Oops… Apparently this morning’s post… Didn’t… Sorry!

A different time… When our country pulled together…

Nothing more need be said…

h/t JP

It’s the ‘little’ things…

Well, we got Lawdog back to blogging, so score one for us…

Peter and Dot are getting settled, and we’re getting into a routine amongst the group.

I don’t mind cooking, and I’ve actually cooked more in the last month than I probably did in the last six months. One of the best things?

NO LEFTOVERS! 🙂 And I’m not eating the same thing four days in a row… Yea!

Finally got my DL sorted out and now have one that says veteran on it, to go with my retired plate.

And I’ve determined what is going to be my exercise in futility here. It’s keeping the #(*% leaves out of the garage… sigh…

Swept it out this morning, walked to the back of the garage to put the broom up, looked around and there were MORE leaves than I’d just swept out. It’s going to be a never ending battle, that I know I’m going to lose, but I’m going to keep trying…

The problem is the prevailing winds ‘catch’ the corner of the garage just right, dammit!

In the YGTBSM category, we’re about out of Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) along with Tomahawk cruise missiles and various other missiles. BO has blocked, obfuscated or otherwise ignored contract renewals for weapons to the point that about the only thing left in the bunkers is the MK-82 Mod-0 dumb bombs…

And the Pentagon has finally called him on it.

President Barack Obama will ask Congress next week to approve $1.8 billion to buy 45,000 new bombs. 

Full article HERE.

The irony is, there is STILL no contract for any missiles… And rumor has it, we’re deep in the war reserve on most of what’s left.

And another one, apparent Hildabeast ‘won’ the Iowa caucus by winning SIX coin flips in SIX different precincts… One wonders where/how she smuggled the two headed coin in…

The really scary part is the Dems are down to her and Bernie. How in hell did it come to this???

On the good news side, if you’re a CMP member or member of an affiliated club, they DO have ammo, including .22 in stock now, and the prices are ‘reasonable’… HERE!


In flooring, not the other kind…

A question came up with respect to matching transitions to the floor color when we were doing the laminate flooring for Peter and Dot.

On the right side of the pic, you can see the corner of the hearth…

floor is done

Due to some issues Peter has, we discussed various options for transitions and I proposed doing a contrasting transition, like the one below.

Tranisiton to hearth

My rationale, which both Peter and Dot approved of, was to call attention to the transition, so they would pay attention to it, lessening the chance of a trip hazard.

I got outvoted though… I wanted to do them in purple with stripper dust… 🙂

In other transition news, it looks like both political parties are being ‘transitioned’ by the primary caucuses in Iowa and the way they are being conducted, including who is participating!!!

Going to be an interesting year…

It now appears Hildabeast had at least 1500 classified emails on her home brew server, and now the TS and above count is around 50 emails. My personal opinion, State ‘knew’ what she was doing, and basically turned a blind eye to it, as did the administration. I don’t know who threatened or blackmailed who, but this had to be pretty high up. “Most” of the government takes security pretty seriously, or at least it used to…



Husar’s Laws updates…

On average, an American man will have sex two to three times a week; whereas a Japanese man will have sex only one or two times a year. This is upsetting news to me … I had no idea I was Japanese.

When I die I want to be reincarnated as a spider. Just so I can finally hear a women say: “Oh, my God, it’s huge!”

If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.

We hang petty thieves and appoint the great ones to office.

If we got one-tenth of what was promised us in these State of the Union speeches, there wouldn’t be any inducement to go to heaven.

When I was a boy, I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it.

Politicians are people who, when they see the light at the end of the tunnel,  go out and buy some more tunnel.

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.

If you want a real friend that you can trust in Washington – get a dog.

If you don’t swear while driving then you’re not paying attention to the road at all.

If at first you don’t succeed.. try doing it the way your wife told you.

You’re never childless when you have a husband.

If there’s a bar where everybody knows your name you’re probably an alcoholic.

If we’re not to have midnight snacks … why is there a light in the refrigerator?

My decision making skills closely resemble that of a squirrel when crossing the street.

Sometimes I drink a glass of water just to surprise my liver.

Childhood is like being drunk; everyone remembers what you did except you.

I’m not the type of person you should put on speaker phone.

I can’t wait until I’m old enough to pretend I can’t hear.


Is everything!

Finished the work on Peter and Dot’s place this evening.

They arrived this evening and are in the guest bedroom…

Now we’ll see if they are happy with what we did. 🙂

It’s always a team effort, and it’s about friendship and ‘paying it forward’ so to speak. Folks helped me get settled in/unpacked/functional (the house anyway)…

The least I can do is to help others to do the same.

In the previous post, some folks were asking about the transitions. I’ll put a pic of those up later today, along with the rationale.

Woo hoo!!!

