I "think" I pissed her off…

Went to dinner last night at an old shipmate’s house.  His wife is, to put it mildly, HIGH maintenance (and doesn’t like me anyway, since I was/am a BAD influence on hubby). She’s his second wife, and bless his heart, … Continue reading

Survived another one…

Back from yet another trip, only ‘fun’ part of this one was watching the bus drivers hand flying a 777ER through and around the thunderstorms building into the DC area this afternoon! 🙂  They had the bird rockin and rollin … Continue reading

More Random Travel…

So, the road trip continues… Worked all day yesterday, then out to dinner last night, which turned into an “adventure” in eating… Went to my favorite Thai Restaurant in Waikiki last night (Keos) and ordered what I ‘thought’ was just pieces … Continue reading

Random Travel #463

Gotta love Texas girls…As AOA alludes to HERE, ya just don’t mess with em…Sitting at IAD waiting on the airplane, I start talking to a young lady (mid-20ish) with a Texas drawl; come to find out she is an Air … Continue reading

They Lied…

San Diego is NOT sunny and warm…It’s cold, raining and windy as hell… grumble… … Continue reading

Random Travel #682…

A couple of pics from the hotel…They do belt AND suspenders security, guards (running mirrors under cars and looking in trunks etc.), fences (with pointy spikes), and state of the art video systems… And the Souk…  Restaurants, etc. in this … Continue reading

Are we there YET???

Another day, another airplane… sigh… Are we there yet??? Nope, Kuwait and a wait…And somebody REALLY screwed up the reservations, cause we are in a 5 star hotel!!!  Damn! And this isn’t even one of the high dollar rooms. They … Continue reading

Eastbound and down…

By the time you read this, I’ll be somewhere over the Pacific, heading for the barn…And for those who questioned coffee by Coke, here’s the machine! And I have a rule of one good meal a det, and we finally … Continue reading

Random Travel #439…

For those who’ve never had the ‘pleasure’ of Japan…Pretty food, right? Only problem is the ‘way’ it’s served…What is done is that ALL the plates are laid out before the mess is opened for folks to eat, so the spaghetti … Continue reading