This lady nails it…

And does one helluva job of telling truth to power, e.g. the Pres… Dear President Obama, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all you have done and are doing. You see I am a single … Continue reading

Points to ponder…

These two short statements tell you a lot about our government. “We are told NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics.” BUT… We are encouraged TO  judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics”! Sigh… … Continue reading

One Wonders…

Seen on the Facebook:  Obama wants Catholic institutions to provide birth control and abortions. Does this mean he will force Muslims to serve alcohol and bacon??? h/t Stretch And this one from various sources… Internal State Department emails reportedly show … Continue reading

A little walk…

Having seen ‘most’ of these (excepting the top cap), I can unequivocally say this is right… And contrary to what BO says, there is not a single muslim quote on ANY memorial in DC or elsewhere that dates to the … Continue reading


Each new scandal brings straw to the camel’s back, and another agency into the public’s eye… Holder refuses to prosecute Black Panthers in Philadelphia for voter intimidation…  DOJ investigates itself and finds no cause for alarm.  DOJ also says they … Continue reading

There’s descriptive, and then there is DESCRIPTIVE…

Perusing the web I ran across this commentary by John Ransom over at Town Hall… Lost amidst the White House he-said-she-said of finger pointing, scandal, incompetence, venality, hubris, vanity, error, greed, gluttony, embarrassment, cover up, stupidity,  amateur bungling, brownnosing, grandstanding, … Continue reading

Leave it up to the troops…

This is a couple of years old, but it says it all as far as I’m concerned… Based on folks that I communicate with that are still active duty, this perception has NOT changed… And here is one more telling … Continue reading

Empty Chair, Empty Suit…

I don’t see much difference… Don’t know about y’all… Actually, I’d PREFER the empty chair, less chance of him screwing anything else up!!!Just sayin… … Continue reading

How’s that Socialism working out for you???

Why would we want to change to a socialistic system that has resulted in total failure everywhere it has been implemented??? Current European tax rates:United Kingdom (Value Added Tax due to increase to 20% in January 2011)Taxation in the United … Continue reading

Pretender-In-Chief – Galganov…

A very interesting Editorial from last month that just came across the email transom…I’ve extracted a few parts to give you the general tone.Pretender-In-Chief – Howard Galganov As much as I and everyone else is trying to get a handle … Continue reading