
It’s been ONE of those weeks…

Quickie road trip, dealing with scientists, handling OMGELEVENZIES crap, and fighting off a cold…

Kinda feel like this…


I’m now firmly convinced that scientists just consider the real world an impediment to their pursuits…

And money just a ‘minor’ inconvenience… $5500 for a computer WITHOUT four $2500 GPUs and over 2000 cores and they want it next week! Yeah, right…

And if I see one more set of Gaussian formulas that run three powerpoint slides (supposedly the SHORT version) with random K distributions thrown in, I think I’m gonna puke…

And the nice little ‘show of force’ by flying two B-2s from Whitman to Korea and back only ran about $5.2M based on a little back of the envelope calculations… And that’s NOT counting the ‘escort’ aircraft that nobody is mentioning, or the tanker packages…

Personally, I think one B-52 unloading a ‘full’ load would have been more attention getting… For ‘some’ unknown reason, seeing 50+ Mk-82s or Mk-117s coming out of the bombbay on target is just a ‘tad’ more impressive…

During the first Gulf War, after ONE Linebacker strike, an entire battalion of Republican Guards gave up to a Predator drone, because they were afraid it was a precursor to another strike…

AND to add insult to injury, I’ve still got to finish my taxes…

Working on the ‘roof’…

This one brings back some memories…

And this is a BIG deck compared to the USS Coral Sea…  It’s a PR film by Grumman (as in Grumman Ironworks) It shows just how busy and TIGHT it is on the deck (AKA the roof)…

Enjoy and be glad you didn’t have to go on these 7-9 month cruises with 5000 of your ‘closest’ friends…

h/t JP

An interesting piece of history…

An interesting email from one of my readers who knows I like history…

Neither of us knows the ‘history’ of this email, but I believe this was taken/done in 2008 when some of the veterans of the 504th visited Saipan and Tinian.

I do know from talking to some of the folks that flew off Saipan and Tinian with the 6th Bomb Group (500th, 504th, 509th Wings) that very few of them actually ‘knew’ what the 509th and Col Tibbets were actually doing.

 It’s a small island, less than 40 square miles, a flat green dot in the vastness of Pacific blue. 

Saipan 1

Fly over it and you notice a slash across its north end of uninhabited bush, a long thin line that looks like an overgrown dirt runway. If you didn’t know what it was, you wouldn’t give it a second glance out your airplane window. 

Saipan 2

On the ground, you see the runway isn’t dirt but tarmac and crushed limestone, abandoned with weeds sticking out of it. Yet this is arguably the most historical airstrip on earth. This is where World War II was won. This is Runway Able:

Saipan 3

On July 24, 1944 30,000 US Marines landed on the beaches of Tinian.  Eight days later, over 8000 of the 8800 Japanese soldiers on the island were dead (vs. 328 Marines), and four months later the Seabees had built the busiest airfield of WWII- Dubbed North Field- enabling B-29 Superfortresses to launch air attacks on the Philipines, Okinawa, and mainland Japan.

Late in the afternoon of August 5, 1945, a B-29 was maneuvered over a bomb loading pit, then after lengthy preparations, taxied to the east end of North Field’s main runway, Runway Able, and at 2:45am in the early morning darkness of August 6, took off.

The B-29 was piloted by Col. Paul Tibbets of the US Army Air Force, who had named the plane after his mother, Enola Gay. The crew named the bomb they were carrying Little Boy. 6- hours later at 8:15am Japan time, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima .

Three days later, in the pre-dawn hours of August 9, a B-29 named Bockscar (a pun on “boxcar” after its flight commander Capt. Fred Bock), piloted by Major Charles Sweeney took off from Runway Able. Finding its primary target of Kokura obscured by clouds, Sweeney proceeded to the secondary target of Nagasaki, over which, at 11:01am, bombardier Kermit Beahan released the atomic bomb dubbed Fat Man.

Here is “Atomic Bomb Pit #1” where Little Boy was loaded onto Enola Gay:

Saipan 4

There are pictures displayed in the pit, now glass-enclosed. This one shows Little Boy being hoisted into Enola Gay’s bomb bay.

