A funny…

But true too…


Not that ‘I’ ever did anything like that, or knew anybody that did…




More pics…

A couple of extra pics from the train museum…

A boy’s wonder…

thumb_DSC01607_1024 He REALLY wanted to get his hands on that train…

In one case, he was literally trying to pry the glass apart to get to the trains inside… LOL

And of course PPP and ‘Auntie’ were trying to get pictures too!


‘Auntie’ was trying to get Jace to look at her, but he was more interested in Thomas the Tank Engine and wanting to play with it.  I couldn’t resist…

Yesterday was the one good meal of the trip, I took them to Cattleman’s for dinner for their birthdays. And after requesting they get embarrass…er… Sang Happy Birthday to, the restaurant dropped the ball…

Oh well, they got serenaded in the parking lot (No, I can’t sing. Can’t carry a tune in a bucket, thank you very much).

I wish…

I had as much energy as grandson #2… Sigh…

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At the California Railroad Museum, in Sacramento since ‘sunny’ California ain’t…

He was amazed at the size of the train(s). And ran from pillar to post, dragging us here and there through the museum…

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One of the ‘few’ times he was willing to walk ‘slowly’…

But it was a good day! 🙂

Family time is important!!!

Light blogging and commenting…

Out on the left coast for a few days with the daughters for their birthdays.

At least THIS time, I’m travelling because I want to, not because I have to! 🙂

Go read the folks on the sidebar, and I’ll be back in a few days.

In other news, apparently one of the guns found in El Chapo’s arsenal in his latest capture was a Barrett M-82 that was sold during Fast and Furious and they lost track of it…

Isn’t THAT just special…

And now Fast and Furious is back in the news, and Holder is gone… What will Lynch do?


This one came over the transom from the mil-email chain…MOT

Not one I was on, but it looks like a merchant ship. But it does bring back memories…

Hours and hours of Maritime Air Patrol (MAP) tracks all over the world. Checking on merchant and other traffic, recording names, location, and course and speed. Two of the more infamous ones were the ones into Vietnam/South China Sea, and the other was the Malacca Straits off Singapore.

Both were guaranteed 12 hour flights, usually 8-10 hours onstation (200 feet) yanking and banking.

Ah yes… ‘Fun’ times… (kinda, sorta)…

Posted in TBT

Now we know…

The rest of the story… On how badly BO’s executive orders on gun changes are…

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is moving forward with more gun restrictions under President Obama’s new executive action. The ATF’s latest regulations would affect trusts and legal entities seeking to make or transfer a firearm.

The new rules would define who is the “responsible person” at these organizations that must comply with background check requirements. The current regulations target individuals who apply for guns. But the new rules would expand these regulations to an estimated 231,658 “responsible persons” at these trusts and legal entities. The ATF estimates the rule could cost industry as much as $29 million each year to comply with.

Such trusts have typically been used by collectors, to reduce NFA processing time. This rule change does replace the requirement for prior endorsement by a jurisdiction’s Chief Law Enforcement Officer for transfers to individuals with one for the CLEO to be notified of all NFA transfers.)

The FEDREG link is HERE. The official title is: Machineguns, Destructive Devices and Certain Other Firearms; Background Checks for Responsible PErsons of a Trust or LEgal Entity With Respect To Making or Transferring a Firearm.

It’s read it and weep time… Pretty much obviates most of the existing trusts. I’m having mine re-written to bring it more in line (if possible) with the new rules.

House pictures…

I was asked what the rooms looked like, so a couple of pics…

The den is now livable, and ready for guests… 🙂

Den 3

The fireplace is off to the left, and it works!

And a longer shot of the dining room.

dining room

Yes, there are two dining room tables… The closer one is actually an old Sunday School table out of a little church in Louisiana my family is connected with. It’s over 100 years old. The back table is one I bought with the house, so I can at least seat 8 people! So far, I’ve had 7 folks around the two, and it does work… Kinda…

But I’m not giving up the two tables.

The next ‘big’ task is sorting out the garage. And trying to find out exactly how many sets of tools I have… Sigh…

It’s the bane of having effectively two households, geographically separated, and not being able to find (insert tool here). So you go buy one. And need one at the other place, and go buy one…

And the same goes for gun cleaning stuff… But that I’ll use up (eventually)!

Husar’s laws, 2015 updates…

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Golf is the art of playing fetch with yourself.

Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.

On the internet you can be anything you want. It’s strange so many people choose to be stupid.

Am I getting older or is the supermarket playing great music?

Somebody stole my identity last week. Today, they showed up at my door and pleaded for me to take it back.

The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

When I was little my dad convinced me that the Ice Cream truck only played music when it was sold out. Well played dad, well played.

Does anyone remember that time before Facebook, when we all went outside and did stuff?

I used to wonder what it’d be like to read other people’s mind. Then I got a Facebook account, and now I’m over it.

NASA’s robot Curiosity landed on Mars. Early pictures showed no signs of ESPN, beer, or porn.  This makes it very clear that men are not from Mars.

I don’t hate you. I just hope your next period is in a shark tank.

Please pick up the phone and text your husband how much you love and care about him. I don’t want to see that shit on Facebook.

The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe before you start looking like a mental patient.

My therapist said that my narcissism cause me to misread social situations. I’m pretty sure she was hitting on me.

I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters.. do they just give you a bra and say, “here fill this out”?

The speed in which a woman says “nothing” when asked “What’s wrong?” is inversely proportional to the severity of the shit storm that’s coming.

Denny’s has a slogan “If it’s your birthday, the meal is on us.” If you’re in Denny’s and it’s your birthday, your life sucks!

The pharmacist asked me my birthday again today .. . pretty sure she’s she’s going to get me something.


Maybe I WILL go learn that tablet…

Some assembly required… About 1400 SQFT worth…


No I’m not remodelling already…

But we might have bit off a bit more than we wanted…

But it was snowing outside, and we didn’t have anything ‘better’ to do. At least at the start.

In other news, apparently the story of what happened to our sailors in the Gulf has changed again. AND now Iran is releasing the five hostages they’ve had for quite a while. Mysteriously, the IAEA and UN now say Iran is in compliance for the nuke deal…

Are we living in Bizarro world or what???


Is kicking my ass… Sigh…

Pen tablet

Got a pen/tablet to try to take some of the pressure off the wrist and stop using a mouse (I really don’t want a carpal tunnel operation)…

Took a friend’s ‘advice’, and he warned me, “Takes some getting used to.”

Ya think???

Grrrr… And of course, since the buttons are multiply reconfigurable, NOTHING is marked…

And I can’t figure out which one does what, yet.  So it’s hunt/peck, cuss, go back, try it again…

Lather, rinse, repeat…

I’m going to go do something productive today, before I use this damn thing for target practice…