Blog roll adds…

Go check out the new adds to the blogroll! Mule Dung and Ash, Granny with a Pitchfork, The Right Idea and Lagniappes Lair are all good reads, with different perspectives, but ALL are worth the time!!! On the travel front, … Continue reading

Random Road stuff, part 359…

Another week on the road comes to an end…. the week, not the road… A friend of mine sent me this- and it IS a real piece of aviation history… A list of the first 100 people to fly the … Continue reading

Back to the salt mines…

I actually got a day off 🙂 No email, no phone calls, NO WORK BS!!! Yea!!! So what did I do? Woke up at 0530 of course… sigh… This is the view from my balcony at the hotel at 0600. … Continue reading

Survived the trip…

4400+ miles in 13 days, only problem was a windshield lost to a lug nut off a semi… Good times with old and new friends, wandering the gun show at Tulsa, lots of time for reflection while driving… I GOTTA … Continue reading

The cats are winning…

Quickie… Now in the 10th day in a row of rain… I think I’m growing webs between my toes… Commuting in Japan is just ‘such’ fun… Driving on the wrong side (with apologies to Julie), trying to juggle the windshield … Continue reading

What the Frack???

The Lightbringer is NOW “proud” of his Muslim heritage as he goes to apologize once again (kiss ass) to the Middle Eastern Countries??? Ah… didn’t he spend the ENTIRE campaign saying he was NOT a Muslim and was a Christian??? … Continue reading

More travel stuff…

So… as usual I’m on the road. First let me wish all you Mothers out there Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for having us, putting up with us and kicking us out the door to become adults in our own … Continue reading

Tyranny of Distance…

There are a lot of news reports about the hijacking that took place off Somalia the other day. This was the first time in years they took an American crewed ship, and the crew has managed to get the ship … Continue reading

On the road again…

Well, back on the road yet again… At the airport 2 hours before takeoff (international)- Check… 14 hour flight- Check… 1 hour wait for the bus- Check… 2 1/2 hour bus ride- Check… Room in the BOQ– Ah… er… Sorry, … Continue reading

Random Road stuff, part 3224…

This is a special video… If you don’t feel good after seeing this one, there is something wrong!!! And a little food pr0n for BBQ season… 🙂 We are about to enter the summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is … Continue reading