess who? A planned immigration reform rally will take place on the National Mall on Tuesday even though the site is … Continue reading

Sometimes you see ‘really’ strange things…

Sideways airplane wing anyone??? This cat is designed to be ‘autonomous’ and sail on it’s own.  They split this thing down the middle and gutted the front to put in a reinforced mast to hold the solid sails. They are … Continue reading

I apologize…

For my lack of commenting and lousy posts… A tad busy… Sorry, but this will probably continue until around the 20th of Oct… Go read the folks on the sidebar.

A different view…

This is what it’s like to get a ride with the Blues… As you watch this, look at how the nurse is reacting, then think about the fact that the pilot is talking the ENTIRE ten minutes in what is … Continue reading

Jace and PP…

One more feel good photo… PP and Jace… And he’s down for the count…   Thankfully they are all happy and healthy, and the whole family is bonding.  Can’t ask for much more than that… … Continue reading

True Colors???

Dems appear to be showing their true colors/affiliations… To me this is just unconscionable…  During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing about Benghazi Thursday on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left … Continue reading

One good meal…

I have a rule that I have to get at least ONE good meal on a trip…  This one also goes out to A Girl and TSM, and MSgt and Mrs. B! I wasn’t driving, so I even hoisted an … Continue reading

Joy and sorrow…

I cannot express how sad I am at the shooting that happened at WNY yesterday, and how pissed I am that once again good folks are dead for no apparent reason.  We’re still waiting for the full list to find … Continue reading