It’s done…

Except for picking up all the wrapping paper!!!

Vito got the last gift, three new tennis balls! And he chased them all over the place, picking up one, dropping it, finding another and so on. Kaya had more fun sitting in her box and chewing on presents than anything else.

Everybody got at least ONE thing they liked, so I’ll call that a success… 🙂

The Tryptophan coma was survived, the football games good, and there were no meltdowns (well, other than Kaya wanting to be fed in the middle of opening presents)…

I hope each of you had the best Christmas under the sun, wherever you may be.

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope this day finds you spending it with your loved ones, if not enjoy as well as you can wherever you may be…


And yes, we’re having turkey…


Merry Christmas to all!!!

Twas the night…

Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house made of plaster & stone.
I had come down the chimney with presents to give
And to see just who in this home did live.

I looked all about a strange sight I did see,
No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand,
On the wall hung pictures of far distant lands.

With medals and badges, awards of all kind
A sober thought came through my mind.
For this house was different, so dark and dreary,
I knew I had found the home of a soldier, once I could see clearly.

I heard stories about them, I had to see more
So I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping silent alone,
Curled up on the floor in his one bedroom home.

His face so gentle, his room in such disorder,
Not how I pictured a United States soldier.
Was this the hero of whom I’d just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?

His head was clean shaven, his weathered face tan,
I soon understood this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night
Owed their lives to these men who were willing to fight.

Soon ‘round the world, the children would play,
And grownups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year,
Because of soldiers like this one lying here.

I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone
On a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees and started to cry.

The soldier awakened and I heard a rough voice,
“Santa don’t cry, this life is my choice;
I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more,
my life is my God, my country, my Corps.”

With that he rolled over and drifted off into sleep,
I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still,
I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.

So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
And I covered this Soldier from his toes to his head.
And I put on his T-shirt of gray and black,
With an eagle and an Army patch embroidered on back.

And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
And for a shining moment, I was United States Army deep inside.
I didn’t want to leave him on that cold dark night,
This guardian of honor so willing to fight.

Then the soldier rolled over, whispered with a voice so clean and pure,
“Carry on Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all is secure.”
One look at my watch, and I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good night!

LC  James M. Schmidt, HQ Marine Corps, 1986

And the NAVAIR version… 🙂

‘Twas the night before Christmas, And out on the ramp,
Not an airplane was stirring, Not even a Champ.
The aircraft were fastened, To tiedowns with care,
In hopes that come morning, They all would be there.

The fuel trucks were nestled, All snug in their spots,
With gusts from two-forty, At 39 knots.
I slumped at the fuel desk, Now finally caught up,
And settled down comfortably, Resting my butt.

When the radio lit up, With noise and chatter,
I turned up the scanner, To see what was the matter.
A voice clearly heard, Over static and snow,
Called for clearance to land, At the airport below.

He barked his transmission, So lively and quick,
Couldn’t hear him too well, But think his call sign was “St.Nick”.
I ran to the panel, To turn up the lights,
The better to welcome, This magical flight.

He called his position, No room for denial,
“St. Nicholas One, Turnin’ left onto final.”
And then to my wondering eyes, There did suddenly appear,
A Rutan-built sleigh, With eight Rotax Reindeer!

With vectors to final, Down the glide slope he came,
As he passed all fixes, He called them by name.
Now Ringo! Now Tolga! Now Trini and Bacun!
On Comet! On Cupid! ” What pills was he takin’?

While controllers were sittin’, And scratchin’ their head,
They phoned to my office, And I heard it with dread.
The message they left, Was both urgent and dour:
“When Santa pulls in, Have him please call the tower.”

He landed like silk, With the sled runners sparking,
Then I heard “Left at Charlie,” And “Taxi to parking.”
He slowed to a taxi, Turned off of three-oh,
And stopped on the ramp, With a “Ho-Ho-Ho…”

He stepped out of the sleigh, But before he talks,
I ran out to meet him, With my best set of chocks.
His red helmet and goggles, Were covered with frost,
And his beard was all blackened, From Reindeer exhaust.

His breath smelled like peppermint, Gone slightly stale,
And he puffed on a pipe, But didn’t inhale.
His cheeks were all rosy, And jiggled like jelly,
His boots were as black, As a cropduster’s belly.

He was chubby and plump, In his suit of bright red,
And he asked me to “fill it, With hundred low-lead.”
Then he came dashing in, From the snow-covered pump,
I knew he was anxious, For drainin’ the sump.

I spoke not a word, But went straight to my work,
And I filled up the sleigh, But I spilled like a jerk.
He came out of the restroom, And sighed in relief,
Then he picked up a phone, For a Flight Service brief.

