The meltdown continues…

First we have this from BO…

President Barack Obama continues to publicly ponder the after-math of the presidential election that handed the keys to the White House to Donald Trump – a man he claimed was unworthy of the honor of holding the office of president.

In each revealing interview, the outgoing president drifts a little further away from the politically disciplined and magnanimous reflection he first presented in the intervening days after the historic election.

In his latest analysis found in the next issue of The New Yorker, Obama appears to have let a bit more of his true feelings about Hillary Clinton and her campaign show than he has up to this point.

In the full article, HERE, he goes on to blame Hillary’s loss on the Goldman-Sachs speeches…

And the media liberals continue to whine…

It was a pathetic spectacle: TV news executives and anchors filing in to Trump Tower on Monday to be the president-elect’s whipping boys.

Donald Trump had summoned them for a talk, but it turned out to be part tongue-lashing, part perp walk. The TV news people had foolishly agreed that the session was “off the record,” leaving Trump and his aides free to characterize the media representatives as groveling while Trump berated them as liars.

Dana Milbank has been so deep in the Hillary camp for so long it isn’t funny and he now says they need to be ‘outsiders’, HERE. I’m pretty sure Milbank and his ilk are going to get what they asked for…

Trump is already going around the media, having released at least two videos directly to Youtube without even bothering to let the media know. And we also know there won’t be any honeymoon like BO got in 2008. They are continuing to smear cabinet picks, slam the campaign and transition team, and whine about 1st amendment freedom to cover Trump…

Oh yeah, and Michigan was finally declared for Trump yesterday.

A good cause…

And a nice memory for the kids…

If you’re looking for something different for Christmas, I’d recommend you look at this one…

Fred J. Page High School is a small rural high school in Franklin, Tennessee. Ours is a standard high school of 9-12th grades comprised of approximately 1100 students who come from both America’s farmland and suburban neighborhoods in Williamson County, TN.€

Letters From Santa is a non-profit, 501(c)3, Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) fundraiser developed by our TEAMs (Together Everyone Achieves More) student booster program to reduce graduation year expenses for the students and families during the Senior year. 100% of the Letters From Santa campaign proceeds go toward Senior Year expenses for each class.

Link here, Personalized Letters From Santa

And the money goes for a good cause… At $6 a good deal all the way around, IMHO.

h/t Gerry

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hopefully you are celebrating with friends/family…


Take a moment if you will to remember those military, LEOs, Fire/Rescue who are out keeping us safe as we celebrate.


Now get off the damn computer and spend time with those around you!!!

Or go watch football! 😉

Another Minivandians…

DaddyBear has his third novel out!

The blurb-

In the first of three adventures, the Minivandian’s son finds a hidden story of his parents’ past.

Long before the comfortable adventures of the everyday, Ruarin, the Lady of Eyre and Daddybear the Minivandian make a harrowing journey to track down the ghoulish remnants of a friend, and the captive he took.

In the frozen north, they must brave not only killing weather and hidden monsters, but the secrets of Daddybear’s past, including his true name…


Quest to the North is currently available on Kindle, HERE.

As one of the beta readers, I can tell you it’s much darker than the first tale, but it’s a great read! Several short stories and one novella length novel telling the tale of the trip North.

Funny, heartwarming and entertaining, it’s highly recommended!!!


Just gonna leave this one here without comment…

Well, maybe a couple of words…

GET A #)(&% JOB!!! Sigh…

Those chickens…

Are coming home to roost…

One has to wonder what is going on inside the U.S. Navy. A recent survey of U.S. Navy personnel delivered sobering news to out-going Obama Navy leadership. In arresting phrases, the September 2016 survey found that sailors are “increasingly unhappy with lengthy deployments, high operational tempo, and calls to reduce pay and benefits,” and not interested in being pawns on a political correctness chessboard. That is not what they signed up for.

Complete article HERE, from the Washington Examiner.

When you cut operational forces, lengthen deployments, INCREASE operational requirements and play social engineering, it’s no wonder the sailors are frustrated…

Throw in a lack of maintenance funding across the board (aviation, ship, submarines), you have less assets to meet the OPTEMPO requirements. This leads to marginally qualified units having to deploy on short notice or radically shift turnaround schedules. Add in additional training requirements that are mutually exclusive, cut the underway days, cut the ‘good deal’ trips/ports and it only gets worse.

In the air community, some squadrons are back to ‘tri-sites’ that may be half a world apart. Hard to maintain any sense of community or squadron pride when you’re scattered to hell and gone, flying your asses off, with major restrictions on liberty time/locations.

Frankly, I’m surprised its taken this long to percolate up. I hope Trump comes through on the promise to get the military funding and personnel back up. If he doesn’t, America is in trouble…

Aviation Art…


Here is a video from Discovery Channel of the Komet in action. Various accounts give them credit for 9 or 10 shootdowns, against the loss of 16 Komets in combat.

Boosting the signal!!!

L. B. Johnson, from ‘Home on the Range‘ blog has her third book and first fiction novel out!

It’s titled ‘Small Town Roads‘.

The blurb:

Evelyn Ahlgren, a widow, and retired schoolteacher enjoys the comforts of her little home and her surrounding neighborhood. That’s why she is intrigued to see what her new neighbor, a young woman named Rachel Raines, will add to their small town.

Rachel has just left the city with a Criminal Justice degree. She had thought she wanted a carefree city life, not a job as a rookie cop in a town whose only restaurant has a life-sized plastic cow on the roof.

Sometimes God has other plans for us.

Evelyn befriends her young neighbor, finding out she has endured a lot of grief for one so young, that sorrow taking her on a directionless path instead of one lit by the Holy Spirit. As heart-breaking as that is to see, Evelyn believes that God brought the two together to find renewed purposes in His Will, and the two begin an unlikely friendship that surpasses age, knowledge, and life experiences.

When Rachel is caught up in an unexpected act of violence while out on patrol, her whole life changes, as does her look at her future and her faith.

Small Town Roads effortlessly captures the unique perspective that small towns bestow on those who live there. Mrs. Johnson shows that the confines of a small town can contain a healing spirit that can soothe the difficulties of the past while providing hope in God for tomorrow’s future.

LB is a long time friend, and she definitely has a ‘way’ with words. She’s an Amazon best selling author, and if you want to know what small town life is like, this book gives you a good look into it.

Make no mistake, this is a book that is uplifting, beautifully written and evocative of how one CAN turn a life around…

Highly recommended!!!

Hunt AAR…


Went down to Central Texas for a couple of days of deer hunting…

There is something special about sitting in a blind, or anywhere in the early morning as the sun rises, enjoying the peace and quiet as the land comes awake around you…


Lousy picture here, this is actually MUCH brighter than it was… Two fawns, just out of spots…dh2

The same two little fawns, and one of the little yearling bucks, 4 point…dh3

And a different little fawn, as the morning sun finally gets high enough to actually light the trees…dh4

So, everybody wants to know how we did, right?

Continue reading


Old gas stations… And some old brands that no longer exist… And some nice old vehicles too!

old-station-1 old-station-2 old-station-3 old-station-4 old-station-5 old-station-6

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