You “know” you’re in trouble when you check in and get a piece of paper with your key that says:“Please to be adviced that you may experience momentary changes in water temperature and water pressure in the course of your … Continue reading
Category Archives: random travel
On the road, yet again, so light blogging for the next week or so… As it worked out, house sitter (buddy having plumbing work done on his place) needed a place to crash for a week or so, and his … Continue reading
AND humidity (92% at 0530), and wind, and @@#^& rain… sigh… So I can either be wet, or dry and sweating; gotta love Okinawa…Since my bag didn’t make the connection, I had to retrieve it yesterday, and finally get some … Continue reading
I gotta outta Dodge for a couple of weeks, making a low pass by the old home town to see friends and get on some hogs…This is standing about where the pasture fence used to be, looking at where the … Continue reading
Sitting in the Red Carpet at Dulles, I noted there were a group of TVs showing CNN and a group showing Fox News. NONE of the CNN TVs were being watched, nor were there even any people sitting in those … Continue reading
Another upside of this trip is I finally got to meet Everett from Island Voice in real space. We’ve been emailing and going back and forth for about 4 years. He’s another old retired Navy guy, from Block Island, RI.Have you … Continue reading
Do you lose ONE SOCK in the middle of a trip???Sigh…It’s not on my foot, not in the dirty clothes bag, not in the suitcase, and it wasn’t left in the room…Damn Sock Fairy got me again…/Grumble Now I have … Continue reading
Done 🙂 Heading back to the ‘world’ today… Went over to the Seamen’s Club and got a beer and a burger in celebration. This is a little known outfit, but they provide one hellva service to sailors that crew the … Continue reading
Find some place else to stay next time… Air Farce bases have some ‘stupid’ internet policies- Block any thing about weapons (e.g. blogs, firearms companies, NRA, etc), and this is the pop up Your page is blocked due to a … Continue reading
Here we go again… Take two, plus some pics. Reconfiguration is complete more or less… Different CONEX boxes, different cable reels and other toys. And creating welding 101 🙂 In the right center you see some folks squatting on the … Continue reading