And I thought as he silently, Scribed in his log,
These reindeer could land, In an eighth-mile fog.
He completed his pre-flight, From the front to the rear,
Then he put on his headset, And I heard him yell, “Clear!”

And laying a finger, On his push-to-talk,
He called up the tower, For clearance and squawk.
“Take taxiway Charlie, The southbound direction,
Turn right three-two-zero, At pilot’s discretion”

He sped down the runway, The best of the best,
“Your traffic’s a T-6, Inbound from the west”
Then I heard him proclaim, As he climbed thru the night,
“Merry Christmas to all! I have traffic in sight.

And one serious one-

Christmas At Sea

The sea is cold, the night is dark… the blowing wind is crisp,
I stare across the ship’s huge deck… I did not get my wish.
I wanted so, to be at home… this year on Christmas Eve,
But this will be the year that I… did not get Christmas leave.

I stand and think about my family… gathered by the tree,
I know that one will say my name… and then they’ll think of me.
I am not there to share their joy… my country needs me here,
But I am not the only one… who won’t get home this year.

I miss my family but I am… on guard for my country,
Protecting those who can have Christmas… is my first duty.
Many men have given all… for us to have that right,
And I feel honored just to sacrifice… a Christmas night.

But still I’m feeling so alone… as many of us are,
As I just stand here on the deck… and watch a Christmas star.
I guess it is a Christmas star… it shines for all it’s worth,
And I think back to when a star… foretold His peace on earth.

If only people felt this calm… as on this Christmas Eve,
And not create hostilities… that make their brothers grieve.
Then we could have a peaceful world… as it was meant to be,
But until then we must stand guard… and this night it is me.

Once again my thoughts turn home… my family safe and sound,
Because this ship and other men… are ready to stand ground.
The Navy and the other branches… keep us safe and strong,
So those at home can celebrate… and sing their Christmas song.

But knowing that I must do this… I can’t hold back a tear,
Wishing I was home this Christmas… sharing in the cheer.
Seeing all my families faces… lights and Christmas trim,
Now the night is getting darker… as I think of them.

Trying now to fight this feeling… of such loneliness,
Softly speaking to myself… a lonely Christmas wish.
Actually my Christmas wish… is now a Christmas prayer,
Thank you for the men who serve… our country everywhere.

Thank you for our families… who enjoy this Christmas free,
Thank you for the other men… who serve this ship with me.
Thank you for allowing me… to make this sacrifice,
A joyous Christmas for our families… makes it worth the price.

May there be peace within you today.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our
Wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Random thoughts…

As we approach Christmas, one makes choices…

How much can I afford to spend, and who do I buy things for?

What does that person want/need?

Are they old enough to appreciate the gift?

Do you buy for the parents or the kids? If so, do you check with the parents?

Can you actually GET the gift in time, or is it even legal in that location?

How do you corral the kids long enough to get the ^%*( gifts wrapped???

How do you integrate various family’s traditions?

How do you deal with those ‘inappropriate’ gifts? Like the three times regifted fruit cake?

Or the kids opening presents when your back is turned… Sigh…

I give up…

But sometimes, the looks are hilarious! A six foot plush toy for Kaya, who has NO idea what the hell has her surrounded… 🙂

Enjoy whatever traditions y’all have, do your best to keep your sanity, and remember- Tis the season… 🙂

And it begins…

Soooo… Made it to Kali safely, late arrival at PP’s house to be met by everybody including Vito…

Let the licking and leaning begin…

And then it was ‘throw the ball, throw the ball’…

And last night it was ‘hey, just because you’re holding Kaya, don’t mean I can’t lick’… I’d turned her around after I finally got her to release the death grip on my moustache and beard. Kid’s got a STRONG grip!!!

And tomorrow will be another ‘exciting’ day… And another pair of pants messed up… Sigh…


‘Somebody’ had WAY too much time on their hands…

‘Twas No Hope Before Christmas:

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when in the White House,
Not a creature was spinning, not even Josh Earnest’s mouth;
The pantsuits were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Hillary soon would live there;
Democrats were nestled, all snug in their beds,
While visions of socialism danced in their heads,

And Barack in his mom jeans, and I with arm’s firm,
Had just settled down for my husband’s 3rd term;
When across the country there rose such a clatter,
I assumed it involved that Black Lives Matter;
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Kicked out the shutters, threw out Barry’s stash;
The moon illuminated our eight years of woe,
And exposed hope-and-change lies to our subject’s below;

When, what to my vacationing eyes should appear,
But the host of The Apprentice, looking quite cavalier;
I had seen that comb-over, he was tall and was plump,
I knew in a moment, it must be St. Trump;
More rapid than welfare checks, his people they came,
And he hired them, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now Reince, now Ivanka! Now Pencer and Bannon!
On, Mattis, on Sessions! On Kellyanne and Kanye!”
“To the Mexican border! Let’s go build that wall!
Now get to work, get to work, get to work, all!”