 Saipan 5

And here on the other side of the ramp is “Atomic Bomb Pit #2” where Fat Man was loaded onto Bockscar.

 Saipan 6saipan 7

The commemorative plaque records that 16 hours after the nuking of Nagasaki , “On August 10, 1945 at 0300, the Japanese Emperor without his cabinet’s consent decided to end the Pacific War.”

Take a good look at these pictures, folks. This is where World War II ended with total victory of America over Japan . I was there all alone. There were no other visitors and no one lives anywhere near for miles. Visiting the Bomb Pits, walking along deserted Runway Able in solitude, was a moment of extraordinarily powerful solemnity.

It was a moment of deep reflection. Most people, when they think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , reflect on the numbers of lives killed in the nuclear blasts – at least 70,000 and 50,000 respectively. Being here caused me to reflect on the number of lives saved – how many more Japanese and Americans would have died in a continuation of the war had the nukes not been dropped.

Yet that was not all. It’s not just that the nukes obviated the US invasion of Japan , Operation Downfall, that would have caused upwards of a million American and Japanese deaths or more. It’s that nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki were of extraordinary humanitarian benefit to the nation and people of Japan .

Let’s go to this cliff on the nearby island of Saipan to learn why:

Saipan 8

Saipan is less than a mile north of Tinian …. The month before the Marines took Tinian, on June 15, 1944, 71,000 Marines landed on Saipan …. They faced 31,000 Japanese soldiers determined not to surrender.

Japan had colonized Saipan after World War I and turned the island into a giant sugar cane plantation. By the time of the Marine invasion, in addition to the 31,000 entrenched soldiers, some 25,000 Japanese settlers were living on Saipan, plus thousands more Okinawans, Koreans, and native islanders brutalized as slaves to cut the sugar cane.

There were also one or two thousand Korean “comfort women” (kanji in Japanese), abducted young women from Japan ‘s colony of Korea to service the Japanese soldiers as sex slaves. (See The Comfort Women: Japan ‘s Brutal Regime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War, by George Hicks.)

Within a week of their landing, the Marines set up a civilian prisoner encampment that quickly attracted a couple thousand Japanese and others wanting US food and protection. When word of this reached Emperor Hirohito – who contrary to the myth was in full charge of the war – he became alarmed that radio interviews of the well-treated prisoners broadcast to Japan would subvert his people’s will to fight.

As meticulously documented by historian Herbert Bix in Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, the Emperor issued an order for all Japanese civilians on Saipan to commit suicide. The order included the promise that, although the civilians were of low caste, their suicide would grant them a status in heaven equal to those honored soldiers who died in combat for their Emperor.

And that is why the precipice in the picture above is known as Suicide Cliff, off which over 20,000 Japanese civilians jumped to their deaths to comply with their fascist emperor’s desire – mothers flinging their babies off the cliff first or in their arms as they jumped.

Anyone reluctant or refused, such as the Okinawan or Korean slaves, were shoved off at gunpoint by the Jap soldiers. Then the soldiers themselves proceeded to hurl themselves into the ocean to drown off a sea cliff afterwards called Banzai Cliff. Of the 31,000 Japanese soldiers on Saipan , the Marines killed 25,000, 5,000 jumped off Banzai Cliff, and only the remaining thousand were taken prisoner.

The extent of this demented fanaticism is very hard for any civilized mind to fathom – especially when it is devoted not to anything noble but barbarian evil instead. The vast brutalities inflicted by the Japanese on their conquered and colonized peoples of China , Korea , the Philippines , and throughout their “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” was a hideously depraved horror.

And they were willing to fight to the death to defend it. So they had to be nuked. The only way to put an end to the Japanese barbarian horror was unimaginably colossal destruction against which they had no defense whatever. Nuking Japan was not a matter of justice, revenge, or it getting what it deserved. It was the only way to end the Japanese dementia.

And it worked – for the Japanese. They stopped being barbarians and started being civilized. They achieved more prosperity – and peace – than they ever knew, or could have achieved had they continued fighting and not been nuked. The shock of getting nuked is responsible.

