The Grey Man- Changes…

Getting close!  Proof books are ordered!

Here’s the newest cover, and another outstanding job by Tina!!!

The Grey Man CHANGESEven with the 7000+ words removed, this one runs right at 400 pages, so I’m sorry to say the price will go up slightly to $14.75 per dead tree copy. I know this is higher than most want to pay, but since I’m not able to get mass market publishing, it is what it is…

I’m sorry this is coming out late, but real work keeps interfering with my writing…

Your patience is appreciated, as always!



ASM826 sent me this one from back in the day…

Mark18These are the Jeepneys lined up along Magsaysay in Olongapo, a bit later than when I was there…

The street is paved in this picture! 🙂

And a jeepney is a WWII US jeep the Filipinos build a body on, paint it and bling it out, then use them as open air taxis… Not quite as bad as the baht buses in Thailand, but you DO take you life in your hands sometimes… 🙂

Now that I’m older here’s what I’ve discovered:1. I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.

2. My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.

3. I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart.

4. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

5. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knees.

6. If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?

7. It was a whole lot easier to get older, than to get wiser.

8. Some days, you’re the top dog; some days you’re the lamp post.
9. I wish the buck really did stop here; I sure could use a few of them.
10. Kids in the back seat cause accidents.
11. Accidents in the back seat cause kids.12. It’s hard to make a comeback when you haven’t been anywhere.

13. The world only beats a path to your door when you’re in the bathroom.

14. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.
15. When I’m finally holding all the right cards, everyone wants  to play chess.
16. It’s not hard to meet expenses . . . they’re everywhere.
17. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
18. These days, I  spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I’m “here after”.19. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

20. Have I sent this message to you before???

h/t JP

Posted in TBT

Thank you!!!

Thanks folks, I’ve now got that magic 100 reviews on TGM- Vignettes!  I truly appreciate ALL the reviews, and I’m working hard to make the next books better! Am I also humbled by the good comments you folks left for a first book by an unknown writer.


Okay, I’m screwed up… I’m a day ‘off’ on posting since I was expecting something to go up this morning…

Except I’m in Japan, so I’m a day ahead. Which means I missed a post. Gah…

A quickie on TGM- Changes, proof books are ordered.

And I have a bleg, I’ve got 93 reviews of The Grey Man- Vignettes, and I’d really like to get to the magic number of 100 reviews. If you’ve read it, and haven’t put a review up, it would be greatly appreciated.  You can do that HERE.

Reviews on The Grey Man- Payback are languishing in the 50’s, so I’m not going to bug folks about that one…

Thanks to all of you who read the books, and I appreciate your willingness to take a chance on an unknown writer…


The following are 35 strange facts about America that most Americans would be shocked to learn…

#1   The amount of cement that China used from 2011 to 2013 was greater than the total amount of cement that the United States used during the entire 20th century.

#2   In more than half of all U.S. states, the highest paid public employee in the state is a football coach. Just look at the SEC… sigh

#3   It costs the U.S. government 1.8 cents  to mint a penny and  9.4 cents  to mint a nickel.

#4   Almost half of all Americans ( 47 percent) do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#5   Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury.

#6   The state of Alaska is 429 times larger  than the state of Rhode Island is.  But Rhode Island has a   significantly larger population  than Alaska does.

#7   Alaska has a longer coastline than all of the other 49 U.S. states   put together.

#8   The city of Juneau, Alaska is about 3,000 square miles  in size.  It is actually larger than the entire state of Delaware.

#9   When LBJ’s “War on Poverty” began, less than 10 percent of all U.S. children were growing up in single parent households. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 33 percent .

#10   In 1950, less than 5 percent  of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents. Today, that number   is over 40 percent.

#11   The poverty rate for households that are led by a married couple is 6.8 percent. For households that are led by a female single parent, the poverty rate is 37.1 percent.

#12   In 2013, women earned 60 percent of all bachelor’s degrees that were awarded that year in the United States.

#13   According to the CDC,  34.6 percent  of all men in the U.S. are obese at this point.

#14   The average supermarket in the United States wastes about 3,000 pounds of food  each year. Meanwhile, approximately 20 percent of the garbage that goes into our landfills is food.

#15   Right now, more than 200 million people  around the planet are officially considered to be unemployed.

#16   There is a city in Bangladesh called Dhaka where workers are paid just one dollar for every 1,000 bricks that they carry. Meanwhile, the “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years in the United States is hovering  near record high levels.

#17   According to one recent survey, 81 percent of Russians now have a negative view of the United States. That is much higher than at the end of the Cold War era.

#18   Montana has three times as many cows as it does people.

#19   The grizzly bear is the official state animal of California. But no grizzly bears have been seen there since 1922.

