Must Read!!!

Nicki over at The Liberty Zone has a GREAT fisking up of a post on an NRA sticker in the rear window of a car…

It’s HERE, and I’ll just tell you now, don’t be drinking when you read it!

WELL DONE Nicki!!!


Anybody ever been in a place like this? Or sat in the rockers out on the front porch?

Postcard by Alan Teper

Postcard by Alan Teper

The proverbial old country store… One of my uncles ran one for years in Central Louisiana, carried pretty much everything from A-Z and I do remember saddles… 🙂

The ‘smell’ of the store was a mix of food, leather, iron, and amalgam of years of coffee pots, and wood smoke. I remember my uncle ‘holding court’ behind a cash register just like the one below, unless it was one of the little old ladies, then he’d go get whatever they’d come in for…

From Ripley Auctions May 2011 gallery

From Ripley Auctions May 2011 gallery

I remember visits and being fascinated with it, and being able to punch the keys and crank the handle when somebody came in and bought something…

I also remember us both getting in trouble, because the thing to the left of the register was a paper tape and that was how my Aunt did the daily books… And my uncle had let me ‘play’ ringing up sales… It wasn’t pretty! And he carried people on credit too. Their word that they would pay (eventually) was good enough for him.

He was one of the folks that taught me to judge people by looking beyond how someone dressed and learn about the person themselves. One that I remember to this day was an old man who came in wearing threadbare overalls, rundown boots, and not much else. My uncle gave him everything he asked for on credit. Later that day, a man pulled up in a fancy car (either a Lincoln or Cadillac) came in flashing rings, watches, etc. and my uncle demanding he pay in cash. He also showed my what a flash roll was after that guy left, saying something about not trusting him.

Sadly, today the only place you’ll see a store like this is as a museum somewhere.

Posted in TBT

Range time!!!

So, I snuck out to the range Sunday to help a buddy sight in a couple of rifles to get ready for hunting season…

That went pretty well (except for the oopsie of not bringing ammunition for one rifle), three of four sighted in, and the fourth needs to go to a gunsmith. The scope was banged somehow or the other and it’s probably 5 degrees off to the left (and no ammo).

I got one string in on the HBAR, and just reconfirmed I’m too damn old to shoot irons… sigh

HBAR sight picture

There IS a target out there! (Somewhere)…HBAR1


Fired at 100 yards, rifle sighted for 200 yards. Two sighters, ten rounds. UGLY!


I did run into Dave Conrath, USA Shooting FCT member (I’ve shot with him at Quantico), and he was gracious enough to show off his new ‘stick’!

The pictures DON’T do it justice, it is absolutely beautiful!!!

Custom rifle 1

Custom built F Class rifle in .308, Nightforce target match scope.Custom rifle 2

He’s in load development and looking at increments of 1/10th of a grain. This was the ‘best’ load he’d had so far… 12 shots at 300 yards, just over 2.5 inches. And the rifle is not even finished it’s break-in period.load testing 2


As an OBTW, Team USA beat Ireland, Canada, the Brits, and Aussies to win the Creedmore Cup again last month in Ireland! In 20-30kt gusting winds!!!

He said the Irish were routinely cranking in 20-30 clicks of windage, THEN fine adjusting from there!!! (I suck at trying to dope out a 10 kt shifting wind)

Fact checking…

Obviously is NOT a strong suit of the Brady Bunch, but we already knew that didn’t we…

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence criticized Pence for recruiting the NRA, suggesting the organization is “first and foremost” a “lobbying organization.”

“There is no institution better equipped to train our servicemen and women than the US military itself,” Dan Gross, the Brady Campaigns president said. “This is not a job for lobbyists.”

From ABC News report HERE.

Really? Um… REALLY??? What about all of us Certified INSTRUCTORS???

From NRA Media-

Governor Mike Pence recently directed the state’s military bases and training centers to beef up security in response to recent attacks in Tennessee. With this order, he enlisted the National Rifle Association’s world-class training program and trainers. 

