Via commenter Stretch, a link to Sebastian’s post on the latest from Colorado on the recalls… Stretch’s comment is pretty appropriate too, especially for us ‘old farts’… “I hate living in ‘Interesting times’.” Democratic interests groups are getting quite dirty … Continue reading
Category Archives: political campaign
Anybody in VA better pay attention to the upcoming governors election… Terry McAuliffe (D) has this up on his website now- Support common sense gun control measures As Governor, Terry will support mainstream and majority supported gun control measures like … Continue reading
Well, Bloomie spent $300k to bail out the two sleazy Colorado state legislators, but for naught!!! G.O.N.E… According to unofficial results, voters in Colorado Springs favored recalling state Sen. John Morse, the body’s president, by 51 percent to 49 percent. … Continue reading
If you’re retired, you CAN publically support the candidate of your choice…Notice any trend here???From Army Times HERE. OBAMA General Colin Powell General Wesley Clark Admiral John … Continue reading
IS NOT HAPPY…They’ve had to admit Romney won the debate by 67 to 25…And all the kings men…er…experts couldn’t spin it to save Obama in any fashion…Hehehe- Let the games begin!!! … Continue reading
But I guess I have no choice… I just cannot BELIEVE the ego involved to even THINK about putting something like this out… This is an abomination to put it mildly…Link HERE. Or this… The Obama campaign has launched its “For All” … Continue reading
Romney/Ryan vs. Obama/Biden… And apparently within 20 minutes of the announcement of Ryan, the dems put out the first attack ad on Ryan about Social Security… WHY has it come to this? Chicago gang politics should NOT be accepted by … Continue reading
It’s up to each of you as individuals to make up your own minds come November, here is a pretty concise list of issues and both candidates stands on them. Verification locations are listed at the bottom.Pick your poison… 🙂JOHN … Continue reading
Joe (anti-gun)Biden as the VP nomination???Obama , and those around him, whose entire campaign is trying to paint McCain as as Washington insider and Obama as the opposite picks the ultimate Washington insider? Biden has been in the Senate since … Continue reading
CG’s message to all hands- From General Mattis to the men and women of the 1st MARDIVNote the date of the letter…Now this is leadership- Gen Mattis had a copy of this letter delivered to each person in the 1st … Continue reading