I said a Senator could be bought for $100 million… Landrieu walked onto the Senate floor mid afternoon Saturday to announce her aye vote — and to trumpet the financial “fix” she had arranged for Louisiana. “I am not going … Continue reading
Category Archives: political rant
The Lightbringer is NOW “proud” of his Muslim heritage as he goes to apologize once again (kiss ass) to the Middle Eastern Countries??? Ah… didn’t he spend the ENTIRE campaign saying he was NOT a Muslim and was a Christian??? … Continue reading
Well, the Lightbringer did it again… The cost of your car just went up by $1300 and for this you get what??? Under the changes, the overall fleet average would have to be 35.5 mpg by 2016, with passenger cars … Continue reading
I’ m tired and grumpy, so no sweetness and light tonight… CBO states approximately 25% of $900 BILLION stimulus is actually going into economy- But yet, the Las Vegas paper’s editorial says only 90M$ or 10% is stimulus, the rest … Continue reading
Kirkpatrick gets out of jail, only to be charged with assault against two detectives serving a subpoena, he’s still awaiting trial with his lover over the perjury count(s) and he still won’t resign…John Edwards finally admits to a love affair … Continue reading
Question was asked about what we should do with afghanistan, Iraq etc. Well, seems Obama is now changing his tune… He was for it before he was against it (all 143 days of his ‘service’ to the country)To my tiny … Continue reading
Is this #$%^^ election cycle over YET????Billary and B. Hussein are locked in a lying match, er… contest in PA that is just getting more and more outlandish as the days go on, so to deflect media, Howie (hear me … Continue reading
I was at the hospital yesterday for outpatient surgery and saw two young punks jostle and elderly white man and laugh about it as they went merrily on their way… Is this what we have come to??? Is this really … Continue reading
Is it just me, or has the whole politics, running for office BS just gotten totally out of hand???The positioning yesterday and today by the MSM and the politicians was just ridiculous! Also, the dirty tricks campaigns are now in … Continue reading