Sorry for the lack of commenting/posting…

Been busy with house things, and getting new neighbors. Peter and Dot are now neighbors, and we’ve all been running pillar to post doing the myriad of crap one does when one buys a house and/or moves.

I listened to BO’s speech today, and nebulous seems to be the route he’s taking. Very few hard ‘facts’, if any… And I think he’s purposely structuring things so ‘widely’ that any of us could be caught up in his net this time around…

No definitions of what really constitutes a ‘gun dealer’ or  ‘gun seller’, and more worrisome, is the nebulous ‘internet’ sales. So if I advertise on Gun Broker or Arms List am I now considered a dealer? And if I sell one gun, is it ‘my’ job to do a background check on the buyer BEFORE I sell it to him? Why can’t I do FFL to FFL like we’ve done in the past? Or is that going to be illegal now???

So many questions, so few answers…

Texas Open Carry…

It’s here! And as usual the MSM, SJBs, and POS are promising blood in the streets and the ‘Wild West’… Sigh…

But if they really want wild west, I do happen to have the rig for that…


What better way to open carry than a rig that was actually carried ‘back in the day’…

Grandpa’s 1906 SAA in a Grassburr Leather rig. I’m not as skinny as Grandpa was back in the day… Just sayin…

Realistically, I probably won’t actually open carry with this rig, but it’s nice knowing that I CAN!

YMMV, I paid for the holster and belt myself. So there…

New Husar’s Laws…

These pick up where I left off last year… So the first one is #279 if anybody’s counting…

Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.

Aging seems the only available way to live a longer life.

My brain is like the Bermuda Triangle, Information goes in and then it’s never found again.

I’ve reached the age when my train of thought often leaves the station without me.

Some people just need a sympathetic pat… on the head …. with a hammer

If pro is the opposite of con then what is the opposite of progress? Congress!!

A woman’s rule of thumb. If it has tires or testicles, you’re going to have trouble with it.

If voting could really change anything, it would be illegal.

Make love, not war. Hell, do both: get married.

At the feast of ego, everyone goes hungry.

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Beauty is only a light switch away.

For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Chances are you’ll be one of them.

Quiters never win, winners never quit. But who never win and never quit are idiots.

You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you didn’t take, and, statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do.

If at first you don’t succeed, failure may be your style.

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.

If you can’t do something well, enjoy doing it poorly.

Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but lightning kills hundreds of people each year who are trying to find it.

Not all pain is gain.

If we don’t take care of the customer, maybe they’ll stop bugging us.

It is always darkest just before it goes pitch black.


The last box…

Finally got to the last box in the move. Yea!!!

It rattled, so now I’m wondering what’s in it…FullSizeRender (1)

Ah, more magazines… Another 21 in fact, plus more holsters…FullSizeRender (2)

And before you ask, yes those are old .mil AR mags. At least they’re green follower ones. I see two H&K AR mags, and a few P-Mags in that bunch too.

And the rest of the box was MORE cleaning stuff, and holsters…

Sigh, I really thought I’d cleaned out the spare holsters, but it looks like I didn’t do a real good job. Once again the lesson is learned about multiple locations, and multiple ‘copies’ of things.

The dump truck is full, and I DO mean full…

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I still can’t believe how much paper the packers used… And one set of blinds had to go away, as they were damaged (at least I didn’t break the window)…FullSizeRender (4)

Now comes the rearranging, and cleaning before the guests get here…

Dammit, I’m working harder NOW than when I had a real job…LOL


Debunking Hillary…

Debunking Clinton’s Gun Control Agenda

Clinton wants to bring back her husband’s failed ban on assault weapons.

The Facts: The congressionally-mandated study of the federal “assault weapon” law found that: “At best, the assault weapons ban can have only a limited effect on total gun murders, because the banned weapons were never involved in more than a modest fraction of all gun murders.” (Urban Institute, “Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994,” March 13, 1997, p. 3.)

Clinton wants so-called universal background checks. 

The Facts: Going back to the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, every firearm used in a high-profile mass shooting went through a background check. Not a single one was bought from an “unregulated private sale,” through “the Internet,” or in “the parking lot at a gun show.” 

Clinton is open to Australia-style gun confiscation. 

The Facts: There is no conclusive evidence Australia’s 1996 gun control law made the people of Australia any safer. Don Weatherburn, director of the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, told PolitiFact that the evidence is “far from conclusive.” Harvard’s David Hemenway, admitted, “We really don’t know.” While it is true that in the years after the law took effect, gun homicides and suicides declined. But they were declining before it took effect. Gun murders also subsided in this country after 1996. They fell in New Zealand, which declined to embrace the Australian approach.

Of course ‘we’ all know these are typical of the liberal left (who are protected by others with guns, so they never have to get their hands dirty)…

The NRA is also starting a new series of ads… HERE.

2016 is going to be a pivotal year in more than one way. It’s up to us peons to step up to the plate and make our voices heard.

h/t NRA Media

Happy New Year!!!

