One can only watch so many movies, thankfully they had a good selection of oldies but goodies… Are we there yet? No, shaddap and go to sleep… Are we there YET? No, not there yet… More coffee… ARE WE THERE … Continue reading
Category Archives: random photographs
Funny you should ask… That ‘little’ airplane in front is actually a Boeing 737-800 200 plus seats… And for perspective, that is a 747-400 on the taxiway behind the A-380! And of course it’s raining, again… STILL… Only 26 more … Continue reading
In the aw s!!t we’re all gonna die category… The car in front of me and I are trying to go straight… Simple yes??? Ummm, not so much, the Trolley is turning LEFT, and the bus has decided to … Continue reading
Bagged it out of Houston this morning on the ‘next’ leg of the trip… Bonus points if you recognize these locations… A hint on this one, 30 mumble years ago there was ONE hotel called the Princess… And now I’m … Continue reading
Some of the stranger things seen thus far on the trip… This car was driven by a Ken/Barbie couple, all dressed up in their ‘nautical’ outfits… And no it’s not a wrap, it appears to be painted… Coming through SFO … Continue reading
Mobile hood ornament… I ‘thought’ it was a stick, until it walked across the hood as I was driving down the street!!! It’s actually a Gecko…And then the little s**t took a dump on my hood! Sigh…And I’ve seen … Continue reading
A few pics from the latest go-round of travel to the mid-East…They don’t call it the sandbox for nothing… (and this is one of the ‘good’ roads) Now THIS is a hotel room 🙂 This was my room in Kuwait… … Continue reading
Well, so much for my time at home… sigh… Back on the road and I get a call half way to my destination from my bank… Not good… Even worse, it appears there are fraudulent charges on my credit card!!! … Continue reading