However, per usual, gun control advocates, like the Brady Campaign, placed politics above safety and the lives of our brave men and women. They criticized the Indiana Governor for recruiting the NRA to provide the good deed of offering free materials, training and facilities to the guardsmen. 

Suggesting that we, the NRA, are “first and foremost” a “lobbying organization”. 

If anyone has done their research or knows a little bit about the NRA, they would know that we were founded on the principles of marksmanship, and have continued till this day to teach firearm competency and safety to civilians through a network of over 120,000 certified instructors. No other organization in the world does more than the NRA to educate people on the safe and responsible use of firearms.

Not only do we instruct civilians, but we also instruct law enforcement. Over 65,000 Law Enforcement instructors have gone through our NRA training programs, and there are currently over 13,000 active instructors – specifically in law enforcement. 

So to say the NRA has no credibility in training those in the armed forces is a fallacy. It’s pretty easy to identify those who have and haven’t done their research. ​

Sigh… Keep on lying and yelling and ‘maybe’ they’ll find some low info voters that actually believe that BS!!!

An outsider’s view of Sad Puppies…

NSFW due to language, but a total outsider’s take on the Sad Puppies/Hugo issue.

I think he pretty much nails it. And it’s truly sad when what Larry Correia said three years ago proved to be truth…

The loss of credibility of the Hugo awards is going to be significant, IMHO…


And another take, HERE, from Novel Ninja; another from Otherwhere Gazette, HERE. And one more, from The Federalist no less, HERE.

Stole this from The Drawn Cutlass

If you are a fan of science fiction and are upset at the results of the 2015 Hugo Awards – – if you believe that the Sad Puppies were treated with contempt and despite – – then, the next time you wish to purchase a book by one of the SJW’s who behaved in such a fashion, buy their book used instead of new, and deny them their book royalty. Amazon sells nearly all book titles used as well as new – – so why buy a John Scalzi, George “Rape-Rape” Martin, or any Tor imprint book new, when you can just as easily buy it used?

And, if you think this is a good idea, mention it on your own blog – – let the word go out that when writers treat their colleagues like dirt,that the fans notice it, and will take action. Peter has already called for a boycott of Tor over the Gallo comments.

The Grey Man- Teaser…

Back with the team

Aaron was grinning as he kissed Jesse, “Finally get to get out of admin and back in the field. I don’t know how Brillo puts up with that shit all day every day!”

Jesse laughed, “About like putting up with this little monster every day.” Holding up Jace, who giggled and grabbed for Aaron’s running leg he held in his hand. Aaron kissed Jace on top of the head, prompting another spate of giggles. “You better go, it wouldn’t look good for you to be late on your first day back.”

Matt commented from the hallway, “And if y’all keep that up, you’re going to have to get a room.”

They heard Felicia’s musical laugh, and Jesse cracked up.  Aaron just shook his head, “I really wonder why we let y’all move in…” Matt made like he was going to throw something and Aaron turned his running leg around, “Batter up!”

That prompted more laughter as Aaron and Matt jostled to get out the front door. Jesse looked at Felicia, “You tell him yet?”

“Doctor’s appointment is next week. If I am pregnant, I’ll tell him then.” Felicia leaned on the back of the couch, “I hope it’s what he wants,” she continued softly.  Jesse reached up and squeezed Felicia’s hand, but didn’t say anything.

Jace broke the mood by grunting then giggling and Jesse groaned, “Oh God, what did you eat kiddo?”

Felicia fanned the air, “Whatever it was, I think it’s turned toxic! I’m off to work, sorry to leave you with it.”

Jesse smiled, “Oh just you wait, your day is coming…”


Aaron pulled into the team building and sat for a couple of minutes, thinking of what the last year had done to him. He finally reached over, pulled the running leg off the floorboard and climbed from the truck.

He walked quickly into the building and down to his office. Sitting down behind the beat up old haze gray desk, he realized he was grinning, and laughed out loud. It’s good to be back where I belong. Leaning the running leg in a corner, he grabbed his coffee cup and headed for the coffee mess, mentally reviewing what he needed to do today.

