
So I was, shall we say ‘bitching’ about how the week was going yesterday… Yesterday afternoon I get a call from an old friend, down from Indiana. So we agree to meet for dinner. At dinner we’re catching up and … Continue reading

Another one for the YGTBSM file…

Ran across this one while trying to find info on Asperger’s… Micro-Aggression… Microaggression is the idea that specific interactions between those of different races, cultures, or genders can be interpreted as small acts of mostly non-physical aggression; the term was coined by Chester M. … Continue reading


We’re constantly clubbed on the head with the claim that the Muslim world condemns 9/11, abhors 9/11, is peace loving, etc.  Right?And we’re bent over backward to ‘observe’ compliance with the current PC policies to make sure we don’t ‘offend’ … Continue reading

This is just SO wrong…

Simply friggin amazing…  Three things for your perusal, all the folks are MUCH more articulate than I…Washington TimesJuly 13, 2011Pg. B4         Disarmed By Shariah- Political correctness prevents Army from recognizing sedition        By Adm. James A. Lyons, USN (Retired)                 Today, the mind-numbing disease … Continue reading

What should we do with Afghanistan, Iraq etc…

Question was asked about what we should do with afghanistan, Iraq etc. Well, seems Obama is now changing his tune… He was for it before he was against it (all 143 days of his ‘service’ to the country)To my tiny … Continue reading

I’m about PC’ed out…

The quotes below just flat piss me off…“Go back to Boston ! Go back to Plymouth Rock. Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats! You … Continue reading