#20   One recent survey discovered that “ a steady job” is the number one thing that American women are looking for in a husband, and  another survey  discovered that 75 percent of women would have a serious problem dating an unemployed man.

#21   According to a study conducted by economist Carl Benedikt Frey and engineer Michael Osborne, 47 percent  of the jobs in the United States could soon be lost to computers, robots and other forms of technology.

#22   The only place in the United States where coffee is grown commercially is in Hawaii.

#23   The original name of the city of Atlanta was “Terminus“.

#24   The state with the most millionaires per capita is Maryland.

#25   There are more than  4 million adult websites  on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

#26    86 percent of men include “having children” in their definition of success.  For women, that number is only 73 percent.

#27   One survey of 50-year-old men in the U.S. found that only 12 percent  of them said that they were “very happy”.

#28   The United States has 845  motor vehicles for every 1,000 people. Japan only has 593 for every 1,000 people, and Germany only has 540 for every 1,000 people.

#29   The average American spends more than 10 hours a day  using an electronic device.

#30    48 percent  of all Americans do not have any emergency supplies in their homes whatsoever.

#31   There are three towns in the United States that have the name “ Santa Claus“.

#32   There is actually a town in Michigan called “ Hell“.

#33   There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels  in your body. If they were stretched out in a single line, they could go around the planet more than twice.

#34   If you have no debt and also have 10 dollars in your wallet that you are wealthier than 25 percent of all Americans?

#35 By the time an American child reaches the age of 18, that child will have seen approximately 40,000 murders  on television?

Once upon a time we were the most loved and most respected nation on the entire planet, but those days are gone. We have wrecked our economy, we have lost our values and we have fumbled away our future.

But if you look close enough, you can still see many of the things that once made this country a shining beacon to the rest of the world. If we are ever going to change course as a nation, we need to come to grips with just how far we have fallen.

h/t JP

And no, I haven’t done the snopes checks on all these… No time…

And Prof put up a list of ‘answers/comments over at his blog that are pretty much dead on! See them HERE.

Long days…

There are days when it just doesn’t pay to chew through the straps…


Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ARE WE FRIKKIN THERE YET??? Sigh… 2 hours at IAD, then 14.1 IAD-NRT, 1 hour wait, then 3 hour bus ride… That pretty much screwed Saturday and Sunday…

The only good thing was an old friend was the FO on the flight, so we got to chat for a couple of hours and catch up on where folks are today.

And to add insult to injury (literally), I almost got knocked down the stairs in NRT by a bunch of Chinese tourists rushing to beat the crowd to customs. Woke up to a stiff knee and that’s going to be fun, considering I have to walk everywhere for the next four days… sigh…

And of course I’m on the third deck in billeting, with no elevator…

Just because it’s big and ugly…

Doesn’t mean it can’t do airshows…

And ANY airplane can be rolled, most of them even successfully… 🙂

The part I loved though, was when they sent all the cameras scurrying when they went full AB on all four engines at the end of the runway…

I’m thinking that was a ‘tad’ windy and warm!

And here’s another ‘big’ airplane being barrel rolled…

This one actually is sitting in Udvar Hazy today! 🙂

Planes, trains and taxis…

It’s that time again…

I was hunting around for a good recording of Willie, but went down the rat hole and found this one…

I can remember when this one came out, and it got into a pretty good rotation on a lot of stations.  It kinda resembled my life at the time, as I went one way, my girlfriend at the time went another. She at least did make it to Broadway…

And that brought me to this one…

For a couple of years, we did a ‘lot’ of flying… Change cows to bears and you get the drift. Lots of long flights in strange places…

As I start winding down, I’m thinking more about what I’ve been lucky enough to experience over these last 40+ years and all the people that affected me. Mostly good, some bad, but it shaped who I am today.

I’m also reflecting on the changes that have taken place in some of these locations in those 40+ years, and intellectually, I know I can’t go back. But some of the changes I see aren’t necessarily for the better, IMHO. Some of those ‘quiet’ little places are now major tourist destinations, turned from small places where one could get a sense of the real people and culture to kitschy tourist traps with no resemblance of the country or the actual people…

But life goes on… And we don’t get out alive…

Light reading and commenting for the next week or so. Y’all go read the folks on the sidebar, they’re much better at this than I am.

Shades of Vietnam…

The current ROE our aviators are laboring under is killing morale and frustrating the hell out of them…

Courtesy of Fox News…

And we’re keeping folks on deployment 9-10 months, flying the crap out of airplanes, helos and log birds. And the F-35 is sucking down billions and isn’t capable of even dropping bombs…

Robert McNamara (and the F-111 among other things) during the Vietnam war, redux.

h/t JP


One of those places that ‘literally’ was for the birds…

Midway Approach

Any guesses???

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