By the time he got back to the office, Snake was at his desk, diet Coke in hand and mumbling at the computer. “Still no coffee Snake?”

“I can’t stand the taste of that shit, and you know it.” Snake shuddered, “And that damn training class crap of dumping the coffee packet in your mouth and washing it down with water didn’t help matters!”

Aaron smiled, “Yeah, I remember you puking for a few hours after that. What’s on the sked today? PT at zero eight?”

“Yep, the new Captain, Grazio is going to lead it. He’s a damn fitness nut. He lost a bunch of weight to get into the Corps, and he’s determined not to put it back on, and neither will we. We’re on preps for a desert field ex at ten, and the range at thirteen hundred.”

Aaron groaned, “That’s going to be a hot one.” Pulling open his locker door, he started changing into his PT gear, and saw Snake looking at his leg curiously. “If you’ve never seen it, it’s friggin medical marvel!”

Snake said, “Nah, I was looking at the running leg. How does it stay on when you run? And isn’t that thing too springy?”

Aaron peeled off the sock for the walking leg, twisted it slightly to break the suction and removed the leg. He also peeled off the silicon liner, reached into his bag and pulled out the pin liner for the running leg. Holding it up he said, “This is a pin socket, as opposed to a straight suction socket, this,” pointing to the pin, “Is attached to the umbrella on the end of the liner, I roll it on just like this.”

Rolling the liner up, he pointed to the top of the liner, “See how high this goes?”

Snake nodded, “I was wondering, I thought you had a below the knee.”

“I did, but the liner has to go up higher to maintain enough contact and suction that the leg doesn’t fall or slide off.” Picking up the running leg, he quickly checked the sleeve for anything that might have gotten in there, then slid it over the liner as far as it would go.  He gingerly stood up and bounced for a couple of seconds until he heard the pin engage in the lock on the liner, “Now it’s locked in.”

He pulled on his other sock and shoe, tucked in his t-shirt and said, “Alright, let’s do this. What kind of pace is the captain running?”

Snake groaned, “Eight-nine minutes in PT gear, ten minutes in full ruck. I hate running!”

Aaron laughed, “Nothing new there, I thought you were going to fail out of sniper school because of your running.”

As they walked out of the team building Snake replied, “I know, but I just fucking hate running. It’s unnatural unless somebody’s chasing me.”

They formed up the teams, took the morning reports and were standing at parade rest when Captain Grazio stepped out of the building. The teams came to attention, Snake and Aaron made the morning reports, and finished just as colors sounded. After colors, Captain Grazio called out, “In honor of getting Gunny Miller back, this morning will only be five miles, and we’ll take it slow! Nine minute miles, right face! Ready, begin!”

The captain ran to the front of the formation, and led them off. Aaron and Snake fell in to their positions and Aaron started the jodies.

Alo right la-o
Lefty right-a la-o

Alooo right la-oo
Left right la-o

Lo right-a left right
Lefty right a lo


semper fi



Snake countered with another jody,

Back In 1775
My Marine Corps Came Alive

First There Came The Color Gold
To Show The World That We Are Bold

Then There Came The Color Blue
To Show The World That We Are True

Then There Came the Color Red
To Show The World The Blood We have

Then There Came The Color White
To Show The World That We Can Fight

Then There Came The Color Green
To Show The World That We Are Mean

They continued going back and forth, with Sergeant McKenzie throwing in an occasional one, and sooner than they thought they were double timing back into the team area. After a quick shower, and back in MARPAT, Aaron and Snake pushed the daily musters up to HQ, and Aaron giggled quietly, “No more for me. It’s somebody else’s turn…”

Snake asked, “You say something?”

“Nah, just talking to myself. You ready to go meet with the captain?”

Hitting the keypad with a flourish, Snake repled, “Yep, plan sent. Now lets go see how bad he shoots it down!”


Captain Grazio leaned back, “Okay guys, I think we have a plan.” Tapping the papers into order, he turned to his desk, “Gunny Miller, you comfortable jumping with that leg?”

