Well, the Hildabeast struck again… “Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians. So, yes, I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility.”… … Continue reading
This is from GW in 2003, it shows the inherent danger of working on a flight deck in the BEST of times… Day, VFR, CQs in a workup phase off Norfolk. What you will see is the PLAT video of … Continue reading
Woke up at 0 dark 30 as usual, tried to get back to sleep, but got woke up again by the maids at 0730 (on a SATURDAY no less)… Quick SSS, and stumble down to breakfast- Sunny California my ass, … Continue reading
Liberty Call – Liberty Call. Liberty Commences at 16:00 for Sections 2 & 3- One of the best sounds to hear over the 1MC 🙂 Here are a couple of our Grey Ships coming back in after a week at … Continue reading
A friend of mine haunts yard sales, estate sales and auto shows to find old automotive memorabilia. Every once in a while, he gets a real find… In this case, a post card from a Ford dealer to a customer … Continue reading
We fought back and won this round, but I’m afraid of what ELSE is coming… It is becoming clear the Lightbringer’s administration is coming after Veterans. Hellva note considering what veterans have given to keep this country free and safe!!! … Continue reading
The Good- At least the market has stopped its free fall! For today at least… sigh… My 401K “might” now be a 102K…. It appears a few people out in fly over country are being a little more proactive about … Continue reading
Quality of Life…1. Invite 200 to 1000 of your ‘not so closest’ friends to come over. Board up all the windows and doors to your house for six months. After 6 months take down the boards. But, since you’re on … Continue reading
I also sent this to some old Navy friends, and got this back this morning!This really brought back some memories. Take it from a former resident of U.S.S. Mindoro, U.S.S. Siboney, U.S.S. Antietam, U.S.S. Tarawa, U.S.S. Valley Forge, & U.S.S. … Continue reading
In honor of the idjit I was sitting next to on the airplane today who though shipboard life was, “Like cool, man; I guess there isn’t much to do when you’re not fighting and stuff, right?” AARRGGGHHHH!!!! whereinhelldothesepeoplecomefrom??? And why … Continue reading