In answer to a couple of questions, yes the flooring DID get installed.

From this…


To this…

floor is done

All that is left is quarter-round and minor trim pieces, and it’s done…

Oh my aching (insert body part here depending on who was helping when), but a team effort pulled it off! And none of us did anything stupid with saws either! 🙂

And before somebody says something, yes it’s a random pattern, we didn’t try to ‘match’ the flooring or any fancy things like that. It was max conserve to try to save money on flooring, and ‘reusing’ where we could.

We just hope Peter and Dot are happy with it!

The Grey Man #4, tease…

Yes, I’m finally back to working on the novel. And I apologize for how long it’s taking. But between the surgery and the move, frankly I haven’t had the time to write ‘coherently’… If I ever do…

As usual, unedited… So don’t beat me up for that. It will get polished before it gets into the book.

It’s going to get drunk out

Jesse’s phone rang just after noon, puzzled she hit speaker and heard Marlene saying, “Just for tonight. And make reservations for dinner too.”

Jesse said, “Hello? Did you butt dial me?”

Marlene honked a laugh, “No dear, this is a warning order. You and Felicia need to pack an overnight bag, and one for Jace. Darlene is going to come get Boo Boo about five, and take her to her house. We’re going to spend the night down in San Diego.”

Jesse looked at the phone, “Uh, say what?”

There is going to be drinking at your apartment tonight, so us girls are going to have ourselves a pleasant evening without the boys.”

Jesse said, “Did I miss something?”

Marlene laughed again, “Apparently Gunner Price and my hubby, along with Mike Brill are going to come over and commiserate with Aaron over the end of his career. He just doesn’t know it yet. And I know from past experience, they’re going to get drunk and tell stories, and lie to each other, and get drunker… Matt will probably be designated the sober guy, to keep things under control, more or less.”

Jesse asked, “So we’re not welcome?”

Marlene replied, “Not a matter of not being welcome, it’s a matter of we have better things to do. It’s going to be a spa evening for us, and they are paying for it. Darl is making reservations now, and Boo Boo will be house sit, along with her dogs.”

“But Felicia doesn’t get off till five, and I…”

“Call her and give her a heads up. And don’t worry, this is all covered. Gotta run, see you at six.”

Jesse shook her head as Marlene hung up, thinking Okay, this is just plain nuts. The guys are going to get drunk and we’re going somewhere and spa… and food… What do I do with Jace?

Jesse quickly called Felicia, and passed the news to her, with Felicia being even more confused than Jesse already was. Jesse piddled around, packing and repacking a bag, then deciding to put all of her and Jace’s stuff in one bag and be done with it.

She made a pass through the apartment, cleaning it as she went, much to Jace’s delight as he helped her push the vacuum, and Boo Boo’s terror and she ran from room to room, trying to stay away from the vacuum.  At least this time she wasn’t chewing the hose.


Felicia had made it back to the apartment early, and she’d packed a bag, asking questions all the while and getting no answers from Jesse. Darlene came by and picked up Boo Boo, smiling and saying she was looking forward to a girl’s night out. She told Jesse and Felicia she’d be back at six to pick them up.

Aaron finally came in, followed by Matt about five minutes later. Both of them were worn out, but for different reasons. Aaron from the mental strain of the last couple of days, and doing final paperwork all day, and Matt from running a full range schedule today including having to pull repairs between relays on a balky pop up target. Both of them hit the showers and Jesse ran to the store for munchies, mentally calculating how much food the men would eat while drinking. She came back with two shopping bags full of chips, dip, cheese balls, and crackers along with a couple of six packs of Coke and Dr. Pepper just in case.

Aaron came into the kitchen as Jesse and Felicia were unloading the bags, “What’s for dinner?”

Jesse snorted, “Don’t ask me. Apparently you’re getting drunk is on the menu though.”

“What? I’m not planning on getting…”

The doorbell interrupted Aaron and Felicia answered it. Standing on the walk were four men that Felicia didn’t recognize, and she looked back at Jesse with a pleading look. Jesse motioned for her to let them in, and the four trooped into the house.

Aaron looked up and in a Pavlovian response, came to attention, “Gunner Price, can I help you? Gunner Best? What are you doing here?” Mike Brill and Sergeant Major Eberhart followed them in as they gathered in the living room.

Jesse said, “Gentlemen please come in.” Sticking out her hand to Gunner Best she continued, “I don’t think I know you, but if I didn’t know better, I’d swear your James Earl Jones.”

Gunner Best took her hand softly, with a rumbling laugh and a deep Southern accent, “You don’t know me, I’m off the east coast. Aaron used to work for me, along with Matt.”

“What brings you out here Gunner?”

