Constitution Day…

Did you know today is Constitution Day?  Did you know ‘why’ it’s today??? Remember this?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Read the entire Constitution HERE.

Why is it today?  It’s to commemorate the actual signing of the Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.

HERE is a great website that has links to all the relevant documents. Worth the time to peruse it… Just sayin…

THIS really was the document that cemented our way of governance, and started us down the road to the success we have today. Contrary to what a lot of the left wing loonies say, as far as I’m concerned, it’s good to go as is, along with the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independance…


Rattlesnake Logic…

This one came over the transom from the mil-email string…

It’s been around a while, but it bears repeating in light of the whole Iran deal, and the dems and administration’s kowtowing to the muslims…

As long as we insist on maintaining the “moral high ground”, we will NEVER win the war on terrorism! We’re in a conflict which we absolutely INSIST in playing by the rules – against a maniac group who have NO rules!

Rattlesnake Logic in dealing with terrorists.

After the Boston bombing the news media spent days and weeks trying to determine why these men did what they did.

They want to know what America did to make these brothers so angry with us.

 They want to know why these men were not arrested before they did something so terrible.

The media is in a tizzy about this new era of homegrown radicals and about why and how they can live among us and still hate us.

A Texan explained it:

Here in west Texas , I have rattlesnakes on my place, living among us. I have killed a
rattlesnake on the front porch. I have killed a rattlesnake on the back porch. I have killed rattlesnakes in the barn, in the shop and on the driveway. In fact, I kill every rattlesnake I encounter. I kill rattlesnakes because I know a rattlesnake will bite me and inject me with poison. I don’t stop to wonder WHY a rattlesnake will bite me; I know it WILL bite me because it’s a rattlesnake and that’s what rattlesnakes do. I don’t try to reason with a rattlesnake or have a “meaningful dialogue” with it. I just kill it.I don’t try to get to know the rattlesnake better so I can find a way to live with the rattlesnakes and convince them not to bite me. I just kill them.I don’t quiz a rattlesnake to see if I can find out where the other snakes are, because (a) it won’t tell me and (b) I already know they live on my place. So, I just kill the rattlesnake and move on to the
next one.
I don’t look for ways I might be able to change the rattlesnake to a non-poisonous rat snake. I just kill it.Oh, and on occasion, I accidentally kill a rat
snake because I thought it was a rattlesnake at the time.

Also, I know for every rattlesnake I kill, two more are lurking out there in the brush.
In my lifetime I will never be able to rid my place of rattlesnakes. Do I fear them? Not really. Do I respect what they can do to me and my family? Yes!

And because of that respect, I give them the fair justice they deserve. I kill them. As a country, we should start giving more thought to the fact that these jihadists’ are telling the world their goal is to kill Americans and destroy our way of life.

They have posted graphic videos on the internet showing them beheading Americans. They are serious. They are exactly like rattlesnakes. It is high time for us to start acting accordingly!

I love this country.It’s the damn government I’m afraid of!  Dammit…


Although I’m not playing in Kilted to Kick Cancer this year, I’m asking you to support Team Dragon.

DONATE HERE. Click on the KTKC logo on the far left, pick Team Dragon from the dropdown menu, and kick in a buck.

Dennis is a stand up guy, and he’s putting his mouth and hard work where his heart is on this one…
OK…the fundraising has basically stalled, so here’s the deal…
I’m already putting folks in the drawing for the Purple Croc Holster, 1911 full size (5″ bbl).

I’m sitting at $1,215 in the standings. As soon as it hits $1,250, I’m going to add another holster, and pull TWO NAMES. The holster I’ll be adding?

Rust Red Croc, brownburst airbrushing. RH, 1911, 5″.

If Team Dragon’s fundraising hits $2,500, I’ll add a third holster, and draw THREE NAMES.

Basically, every time the total is a multiple of $1,250, I’ll add a holster, and draw an additional name.

Now….word on the grapevine is that there are some teams doing offline fundraising, and will be dumping very large totals into their pots here in the next week or so, and will be storming ahead of even HBC Concealment. So, in order to make sure that Team Dragon makes a good showing, I’m sweetening up the fundraising initiative.

Let your readers know!!!


Okay, so for you that didn’t catch this at the beginning of the month, for every 5 bucks you donate towards Team Dragon, you get entered in a drawing for a beautiful hand/Patriot made holster. Kick down $10, get entered twice and so on. All you have to do is forward Dennis the paypal confirmation and you’re entered. His email is [email protected]

BTW, while I don’t know the value of these holsters, I know they’d go for $300-$500 a pop. They ain’t cheap but their beauty is exceeded by their functionality – I know, I own one.

How about it folks? Five bucks for a chance to win a holster of a lifetime?

Just do it… Us Navy guys have to help each other out!!!

Thanks in advance!

Things you don’t expect…

So a couple of us are a dinner last night, and one of the guys daughter calls from college…

She’s bitching about the size of the room, and the fact she has a roommate that’s “spreading out everywhere”.

He’s rolling his eyes and listening, and Snap starts digging on his phone, then holds it up with a picture.  He shows it to Avon and Avon says send it.