Well, we survived another trip around the sun…


Now it’s up to us to make the best of the coming year that we can…

My wish for the new year is that each of us do the following:

Make it to 2017!

Take time with family and friends on a regular basis.

Be productive in 2016, however one chooses to do that.

Remember those who serve; the military, LEOs, Fire, EMS who are out there everyday, worldwide.

For me, it’s been an interesting year… Basically a forced retirement due to back problems, a significant relocation, and a sputtering third career as an author. I’ve met some great people this year, had some fun, and I think I can say I went out with my head held high.

As for this blog, a touch over 500,000 viewers in 2015, a little over 7100 comments, and at least one new blogger started because of this one.

Can’t ask for much more than that…

It’s time to start screwing up those checks, and making all those resolutions you’re not going to keep anyway…

And no, I’m NOT doing any resolutions… 😛

We’d all like ‘whirled peas’, but we’re going to have to settle for less.  For me, it would be another year that I DON’T have to defend myself…

Down to the last boxes…


Glad I have a dump truck coming this weekend, I have half a garage full of paper, wrapping and boxes of more paper…

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One, count em, ONE room is actually clean and ready for guests…

I sat down long enough to watch a little news last night. I’m sorry I did… sigh

My BP went up, and I really had to refrain from yelling at the TV. It’s no wonder everyone is so pissed off! And how the hell is Hildabeast still walking around free? 999 classified messages on her little homebrew server, at least two are TS, and the Fibbies are STILL ‘investigating’???


Back to house cleaning and re-rearranging! I’ve got enough coffee cups for a small army! I did run across some cute pics of PPP and her sister when they were little, but I won’t embarrass them here… LOL

Since today is the 31st, let me take a moment to wish each and everyone a Happy New Year!!! And let’s hope 2016 is a better year for us, AND for the USA!




I’m in the middle of an interesting situation WRT changing states and getting new tags and a new driver’s license. It seems that a DD-214 that shows I’m retired gets me a USN Retired plate in Texas…


It will NOT get me a veteran’s notation on my driver’s license!

From the Texas DPS web page HERE,

A Texas driver license or ID card may be provided free-of-charge to a veteran of the United States Armed Forces if the veteran:

  1. Was honorably discharged
  2. Has a service-related disability of at least 60 percent
  3. Receives compensation from the United States because of the disability

The local DL office is hanging their hats on NOT giving me the veteran’s designation because my RETIRED DD-214 does not say honorable retirement…


Soooo… I talk to the local manager, and he won’t budge. Saying if it doesn’t say honorable on the DD-214, no veteran’s designation. He even questioned whether I should get a retired plate! When I tried to question the discrepancy, he told me words to the effect that I could call my legislator and get the law changed, or go back to the Navy and get a ‘corrected copy’ of a 1992 DD-214!!!

You can bet your ass I’ll be making some phone calls tomorrow!


Do these drones not understand that retired DD-214s don’t say honorably retired? Does anyone of my readers actually have a retired DD-214 that says honorable???

Just curious…


If I thought it would do any good, I’d put the guy’s name and office number out and ask for help, but it’s apparent he’s wrapped himself in the mantle of ‘Rules and Regulations state’, and he’s not budging out of his ‘comfort’ zone there…

Edit- Apparently I was given the WRONG version of the DD-214 when I retired… I got the short form, NOT the members form… Thanks to Peter for pointing out that there ‘should’ be blocks numbered up to 30. Mine ends at 21…

Sigh… Now filling out forms for a replacement form.

It’s all about ‘perspective’…

And what grabs the headlines…

We all know the left is pushing the 30,000 dead per year due to guns, right?

But did you know 50,000+ die each year due to toxic substances in the workplace?

Didn’t think so… Slate has a bumper article HERE on the big picture issues, most of which revolve around known toxic substances. The real question is, if the EPA is ‘really’ protecting us, why aren’t they going after these? And where is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?

A detailed report from the Center for Public Integrity HERE, points out that OSHA tries, but has had regulations/safety levels overturned or never enacted after years of effort. It’s a pretty long article, but worth the read.

While the EPA ‘protects’ individuals and the ‘environment’ as a whole, OSHA is responsible for the workplace (whatever that might be), but they are up against a much more aggressive set of players. Businesses don’t want more regulations, or to have to increase safety levels on the job. That costs money…

As a retired Navy type, I’m in the ‘exposure’ group for asbestos due to time on ships and working in old (WWII temp) buildings up through the early 1990s…

Kinda makes one wonder who’s side the administration is really on, doesn’t it…


Almost there…

I can see the floors in a couple of rooms! Yea!!!

And look what I found (finally)…

2015-12-27 15.05.04

The left shoe showed up, notice the label on the box… Sigh…

It’s the left, they are always wandering off down different paths. Or was that different drums…

Well, the weather is ‘interesting’, varying between snow/sleet this morning, to rain, to 50 mph winds. Now calling for somewhere between 1-10 inches of snow tonight (depending on which weatherguesser you listen to). I’ll update this in the morning after I have some coffee…