As empty promises my husband made that never would fly,
I knew that Obamacare would soon have to die;
The electoral college had spoken, we’d been given the bump,
The free ride was over, thanks a lot, Mr. Trump;
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
My husband’s legacy, gone in a poof!
As I filled with dread, turned my hopeless self around,
Down the chimney St. Trump came with a bound;

He was dressed in a suit, from his head to his feet,
I was expecting a racist, but he was wearing no sheet;
A bunch of red caps he had in a sack,
They said “Make America Great Again,” I felt under attack!
His eyes – how they chilled me, his demeanor how scary,
His skin was so orange, his gaze made we wary;
He was going to erase the last eight years, I swear!
And the one’s who elected him were as white as Pence hair;

My school lunch program would be a thing of the past,
Like the food I made them eat, it would end up in the trash;
He would cancel regulations my husband held dear,
I could feel myself being overcome with fear;
We’d worked so hard to bring America down,
Our hope and change would be killed by this clown;
He represented all the hate for the right that I felt,
And I peed my pants when I saw him, in spite of myself;

A wink of his eye, and a look that said, “You’re effed”
Put me on notice, we had just one month left
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his fracking,
Then he turned to me and said, “Shouldn’t you be packing?”
And laying his finger aside of his nose
Giving me a ‘go to hell’ look, up the chimney he rose;
He sprung to his limo, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like a Hillary-seeking missile;
Then I said to Barack, as I climbed back in bed,
“Hopeless Christmas to all, and to all…….whatever.”

Don’t know who gets credit for this, but it’s on the mark!

h/t JP


It’s that time of year, so I’m once again braving the ‘friendly’ skies… Sigh…

Heading out to see the kids and grands for Christmas. Blogging and commenting will be light for the next week, but I’ll get something up when I can.

Please go read the folks on the sidebar, they’re better at this than I am. Just went over 77k words on the rough of Rimworld novel, so I’m getting there…

If you’re taking off early too, I wish you a Merry Christmas or celebration of your choice. 🙂


The Electoral College will be meeting today- It should be interesting to follow this as the day goes on…

And then there is this on the funding/people behind the vote Clinton campaign.

Well, well, well… Look what crawls out of the dark when one follows the money…

The public relations firm working behind the scenes with the faithless electors is rife with ties to prominent Democrats like President Obama and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Megaphone Strategies, whose stated mission is to “use PR as a tool to diversify progressive movements,” typically works with progressive causes like Black Lives Matter. The firm is representing the handful of “faithless electors” trying to keep President-elect Donald Trump from winning the Electoral College vote.

The firm was co-founded by Van Jones, the former green jobs czar in the Obama White House who later resigned after it was revealed he signed a statement questioning whether the Bush administration had a role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Jones now works as a CNN commentator.

Full article HERE, at The Daily Caller. The more one digs, the more often one finds Soros money behind all these ‘shadow’ organizations that seem to scurry from the light anytime people start digging…

Between Soros and Bloomie, they seem to fund about 90% of the opposition, one way or the other… It will be interesting to see how Trump handles these once he gets in office…

Also, there are these comments, apparently from BO at a speech in Tampa at McDill in early Dec…

Characterizing the military’s mission as a fight against “violent extremism,” Obama insisted that soldiers need to rise up against Trump if they feel he is pushing policies that are ill considered.

Obama told the troops, “each of us has…the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that’s open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution.”

Soooo… Is he telling the troops to violate UCMJ here? Art 88 Contempt toward officials???

Obama went on to insist that a proper U.S. policy against “violent extremism” is a “long term” policy.

“So rather than offer false promises that we can eliminate terrorism by dropping more bombs or deploying more and more troops or fencing ourselves off from the rest of the world,” Obama said, “we have to take a long view of the terrorist threat. And we have to pursue a smart strategy that can be sustained. In the time remaining, let me just suggest what I think should guide this approach.”

Oh, and he apparently also blamed Bush for ISIS/ISIL… sigh…


Aviation Art…


ONE THE HARD WAY – Dan Zoernig

Christmas Day, 1941. American Volunteer Group Flight Leader Parker Dupouy finds his guns jammed during combat high over the Gulf of Martaban. Determined to bring down his adversary, he rams the Hayabusa Oscar of Lt. Hiroshi Okuyama of the JAAF 64th Sentai. Though he lost four feet of his wingtip and his entire aileron, Dupouy made it back to his base to fight another day. Lt. Okuyama’s aircraft, however, broke up in flight and carried him to his death. Dupouy went on to score 6.5 victories in the air before war’s end.