My gen’rul is out here taking to the redneck’s gen’rul, so I tagged along. I heard what happened to Aaron, and frankly that’s a pretty shitty deal.”

Jesse nodded, “That it was Gunner. That it was.” She hugged Aaron tightly as the doorbell rang again.

She let go of Aaron and answered the door to see Toad standing there with Marlene. Waving them in Jesse turned to see Gunner Price taking bottles of bourbon and scotch out of a bag and sitting them on the kitchen table as Matt walked into the living room.

Marlene squealed, “Katie! What the hell are you doing here?” and rushed to Gunner Best who rumbled a laugh and hugged her.

“Marlene, you haven’t changed a bit! Debbie told me to tell you hello and you need to give her a call.”

Marlene replied, “I’ll do that.” Looking at Jesse, she said, “It’s time for us girls to go. We’ll be back tomorrow morning to pick up what’s left.”

As Jesse and Felicia went out the door, they heard Gunner Price say, “Okay drinking rules are everybody for himself, and Toad, you’re the DD.”


The women were sitting in the lounge enjoying a cocktail and laughing as Jesse fed Jace chips with guacamole when Felicia said, “Who are we waiting for?”

Darlene looked up and said, “Oh, there she is.” Waving at a middle-aged lady standing in the door of the lounge.

The petite blonde strolled over with an air of confidence, and Felicia said, “Oh, you’re the weather lady!”

“I’m Lisa Stone, I’m Eric Price’s wife. And yes, I’m the weather lady,” she said with a laugh.

Marlene said, “Lisa goes way back with us too. She’s one of the girls from Lejeune.”

Felicia said, “Lejeune?”

Lisa laughed again, “Actually much further back than that…”

Marlene interrupted, “Oh yeah, while I’m thinking about it, ‘Katie’ is here!”

Lisa spun around and said, “That sumbitch didn’t bring Debbie, did he?”

Marlene held up both hands in self-defense, “Hey now, I didn’t…”

Lisa laughed again, “Oh no, it’s just the regular pissing match with him. He never brings Debbie on his trips, so I get all the good stuff second-hand. Turning to Felicia she continued, “I’m actually a former BAM, and at one time I outranked both KT and Eric.”

Felicia asked, “BAM?”

“Big ass Marine.” Marlene, Darlene, and Jesse all broke out in laughter at that, considering that Lisa was maybe five feet three and a hundred and ten pounds even now. Lisa continued, “I was a weather forecaster at MCAS Beaufort, which is where I met Eric and ‘Katie’.  We got married and I got pregnant, so I got out of the Corps and went back to school. I got a degree in meteorology, figuring I could get a job with the National Weather Service wherever we ended up. But that translated into getting an offer to be the weather girl in Jacksonville, and I’ve managed to stay on the air ever since.”

Darlene said, “And nobody knows you’re married to a Marine. And I’m hungry, let’s go eat before we hit the spa.”

Marlene replied, “I already have the room key, we’re in the Crown Suite.  We’ll figure out the sleeping arrangements later.”


Gunner Price poured another round of scotch, and proposed another toast, “May the road rise up to meet you…”

Matt said, “That’s not a toast Gunner, that’s an Irish blessing.”

Gunner Price said, “Well, we’re drinkin’ scotch, so that’s close enough.”

Gunner Best replied, “Figures, an uneducated redneck can’t get it right. Here’s the proper way to do it!  We’ve drunk to the Queen — God bless her! — We’ve drunk to our mothers’ land; We’ve drunk to our English brother,   (But he does not understand); We’ve drunk to the wide creation,   And the Cross swings low for the mom, Last toast, and of Obligation,   A health to the Native-born!

Toad groaned, “Oh please don’t tell me we’re now going to be quoting Kipling all night…”

Gunner Best said, “Do you know it?”

Toad, Aaron and Matt all chimed in, “They change their skies above them, But not their hearts that roam! We learned from our wistful mothers  To call old England ‘home’… And Toad said, “The Native Born, eighteen ninety-four. Come on Gunner.”

Gunner Price chuckled, “Figures, give ‘Katie’ a little education…”

Gunner Best saluted the others with his glass, “I’ll have you know that ‘I’ am the educated one here. The redneck over there is from McRae, Georgia. It’s a little town down toward the southern part of the state. I, on the other hand, was raised in Athens, Georgia. So I’m much more highly educated.”

Aaron finished his glass with a hiccup, “Sho… Both of you are from Georgia? How… How long have you known each other? And why do they call you Katie? Always thought you were James… James Earl…”

Matt laughed, “Way too long!”

Gunner Price said, “Shaddap Casper, you too Hick. Y’all may be hogs, but you ain’t shit compared to what we were back in tha’ day.

Gunner Best replied, “Actually Hick, my real name is Kenneth Thomas, but the redneck over here called me Katie one night.”

