Aviation Art…


Captain Erich Topp steers his Type VIIc U-Boat number U-552 Red Devil towards the sanctuary of the base at St Nazaire after another patrol during the grueling Battle of the Atlantic in 1942.

In the skies above, heading back out to hostile waters is a giant Focke Wulf 200 Condor from III/KG40 and three Ju88Ds from KGr 106 whose missions will be to search for vulnerable Allied shipping for the submarine Wolfpacks to attack.

The third-highest scoring U-Boat ace, Captain Erich Topp sank a total of thirty ships and damaged three more whilst commanding the Red Devil.

Gun statistics…

Real rates of gun deaths. NOT something the left wants to discuss…

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that while gun ownership climbed from 192 million firearms in 1994 to 310 million firearms in 2009, crime fell–and fell sharply.

From Breitbart, HERE.

These are the figures from the Congressional Research Service.

Table 1. Estimated Murder Rates and Firearms, 1993-2011
Year Estimated Murder- Rate per Estimated Firearms- Rate per
             Victims               100,000 Related Victims        100,000      
1993     24,526                     9.5            17,073                  6.6
1994 23,326 9.0 16,333 6.3
1995 21,606 8.2 14,727 5.6
1996 19,645 7.4 13,261 5.0
1997 18,208 6.8 12,335 4.6
1998 16,974 6.3 11,006 4.1
1999 15,522 5.7 10,117 3.7
2000 15,586 5.5 10,203 3.6
2001 16,037 5.6 10,139 3.6
2002 16,229 5.6 10,841 3.8
2003 16,528 5.7 11,037 3.8
2004 16,148 5.5 10,665 3.6
2005 16,740 5.6 11,363 3.8
2006 17,309 5.8 11,731 3.9
2007 17,128 5.7 11,631 3.9
2008 16,645 5.4 11,029 3.6
2009 15,399 5.0 10,301 3.4
2010 14,722 4.8 9,812 3.2
2011     14,612                    4.7                 9,903                 3.2
Source: CRS compilation of FBI crime statistics reported annually in the Uniform Crime Reports, 1993-2011.
a. Includes murder and non-negligent manslaughter victims.
b. The number of firearms-related murder and non-negligent manslaughter victims was estimated by applying the percentage of firearms-related murders for which the cause of death was known to the number of all reported murder and non-negligent homicide victims for which the cause was known or unknown.

Soooo… while gun ownership is up by over 50%, yet murder rates by guns have fallen by 50%…

And while we still don’t have ‘good’ numbers for the number of times guns saved lives/homeowners/business owners, some reports have that number in excess of 1,000,000 times a year.

This is NOT fitting the agenda the left and gun grabbers are positing, much less actually saying anything about at all, unless it’s to say that the figures are wrong. They are also betting on the come of Shillary being elected to appoint SCOTUS judges who will cheerfully overturn the 2nd Amendment and turn good law abiding gun owners into criminals.

HERE is another article on Wyoming, and it’s population of gun owners. Ironically, their murder rate is below the national average, while having the highest percentage of gun owners… Another agenda fail for the left…

And the N.Y. Times doubles down once again in propaganda war. Lone gunman or a small group of killers with rifles commits spectacular crimes that gets broadcast world-wide. ‘Most’ of the time it’s an AK47 overseas, but lately some of the attacks in the US have included AR type rifles.

The implication that the AR-15 and its clones have become the equivalent choice of mass shooters on US soil. To my recollection, the firearms used by mass shooters in the US have mostly been handguns, until the last couple of years…

NY Times article HERE.

So for every positive, the MSM is determined to dig up/manufacture scare tactics that paint us as the bad guys, while letting the real bad guys get off or lionized (see Ferguson)…

Personally, I think I need one of these, and a walk-in safe behind it!



You can guess what the ‘other’ F is…

Three days of therapy on my back this week about knocked me out…

I need a few days off to recover, or at least try to!

Anyhoo, it was my turn to cook, and since “somebody” is joining the ranks of authorship, and it’d been a while since we had steaks…

Dinner 1

And the baked potato recipe came from HERE. Brigid makes a ‘passing’ mention of the garlic cloves being hot, believe me they are @@$&*&#% HOT!!! Burned my damn fingers, but everyone loved the potatoes!

Now I’m off to try to sleep off this meal… Y’all have a great weekend!