He puts his phone on speaker, and we get to listen to the whining, as he resends the picture to his daughter…

Then tells her to check the message…

And we hear, “Oh daddy you are such an asshole!” And a click as she hangs up.

Oh yeah, the picture?


If I remember right, this was a 30 man bunk room… With four sinks, toilets, and shower heads… And this was on USS Midway AFTER the billeting upgrade…

I’m betting Avon is going to be sleeping on the couch when he gets home…LOL

Edit- Thanks to WSF- OLD SCHOOL berthing-

berthing area

Book Pimping over here…

DaddyBear has his first novel out, set in the world of ancient Rome.  It’s called ‘Via Serica‘.

I beta read for Tom, and throughly enjoyed it. He got the details right, and as an Army vet, he described the interaction of soldiers in very believable way.  Based on real historic events of ancient history, it’s a great read, and one you can learn from too! 🙂

Highly recommend ‘Via Serica‘.  It’s free if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, and only $2.99 if you don’t. When’s volume 2 coming???

And the second book is-

The Broken Cage

Marty just released The Broken Cage. It is Book 2 of the Solstice 31 Saga, and it’s a damn good follow-up to Still Falling. It can be ordered below:


The deep space survey ship Ventura entered orbit and was immediately destroyed. Commander James Worthington and his crew were flying escort when the savage attack hit.

With his ship heavily damaged and half of his crew dead Worthington, finds refuge on the dark side of this planet’s moon.

Plagued with threats from all around he finds his old friend Barcus and tries to bring the remaining survivors together as a team before time runs out.

His first novel, Still Falling, now has an audio edition.  If you’d like a signed copy, email [email protected] for details.

I’ve read both books, both in one sitting (airplanes ARE good for something)…
Two entirely different ‘perspectives’, two different approaches/writing styles. Both are well worth your money, and I think you’ll enjoy them both.
Of course that assumes you’re as twisted as I am… LOL

It’s nice and quiet…

At 0500…


Mainly because anybody with any sense is still in bed…


But there IS a bright side, I’m not dealing with Honolulu traffic!

Hope y’all are having a good Friday… Only three more days of this…

77 Minutes…

That is how long it took to change America forever…

Take a moment to pause and reflect on today’s 14th remembrance of 9/11. I would urge you in your own way and own time this Friday, to remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice that day and for those that have given their all over these past 14 years in ensuring our freedoms and liberties have been maintained. Remember as well those brave men and women that continue to serve today in harm’s way to ensure that the ongoing conflicts remain an “away game” for the United States and allows each of us to enjoy our daily lifestyle in our own way.

We were challenged but not broken that fateful day, which changed the way we live and think forever. Each of us can recall exactly where we were when we learned of the horrific terrorist attacks occurring at the Twin Towers in NY, Pentagon, and an open field in Pennsylvania. We shall never forget September 11th, 2001 nor the 2977 victims of that tragic day. Take the time, right now, to recall where you were and your own personal reaction.

Remember and never forget. 

The timeline…
* 0846ET.  American Flight #11 impacts the World Trade Center North Tower, New York City
* 0903ET.  United Flight #175 impacts the World Trade Center South Tower, New York City
* 0937ET.  American Flight #77 impacts the Pentagon, Arlington, VA
* 1003ET.  United Flight #93 crashes in a field in Stonycreek Township, PA

77 minutes…

One good meal…

I have a rule on any trip, I have to get one ‘good’ meal per trip…

Last night was it…

Nie little sirloin, with the trimmings and a salad…IMG_2533

The rest of the week?  I’m looking at this…IMG_2534

Getting up at 0200 to go to work means there isn’t a lot open, other than bars…

Hope y’alls working hours are a bit better! 🙂

Wow… Just… wow!!!

Sunday night went to Biba’s for a quick dinner. It was crowded and I’d just been seated when I saw and older couple come in, I went and told the waitress I’d give up my table for them. Instead they ended up joining me. He’s 92, she’s 90, they’re from central Washington.

As we’re chatting, comes out he’s a retired Army type. And fought at Salerno and Monte Cassino as part of the 36th Infantry Division! The stories he told had me picking up my jaw on a regular basis… Fighting Panzers on the plains at Salerno, then the 88s going to Monte Cassino. He said the thing he hated most was the 88s… Apparently they were the ‘most feared’ single gun.

Especially when they WALKED and fought from hilltop to hilltop down to Monastery Hill. He said they couldn’t dig foxholes, it was too cold and rocky, and they were exposed to fire from surrounding high points the entire time.

He said the ravines had mines, booby-traps, and ‘other’ crap in them, so they were out. And to add insult to injury, he said he’d never been so cold and wet in his life.

I ‘think’ he said he’d gotten a ‘few’ purple hearts out of that campaign, and he went on to serve in Korea, and retired after one tour in Vietnam…

His wife was a ‘Rosie’, and worked at Boeing on the B-17s. Her most salient comment was “Somebody had to do it. And we were ‘somebody’.” Quite the couple, and still pretty spry for their ages.

Actually probably in better shape than I am right now… Sigh…


Busy… Light posting and commenting through next week.

Ass deep and the alligators are winning…

Go read the folks on the sidebar please!

Thanks to those who bought books this weekend, total sales were a little over 150 books!!! Yea!!!