We achieved this because we were determined to achieve victory. Victory without apologies. Despite perennial liberal demands we do so, America and its government has never apologized for nuking Japan … Hopefully, America never will.

But sadly much of this is no longer taught in school, nor is it even known by most of the younger generations…

You can go HERE, and read Col Tibbets’ obituary in the NY Times, it does give a pretty straightforward bio of him and his accomplishments.

This is one hellva story…

Can you imagine what he felt when he saw this video for the first time???

I can’t embed it, but go HERE to view…

It IS hard to believe, but then again who knows what is sitting in boxes in attics and basements even today…

Thankfully he was still alive to see the video, so many were lost either for unknown crashes over the water, or crashed on takeoff or landing…

Colt leaving Conn???

176 years…

That’s how long Colt has been in Conn. There have been rumblings that Colt is unhappy with their treatment in Conn, and the President of Colt had written an op-ed for one of the papers this last weekend…

President and CEO Dennis Veilleux said the pro-gun control climate that has taken hold in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre and other firearm attacks has left him feeling unwelcome in the state his company has called home for 175 years. Proposed laws being debated by the Legislature and pushed by Gov. Dannel Malloy include a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions and a ban on bulk purchases of handguns. Veilleux said those measures have put Colt and its nearly 700 employees in the crosshairs.

Veilleux, 47, said Colt is “constantly approached” by other states to relocate. Several red state governors have made no secret of the fact they covet firearms makers, an industry that by some measures contributes $1.7 billion annually to Connecticut’s economy.

Full article at Foxnews.com HERE.

Now of course the governor and others are saying it won’t impact Colt, yada, yada, yada…  Personally I think they are s**ting a brick over the possible loss of that $1.7B a year…

All because of this…

Colt AR ad

The first Colt ad for the Ar-15…

And Colt just got the contract for the new Marine pistols!


Nurses- They WILL get ya…

A big shot attorney had to spend a couple of days in the hospital. He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his staff. None of the hospital staff wanted to have anything to do with him.

The head nurse was the only one who could stand up to him. She came into his room and announced, “I have to take your temperature.” After complaining for several minutes, he finally settled down, crossed his arms and opened his mouth.

“No, I’m sorry,” the nurse stated, “but for this reading, I can’t use an oral thermometer.” This started another round of complaining but eventually he rolled over and bared his behind.

After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard her announce, “I have to get something. Now you stay JUST LIKE THAT until I get back!”

She left the door to his room open on her way out. He cursed under his breath as he heard people walking past his door, laughing…..

After about 20 minutes, the man’s doctor came into the room.
“What’s going on here?” asked the doctor.

Angrily, the man answered, “What’s the matter, Doc? Haven’t you ever seen someone having their temperature taken?”

After a pause, the doctor confessed….. “Not with a Daffodil.”

Y’all have a good day! 🙂

Phil bites the dust…

Punxsutawney Phil, the King of the Groundhogs was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound after predicting an early spring (which has YET to get here).

phil suicide


After a Prosecutor in Ohio filled out a warrant for his arrest (HERE), a number of ‘people’ started looking for Phil, and he was heard to be on the lamb from PA.

Nothing was said about any ‘contract’ to get Phil, even though a ‘number’ of highly placed individuals were questioned as to their whereabouts early this morning at sunrise…

I really wonder about people sometimes…

There was an article in the WAPO yesterday that just shows me how ‘little’ some folks really understand about crime and criminals…

Donna St. George was the author of the article-

“Law enforcement officers provide the appearance of security, but should not be part of a holistic, concerted effort to ensure that children are safe,” says the report by the Advancement Project, long active on school issues.


“We need strong adult-student relationships, and that comes in the form of counselors and psychologists, as well as increased presence of parents and volunteers, and proven programs that reduce violence,” said Judith Browne Dianis, co-director of the Advancement Project. “Armed guards are not the answer.”