Aaron replied, “Yes sir, I’m cleared for full duty, while I haven’t jumped it, I don’t see a problem. Well, none other than twenty nine stumps in the middle of the summer…”

Grazio nodded, “You and I will jump with teams one and three,” pointing to Snake, “You’ll be OPFOR with teams two and four. After three days we’ll change places.”

Snake commented, “We’ll go at oh six hundred, helo in and disappear. You won’t see us until it’s too late…”

Aaron laughed, “Yeah, right. Scotch?”

Grazio looked back and forth between them, “I get the feeling this is an ongoing bet?”

Snake said, “Only since sniper school sir. So far we’re about tied.”

Grazio asked, “Good scotch?”

“Yes sir, good single malt. None of that cheap Johnny Walker or Chivas crap.”

Grazio laughed at that, “Okay you, dismissed.”


Aaron and Snake pulled into the range parking lot and Aaron said, “Ah shit.”

“What’s up?”

Pointing to the GTO sitting in the parking lot Aaron continued, “My wife is out here.”

“Checking up on you?” Snake said with a grin, then turned and looked at the range as a loud crack of a large caliber rifle sounded.

“Nah, I think she’s out here shooting…”

“Shooting what? That almost sounded like a fifty!”

Getting out of the truck Aaron shook his head, “It wouldn’t surprise me.” Hearing more rounds going downrange, “Nah, I think that’s a three-thiry-eight.”

Five more measured shots were fired as the captain pulled in followed by the bus with the teams on it. Johnson ran in to use the head, and came back chuckling, “Looks like Gunner is giving somebody a little EMI down there. I see him and the RO spotting for somebody proned out.”

About that time, three rapid cracks were heard, and Johnson laughed, “Oh man, Gunner is gonna chew some ass for that!”

Aaron just shook his head and walked around the corner to the line, hearing Matt call the range cold. Sure enough, Jesse was getting up and picking up the Barrett MRAD off the mat, laughing as Gunner Price shook his finger at her. Aaron saw her point down range, and the gunner looked through the spotting scope again as Sergeant ‘Toad’ Moretti rode the ATV down range to retrieve the target.

Seeing Aaron, Jesse waved and started down the line, carrying the MRAD in a hunter’s carry, as Matt and the gunner picked up the mat and spotting scope. As she came up he mouthed, “Don’t kiss me, no PDA.” Jesse smiled and nodded.

“Hi Snake, hi Honey. I was going to come watch y’all but I guess I screwed up the time.  I got here at noon, and had lunch with Matt and Toad, and Toad wanted a sanity check on the trigger on the MRAD.”

“How did you end up with the Gunner involved?” Aaron asked.

“Gunner? Oh you mean Eric? Well, we had a discussion about triggers, and left handed shooting and…”

Toad pulled up on the ATV as the Gunner and Matt walked up with the mat and spotting scope. Toad crowed, “You did it again Jesse, less than a five inch group!”

Gunner Price said, “Lemme see that target!”

Captain Grazio said, “Gunny, I didn’t know your wife was a Marine.”

Aaron stuttered, “Uh, Cap’n, she’s not. She’s a deputy sheriff.”

“So why is she on a Marine Range, shooting what appears to be a Marine sniper rifle?”

Gunner Price stepped in, “Cap’n, I authorized it. I know Mrs. Miller and have seen her shoot that rifle before. She’s got more rounds downrange on an MRAD than anybody here.” Laying the target out, he measured the group with his fingers, “I guess I’ll have to agree on the group size. If there hadn’t been two flyers, that would be about four inches.”

Jesse pointed to the two flyers, “Those were the last two in the three shot rapid string. I told you they were high. I always tend to go high when I’m shooting fast, and working the bolt over the top of the gun. And that trigger is just about perfect, just a hair over two pounds.”

Matt smiled at Jesse, “Okay, you proved your point. Now can we get out of the way so these gents can fire for effect? They’re actually supposed to be on the range right now.”

Jesse suddenly realized she was surrounded by Marines and blushed, “Oh… Sorry. I guess I’ll go home now.”