Better known as “Dets” always were, and still are the bane of an aircrew’s existence, or a welcomed break depending on what was going on where…

If you were a straight stick crew, you might get one or two dets a year. If you were a ‘projects’ det, you might get one or two a MONTH…

And of course they weren’t usually to the ‘fun’ places, unless you had a pretty twisted version of fun…

Midway, Kwajalein, Adak, Kodiak, Eielson, Misawa, Keflavik, Kinloss, Stavanger, Thule, Lajes, Rota, Roosy Roads, etc…

Two days, two weeks, maybe a month, depending on what or ‘who’ we might be chasing.

One of the constants was always the maintenance crew that went out with us. Five or six sailors with enough cross training to fix pretty much anything on the airplane. They did the servicing, maintenance, required inspections, or anything else that came up.

VP-24 maint det

Without them, none of the dets would ever have succeeded…

But there were times when other folks stepped up and played a major part in those successes…

One det comes to mind- In the late 80’s we needed to take two West Coast P-3s to Iceland to support some testing. Simple, right?

Not so much. In addition to the seven hour time difference, there was a ‘flap’ in process when we started setting up the short notice det. So billeting had to be arranged, and fuel, and parking spots (critical issue), and working spaces in the operations center (critical issue), and the right comms codes (critical issue).

Rooms were located out in town (ouch, per diem cost just went through the roof), overflow parking was arranged (out in east bumf**k),  but no joy with comms or workspaces…

I walked into our secretary’s office grumbling about the problems I was having, and Barb said words to the effect of, “What’s got your tit in a wringer?” (She was married to a gunner’s mate, so she could out cuss most sailors). I explained the dead ends I’d run into, and headed off to the afternoon staff meeting.

The next morning I stagger in about 0600, planning on continuing to try to get things sorted. I walk into the break room to make coffee, and there is already a fresh pot! 🙂

So I grab a cup and head to my office, only to hear Barb call me. I stop, go back to her office, and she hands me two Navy messages and a page of notes. It’s authorization to draw comms from NAS Brunswick enroute, and the other message assigns us a space in the operations center.

As I read through the notes, I see she has provided phone numbers, points of contact that are current, and some other information. I look at her with a stunned expression and ask, “How?”

I’ll never forget how she patted her Rolodex (which was a BIG one), and said, “Never underestimate the power of the secretary.”

She had simply called the Admiral’s secretary in Kef, then the Admiral’s secretary in Maine and they worked the secretary’s network in less than an hour to get us everything I’d been working on for five days.  Sigh…

After than, I just took stuff to Barb, and asked her to ‘fix’ it. But I also made sure to:

a. NEVER piss her off.

b. Always bring her some kind of souvenir from the det.

c. Always try to answer any questions she brought to me as quickly as I could.

d. Gave her (and her replacement) good chocolates every Christmas.

Good times… Sigh…

Oh yeah, and everything worked like a champ on the det, EXCEPT the system we were testing… What a PITA!!!

Posted in TBT

Wordless Wednesday…

Grrr… Apparently my Wordless Wednesday also turned into a postless Wednesday…

Sorry!!!FUll moon



It appears I have been remiss, as an email pointed out I have not posted any pictures of the new grandbaby.

Without further ado, let me present Kaya Jean at three weeks…


And once… Just once, all three of the grandkids were asleep at the same time during the day…


Khalil, now 17 and 6’2″, Kaya, and Jace.

And Vito was asleep on the floor next to them.

PP is doing well, all things considered and recovering slowly.

Little things…

{1} Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella.

That’s FAITH

{2} When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her.

That’s TRUST

{3} Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms to wake up.

That’s HOPE

{4} We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future.


{5} We see the world suffering, but still we get married and have children.

That’s LOVE

{6} On an old man’s shirt was written a sentence ‘I am not 91 years old … I am sweet 16 with 75 years’ experience.


Have a good week and live your life like the six tiny stories !

h/t Frito

Aviation Art…


This image reflects the unique nose art of one of the B-24’s in the Zodiac Squadron. The original nose art was painted by Phil S. Brinkman while he was assigned to the Army Air Force Station 174 in Sudbury, England. Brinkman joined the Army Air Corps in the summer of 1942. He was assigned to Special Services, when he entered the army, since he was an accomplished commercial artist at the time.

Shortly after he arrived at Davis-Monthan Airbase in Tucson, Arizona, he completed a large mural which attracted attention and was seen by the commander of the 834th Bomb Squadron, Captain “Jip” Howell, who set up a transfer to bring Brinkman into the 834th.

