Are we next???

Looping around through Drudge and some other websites, I ran across this one… It is a radio interview with Sen Inhofe from Oklahoma where he says he overheard Billary and Boxer complaining about talk radion and wanting to “fix” … Continue reading

I’m tired of being lied to…

The war is lost, the immigrents “deserve” to stay, we’re going to clean up Congress, we need an new AWB… Where does it end… sigh… The war is lost ONLY if you cut and run… The troops on the ground … Continue reading

A Good Day at the Range

Well, the title kinda says it all… Took a few toys to the range at the request of a friend. He was bringing his kids and wanted them to have a chance to try different things… His kids were 18 … Continue reading

Origin of the word Aviator

This explains it all.As aviators, we come from a long line of a secret society, formed around one thousand years ago. We are warriors, and here is the proof! Ground pounders can read it and weep! A little known fact … Continue reading

Random Thoughts

It’s raining, so here I sit, rather that doing something productive… Anyhoo…. Random looks at the news, the net and TV are interesting- Fred Thompson is gaining on Guiliani in the straw polls, about the only coverage is online- nothing … Continue reading


Just Another Fr#$*% Monday… Ya know, one of those days when nothing goes right- First you fall outta bed, then realize you got up an hour too early, so what do you do? Go ahead an start the day… Drop … Continue reading

Media "Circus"

I wonder about our media today… Above the fold stories and news leads about Paris Hilton-Inside page or roller hits on the changing of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff- Which is really more important? Little miss rich … Continue reading

ONE of those days?

Travel is “such” fun… sigh…Everybody thinks travel for work is just like getting vacations all the time on the Government Dollar. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but travel for work is a pain in the … Continue reading

Run Fred Run….

Well it looks like it is “semi”- official that Fred Thompson will run in ’08. I for one am glad to hear it… Fred Thompson is plain spoken, is a friend of the “little people” like us, and is a … Continue reading

Memorial Day

Tomorrow we will “celebrate” Memorial Day. For many, it’s just another holiday away from work, and oh yeah, that thing with the flags at the Cemetary… sigh… It should be a day of rememberance for those who gave their lives … Continue reading