What a view…

This is the view my old friend has out his office window… If I had this view, I’d never get any work done… Just sayin… … Continue reading

In the more balls that sense category…

We have the surfer bums…   These idjits chase the big waves around the world trying (and sometimes dying) to surf them…  I’ve often wondered how they pay for all the travel etc. since NONE of them apparently have a … Continue reading


Things actually work out… Since I had some previously scheduled meetings down in Norfolk yesterday, I got a chance to have dinner with Daddy Bear and his co-worker Jeff yesterday evening, before the slog back to NOVA.  They were also … Continue reading

The things one sees on the road…

These are the ‘doors’ to the Japanese Navy command cave at Yokosuka, JA.  There are over twenty MILES of caves that honeycombed the base starting in about 1938… Rather simple… Handle and a pull bar.  Note the rollers and tracks … Continue reading

Boeing 787 review…Meh…

Flew on a 787 from DEN to NRT today… FLT 139 was over an hour late getting out due to a ‘computer glitch’ in the cockpit, there was a ‘warning’ on the TTY that they couldn’t clear and had to … Continue reading

Sometimes you see ‘really’ strange things…

Sideways airplane wing anyone??? This cat is designed to be ‘autonomous’ and sail on it’s own.  They split this thing down the middle and gutted the front to put in a reinforced mast to hold the solid sails. They are … Continue reading

Catch up pics…

A couple of catch up pics from the continuing roadtrip… Another version of point and click interface! Yes, they’re all plastic, and the ‘real’ food comes out looking exactly the same! They take pains to do the same ‘design’… Hello … Continue reading

Discussions with self…

One can only watch so many movies, thankfully they had a good selection of oldies but goodies… Are we there yet? No, shaddap and go to sleep… Are we there YET? No, not there yet… More coffee… ARE WE THERE … Continue reading

Random travel…

The ‘morning’ challenge… Trying to figure out the buttons, knobs and what turns on what was a 10 minute evolution, but at least I didn’t fry myself… And all I wanted for breakfast was an omelet, not a fikkin masterpiece… … Continue reading

What Happens in Vegas???

Maybe doesn’t stay there anymore… This is also apparently happening overseas, and not just to military but also to business folks. Recently and with increasing regularity across the military and overseas civilians, nefarious entities are targeting people through social networking sites; wherein, … Continue reading