The idea of adorning the B-24’s of Capt. Howell’s with unique nose art resulted in the famous “Zodiac Bombers” including “Leo.“ In the spring of 1944, the 486th Bomb Group, comprised of the 832nd, 833rd, 834th and the 835th Bomb Squadrons was sent to England.


This is some incredible footage of the shuttle launch from a ‘different’ camera angle…

Onboard the booster rockets themselves!!! HD even!

You can read more details of the video HERE.

h/t Jimmy

The Grey Man- Partners…

Is almost done, in final edit now, and awaiting a couple of beta readers comments; expect to have it out next month…

This is a first cut on the cover, not finalized so expect some changes. Total is a little over 400 pages, so not by choice the price will go up by about a dollar on the print version.


One last tease for y’all- This is the TD:DR version… 🙂


Thanksgiving had turned out to be surprisingly warm, so they’d set up tables in the back yard. Gathered round the tables were Aaron, Jesse and Jace, Matt and Felicia, Clay and Ronni Boone, Eddie and Iris Guilfoile, Jose and Beverly Rodriquez, Billy Moore and the old man at the head of the table.

Jose asked, “So, Matt, how are you liking our little town and working for the old grouch down there?”

Laughter followed the question, as Matt took a sip of coffee, “Well, he hasn’t run me off yet, nor shot me, Sheriff. So I’m thinking that’s pretty good.” Reaching over and hugging Felicia, “And with Felicia’s family here, she’s happy too. I guess it doesn’t get any better than that.”

Beverly looked at Felicia and Iris, then asked, “Aren’t you both due?”

Felicia sighed, “Actually I’m due today. But the doctor says he’ll wait a week, if I don’t have the baby by then, he’s going to induce. Angelina checks on me every morning, and drives me nuts!”

Iris blushed, “I’m due next month. I just hope we have the baby before Christmas, or at least before New Year’s.”

Billy chimed in, “Tax break! Yep, you need to have it before the end of the year. If worst comes to worst Eddie, find the roughest road you can and…”

Laughter erupted around the table at that, and Iris blushed even redder as Jesse took a swipe at Billy. Eddie reached down and picked up a bag and handed it across to Aaron diffidently, “I been thinkin’ about your problem Aaron, and I come up with this bike thingie. I think it might work.”

Aaron opened the bag and pulled out a stirrup with a strange looking plate bolted to the stirrup. Looking at it, he cocked his head, “How would this work Eddie?”

Eddie said, “It’s one of those clamp thingies all them bike racers use to keep their feet on the, the pedals. I was thinkin’ if you wore one of them shoes like they do, you could clamp it in and it would stabilize the leg and foot. And you would be able to mount from the correct side.”

Matt looked at it, “Yeah, you slip the shoe in and press down, and it locks in. And if you needed to get out of the stirrup, all you’d have to do is twist the foot to release it. And I think they come loose if you fall too.”

Matt passed it to Clay and Ronni who looked at it curiously, and passed it on to the Sheriff and his wife. Clay commented, “You should look at patenting that Eddie, or something like it. That would be one helluva idea for those folks that want to ride but don’t because of prosthetics issues.”

Billy got it and said, “Nah, it’s not patentable, since the clamp is already patented, but it’s a damn good idea, and I’d get it out to all the veteran’s organizations for their therapy folks.”

Jose asked, “How’s the class going Aaron?”

Aaron shook his head, “The book stuff isn’t too bad, and the PT is no problem. The issue is being away from Jesse and Jace.” Giving Jesse a quick hug, he said, “With Billy letting me stay there, and getting the occasional weekend off, I can at least get back here a couple of times a month. And Billy is teaching me the ins and outs of the Texas code, which will be a big help when I finally take the tests for Peace Officer.”

Billy flipped his pigtail back and pronounced, “And I expect to never get another ticket in Pecos County for the rest of my life. That’s what I expect for putting up with Aaron.”

Aaron rolled his eyes, and everyone chuckled. The old man asked, “How is Momma Trần treating you?”

Aaron smiled as Billy laughed, “She’s convinced I’m not eating enough, or drinking enough tea, and she’s concerned about Jesse and the fact that I only see her once a month. Mother hen doesn’t begin to describe it!”

Billy chimed in, “She’s getting food delivered every day, and she’s making him breakfast at five in the morning. She won’t let him out the door until he eats.”