Captain Grazio grinned, “Ma’am, you’re more than welcome to stay. Matter of fact, I’d be happy to have you critique some of our shooters.” Nodding to Gunner Price he said, “Teams one and two on the line.”


Aaron picked up the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher as Jesse finished feeding Jace and handed him off to Felicia. Coming up behind Aaron she hugged him and whispered, “I’m sorry I embarrassed you today. That was never my intention.”

Turning in her arms, Aaron hugged her back and kissed the top of her head, “Hey, you didn’t know, and the last thing I expected was to see you there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody’s wife show up at the range.”

“I won’t do it again, I promise.”

“It’s not that, it’s just that I’m going to catch a ration of shit forever for it. When you shoot better than I did, and everybody knows I’m a sniper, well…”

Matt interrupted, “Hey, you two get a room! None of that serious shit tonight! It’s Friday!”

First they came…

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller

Now they’re coming for the guns… Who will speak for us?

On August 20, Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt described the Democratic Party on the federal level as “increasingly” tyrannical and focused on passing laws to take guns away from law-abiding Americans.

Pratt said, “The Democrat Party has increasingly become a party of tyranny. And you can’t be a good tyrant if there are a whole bunch of schlubs running around with guns.”

Full article HERE.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) said in a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee that it plans to add some recipients to the federal gun background check system, effectively barring them from legally purchasing firearms.

So the very people, the elderly, that NEED protection, are now under the hammer to potentially lose their rights to own/posses guns… Article HERE.

Jim Crow laws, Reconstruction, the AWB, how many other instances…

Who will speak for us???

This is what will kill you in the air…

One of the few videos I’ve ever seen that actually captures a ‘wet’ microburst as it happens…

Video is HERE.

This stuff hits the ground at over 100 mph, coming straight down. I don’t remember the exact figures, but testing done in the simulator after the Dallas crash in 1985, HERE, some VERY small percentage of pilots were able to actually make a safe landing…

We encountered a microburst in flight at altitude once, and lost thousands of feet. That scared the crap out of everybody on the airplane, and we were all experienced aircrew.

This was one of the reasons there is now doppler radar at most if not all airports in the US that handle airline traffic.

Buying a house is just ‘such’ fun…

You spend a month looking at houses online, hundreds of them…

You narrow the number down to what you can really afford, and one or two that you want to see just for the hell of it…

Spend the money for a plane ticket, rent-a-wreck, take vacation and start looking…

Looked at probably 10 houses in the area. Since I’m going VA, some of those fell out due to obvious cracks/etc. that I know VA would not pass. Some fell out due to condition/location (e.g. across the street from a park). Made an offer on one, at the top end of what I wanted to spend.

Went back and finally got in the back yard, found some damage to a window, and some roof damage over the patio.  We put an addendum in that the seller would be responsible to fix, the seller came back and said they would only fix $350 worth of damage… That wouldn’t even fix the WINDOW!!!

Cancelled that offer, and back to square one. Running out of time…

Called on a For Sale By Owner house that we’d seen while we were running pillar to post looking at houses earlier… Put an offer on it, they accepted, and we’re going to close in early Oct.

new house

Bonus factor- It’s almost $50K cheaper, in MUCH better shape, and in a nicer area. Two block walk to a little lake, and a nice front porch…

Thanks to friends giving me all the info for all the ‘little’ things that go along with getting a new place. Phone, insurance, taxes, licenses, internet, etc.

With VA disability and homestead, my taxes will be around $1200 a year vice $5000 a year and insurance will be in the $400/yr range!!!

Am I gone yet???


For those old farts who did a west coast tour a question…

Do you remember Cal Worthington and his dog Spot?

If you do, you’ll laugh your ass off at this one…

Strong language, so cover the kids ears! 🙂

Link is HERE.

And one of Cal’s ‘calmer’ ads from 1979…

He used to sponsor the late night movies (B,C, D, and OMG bad movies)…

But at 0300 standing the duty, ANYTHING was better than nothing…

Posted in TBT