“And a glorious fight it was!”

Gunner Best laughed, “Got us both busted too, you little shit.”

Toad sipped a coke, and relaxed as the tension eased after the gunners woozily shook hands. Then the two gunners started telling stories at that point, and the others just sat and listened.


The women were relaxing in the suite after their spa treatment and Jesse sighed, “I didn’t know a spa could be so nice! I don’t think I’ve ever been so relaxed. Even Jace is out like a light.”

Lisa replied, “I do this at least a couple of times a year. It lets me put up with Eric a little better.”

Felicia sighed, “I’ve never had one, and I wasn’t sure I would be comfortable with anybody massaging me, but now… Bring it on!”

Darlene languidly lifted her champagne flute, “To massages on a regular basis… So that we can put up with the men in our lives!”

All the women clinked glasses and settled back into the couches. Felicia leaned over and said quietly to Jesse, “How do we pay for this, and how much is it costing?”

Jesse shrugged, “Dunno, and right now I don’t care! Pampering like this is worth every penny. Hell, I’ll pay for it myself.”

Lisa leaned out of her chair and said, “This is on me. The station gets a discount for things here, and I’m not ashamed to take advantage of it. It’s also my way of apologizing to you for what the damn Corps did to your hubby. Eric is a bit more direct in his way of saying sorry, and so is KT, and it usually involves booze. I’m too old for the hangovers in the morning.”

Jesse looked over at Marlene, “Was it just me, or does ‘Katie’ really look like James Earl Jones? Or am I just too mixed up to think?”

Marlene laughed, “Yes, he does look like James Earl Jones twin brother!”

Felicia asked, “I wonder if the two of them ever met?”

Lisa laughed, “Apparently, years ago. I Mr. Jones was actually in the Army. But he’s three or four inches shorter than ‘Katie’ and probably ten years older. I understand there a lot of double-takes that night.”

Yep, I’m going to like it here…

JD Kinman flew over and we had lunch and a good chat today.

Of course I had to take him for BBQ, y’all know how that is…

Rafter J

We came back to the house and sat for a couple of hours talking writing, people, shooting, the area here, and of course flying and the military.

He has an idea for us to basically form our own writer’s workshop here, considering that Peter and Dot, myself and a couple of other ‘unnamed’ but hopefully soon to be writers are all in the same area.

We also talked about reviews and why you don’t read them, and authors who mostly get it right, but occasionally let a whopper get through…

Come to find out Larry Correia has also helped JD, like he’s done with me. For somebody that is supposedly the ILOE, seems like he’s doing a lot of good for those of us who just like to write good fiction… Who’d a thunk it…

I ‘think’ I got talked into a trip to Dallas to go shooting with a few revolvers sometime in the near future too… (One of these days I’ll learn to keep my yap shut… Or not…)

It was a good time, and I know ‘I’ enjoyed it immensely! And JD and his wife are also dog people, so looks like I’ll end up getting help from them on a puppy or larger for the house later this year.

Back in battery…

Home after a great trip seeing the kids for their birthdays…

Hmmm, guess I need to stop calling them kids, since THEY have kids of their own… Or not… 🙂

Nothing like early morning drives in rental cars over strange roads through hills and valleys in the fog. And just to add a little spice to the trip, meeting a oversize load in the valley, in a curve with flashing lights everywhere is guaranteed to up the pucker factor. Took me 15 minutes to get the seat cushion out of my ass when I got to the airport!

This was a ‘light’ spot in the Tule fog!

Tule fog

And then there was the aging dope smoking, hemp wearing hippie at the airport…

Five minutes of back and forth with the coffee girl over how to prepare her soy ginger latte…

Then another five minutes bitching that they didn’t have locally grown honey, and how old is this sugar in the raw, and was it sustainably processed.

I’m afraid I ‘might’ have used a few unkind words to her… Something to the effect that we would like to get our coffee before hell froze over or she died of old age, and if she hadn’t smoked so much dope she ‘might’ have enough brain cells left to actually make a decision. Sigh… Yes I was a ‘tad’ grumpy yesterday morning!

And one more ‘weird’ Cali thing… This ONE leaf was flapping like hell, and not another leaf was moving in the tree!

I must have watched it for five minutes (yeah, yeah, I know… SQUIRREL). And it never fell. Gotta give it props for trying though! 🙂

Vito and the ball…

So I’m training my relief for the Vito ball chasing exercise…

Now if I could just get him to NOT bounce the ball off the rental car…

But hey, what the heck, he’s learning! 🙂

And of course he hauled it after he threw the ball, because…

Thanks to PPP, we have this…

Note that Vito did his damnest to push me over… He IS a leaner and a pusher…

But my knee was getting a lot of physical therapy the last couple of days!!!