It’s a decent article, you can read the whole thing HERE; but there seems (at least to me) to be a significant lack of understanding of the real issues…

Shooters WILL pick on gun free zones to act out their fantasies, as we continue to see. Right now there are at least 10,000 armed police officers serving as School Resource Officers in a variety of schools all over the USA; however many are in high schools and maybe a few middle schools, leaving most elementary schools unprotected.  What in AP’s approach will actually ‘protect’ the children?

Nothing that I can see, but it’s obvious they are anti-gun, and are hell bent on ostracizing security/LEOs/anyone else who is allowed to carry and protect our children.

And when you start digging down on the Advancement Project, guess who’s funding them…  Link HERE.

And from the Washington Times, Emily Miller’s fisking of the latest Bloomie ads, HERE

Somebody needs to find out who this turkey is!

Who is this guy

I’m amazed that, as Miller points out, he’s violating three of the four rules! I’m betting he’s an actor, hired for his ‘redneck’ look, and posed with the gun and the accent. I’m also betting he doesn’t know a damn thing about guns!!!


And in other news, reader Stretch sent a link to The Old Salt Blog,  and the ongoing problems with the Navy’s LCS.  USS FREEDOM is still limping toward it’s new home in Singapore, but don’t expect much… This is, in my opinion, another program ripe for being stopped to save money; and go back to building DDGs that can actually make a difference!

I’m just wondering where we’re going and why we’re in this handbasket!

Such fun

Well, another ‘spring’ day…

CID ramp

Snowing sideways in Cedar Rapids, field at minimums, flight finally got in, quick turned for Chicago.

acft window

This was the ‘view’ from just after takeoff until just before landing in O’Hare…

Of course I missed my connection…

Two plus hours of ‘people’ watching in Chicago really makes me wonder…

The guy with the purple sharkskin suit and green hair- I really hope he’s an actor… The 50something woman with the miniskirt, hooker boots and bad plastic surgery (above AND below the neck), well I ‘think’ she’s got issues… The older couple obviously still in love after many years might have been moving a little slow, but they were determined!

Interesting conversation with a guy out of Minnesota, he’s flying to DC to drive to MD to pick up 2 spam cans of 8mm for his old Mauser. When I asked why? He shrugged and said at the price he got it was cheaper to fly down and pick it up than buy on line (apparently the other guy wouldn’t ship it).

27 standbys for the DC flight made for an ‘interesting’ line up at the boarding gate, to put it mildly…  And the bimbette trying to ‘buy’ a seat was just stupid, but I’m not even going there…  Bottom line, 10 hours for a 2.5 hour trip, but at least I’m sleeping in my own bed!!!


16 hours of practical and classroom, and ‘I’ are now a certified NRA basic pistol instructor… (well, as soon as the forms get sent in)…

Decided to get out of the office (e.g. I needed to take some leave to manage hours), so I called up Bill Keller, who blogs at eiaft,  and signed up for his instructor training class.

Why, you may ask?  Well, honestly it’s because I’m getting folks coming to me for advice, and one of my co-workers is a scoutmaster and they are looking for instructors to help with merit badges. To help the scouts these days, you have to be NRA certified and they cannot afford to send people to the classes.

I figured if I’m going to do this, I might as well do it right, and over the phone conversations with Bill and reading his blog I was very comfortable with the way he does business, and his attention to detail.  Of course it doesn’t hurt that he’s also a retired Mustang…LOL

The ONLY problem (well, other than my lousy shooting), is it’s Iowa, it’s (supposedly) Spring, and it’s colder’n hell… First morning 10 degrees, this morning a ‘heat wave’ of 25… I bout froze my ass off!!!

It was a well taught class, and both the class interactions and the documentation and support from NRA are excellent.  Bill did an excellent job of ‘managing’ a diverse group, and keeping the training running.  As always, safety was first and foremost and the ability to both present and receive information allowed us to see the course from both sides.

If you’re interested, I’d highly recommend taking an instructor course from Bill, or an NRA instructor near you.

I learned a lot, and realize that I really need to get into the books to do the training correctly… And that my previous military instructor experience is both a help and a hinderance…