Another YGTBSM!!!

Heard this on the way in this morning… Sigh… New information received by the ACLU regarding the Internal Revenue Service after a Freedom of Information Act request filed last year indicates that the agency does not feel it is necessary … Continue reading

Gah, tyranny in action in MD Legislature…

Got this from one of my friends in MD, it truly has to been seen to be believed… This is a video of the MD house of Delegates judiciary committee and health/human services committee voting on the amendments for the Assault weapons … Continue reading

Just in time for Christmas…

Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma has just released Wastebook 2011, detailing the (at least) $6.5B in waste just this year…The one that REALLY chaps my ass is the $35M for the conventions, whyinhell, if the parties are getting all these … Continue reading


“1 down, 534 to go.” That was what blogger TJIC posted immediately after Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting. If you’ve ever read Dispatches From TJICistan, you know he’s an outspoken, perhaps even extreme advocate of smaller government. Now, his blog has been … Continue reading

Budget Rant…

Our nation is going to have to make some tough decisions or we, as a nation, will be doomed… We’re going to have to cut the so-called entitlement programs – there are far too many people drawing social security, medicare, … Continue reading


What has happened to the ethics investigations of Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel??? They have dropped out of the MSM completely… Oh wait a minute… I found THIS and THIS, in other words NOTHING is going to be done until … Continue reading

Just to set the record straight…

I got into it with one of the Left Wing Loonies at work today… So I did a bit of open literature research… The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009 it was actually January 3rd 2007 … Continue reading

Ill Wind…

An ill wind is sweeping this country… It’s in the form of more and more government regulation; which, in my opinion, is badly flawed… Why was TARP done, and the bailout? To save us? Nope, to save big business and … Continue reading

Worth the read…

Snigs doesn’t often get truly up on the soapbox, but she did HERE, and it’s worth the read… She’s one of those Southern (Steel) Magnolia types… Nice, polite, but you do NOT want to get on her bad side… … Continue reading

Remember in November…

Well, tomorrow will, I believe, prove to be a black day for the USA… We had the culmination of bribery, strong arm tactics, outright lies and social engineering at its finest last night in the so called House of Representatives… … Continue reading