The old man nodded, “Yep, she’s adopted you. Maybe not officially, but you’re now a member of the family.”

Aaron asked curiously, “Is that good or bad?”

Billy and the old man chorused, “Good!” And the old man continued, “If she’s doing all that, it’s not because she has to, it’s because she wants to. Just don’t get her mad at you. She’s got a long reach!”

Clay asked, “Is she that connected? I’ve only met her that one time.”

Billy nodded, “She’s got connections into every Vietnamese business in Houston, and probably at least contacts in every Vietnamese enclave in the US. And no telling how much or how well connected she is back in Vietnam.”

Clay shook his head, “I didn’t realize she was that important, or that connected.”

Billy replied, “She’s managed to get a lot of folks out, and helped set them up in various parts of the US. I’m not sure how much money they got out with, but I’m betting she’s at least a millionaire, if not more.”

Aaron whistled, “I didn’t know any of that!”

Billy smiled, “You’re not supposed to. You’re supposed to think she’s a slightly dotty old lady, who doesn’t speak good ‘Engrish’ as she calls it, and tries ineffectively to boss her family around. She’d be horrified to know that I even know about it, much less that I’ve let anyone in on her secret.”

The old man turned to Eddie and asked, “Speaking of secrets, how are the colts doing? You’ve been staying pretty mum on them.”

Eddie ducked his head, “Good. I been working with Spots, and I’m going to bring him and Shadow back up here in the spring. They won’t be broke to the saddle and ready to ride, since they’re still yearlings, that’ll take another six months. But they will have ground training, I’ve been working on in-hand manners, longeing, trailer loading and good behavior for all grooming and health care stuff, like shoeing.”

Eddie spun his coffee cup, “I think Shadow will be better for Matt, since he’s going to be about seventeen hands, and Matt can train him on long-lining. Aaron would be better with Spots, since he’s going to be a bit smaller, and he’s more mellow than Shadow.”

Matt groaned, “Okay, one thing I’ve never done is horse training. Granted I can ride, after a fashion, and I can rope something if it stands still, but that’s about the limit.”

Felicia laid a hand on Matt’s arm, “You can, no, you will do it my husband.” Patting her bulging belly, she continued, “We have faith.” Another round of laughter followed that statement as Jesse went around the table pouring more coffee for those that wanted it.

Clay sipped his coffee and said, “Speaking of faith, or maybe fate, it’s been awfully quiet on the border the last month. Seems Los Zetas, LFM and Sinaloa are all battling over territory after an incident down in Chiapas with all of them blaming the others for losing a shipment of MANPADS and apparently some Muslim extremists that were supposed to be smuggled into the US.”

The old man met Aaron’s glance with a minute shake of the head, “That’s interesting Clay, where did you hear that?”

Clay set his cup down, “Well, originally from EPIC, but apparently Bucky had an agent down there paired with somebody that observed the incident.” Clay looked sharply at the old man, “Seems all that went down about the time you were on vacation.”

The old man held up his hands, “Wasn’t me! Hell, you know they didn’t believe me on the intel I passed. Aaron and I were sitting on the beach in Cozumel, drinking tequila and I was trying to get him up to speed on the ranch stuff.”

Clay looked at Aaron curiously, “Getting up to speed?”

Aaron nodded cautiously, “I was getting frustrated with trying to do things here, and I really didn’t understand not only the ranching side, but I really didn’t understand the oil royalty side.” Pointing at Billy he continued, “Mr. Moore is trying to beat it into my head, but it’s a slow process, and a lot of legalese. I’m a damn Jarhead, I don’t do legalese!”

Laughter erupted at that and the old man smiled, “It was a chance for us to talk about not only ranching, but about law enforcement. Aaron did understand that part, and it’s led him down that path.” Glancing at Clay he asked, “Are you really complaining?”

Clay shrugged, “Not really, it’s just that I get nervous when shit is going on that I can’t account for.”

Ronni chimed in, “I like the quiet though. Having Clay home every night is a blessing. Especially when it gets cold. He’s nice and warm.”

Clay blushed at that, and everyone laughed again. The old man stood saying, “A toast.” Everyone picked up a glass or cup and waited, “To partners. In love, in life, and in ranching.”

A chorus of, “Partners,” followed by the clinking of glasses and cups as everyone drank.

Sorry for the delay folks, but life intervened…